
Eclectic Method’s New Toy / Az Eclectic Method új játéka

Az Eclectic Method új, interaktív online VJ játékkal lepett meg minket. Utólsó mixüket keverhetjük újra a segítségével.
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" Video remix artists Eclectic Method cut and paste music videos, movies, current events, and video games into a danceable stream of sound and heady stretch of images. It’s fun to watch them “scratch” DVD’s live, and their recorded work makes for great YouTube fare.
But it’s even more fun to play with this stuff oneself. In true DIY fashion, they’ve created a super-easy video remixer that lets the least experienced or most stoned computer users to play mash-up with images from their last video.
(All you do is click on the image, and then use your number keys to jam.) "

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