
Live Cinema Festival

"The first edition of Live Cinema Festival takes place in Rome from September 17th to 20th in the spaces of Teatro Quarticciolo.

LCF - Live Cinema Festival 
17 - 20 September, 2014
Teatro Quarticciolo | Rome
Free entrance submitted to available places
RESERVATION: http://livecinemafestival.com/reservation/

Live Cinema Festival is a live performing exhibition that explores and promotes all the artistic trends whom is attributed the term “Live Cinema”, with performances by artists from Italy, Germany, England, Holland, Poland and Belarus, which have made this narrative technique their stylistic code.
The opening night of Wednesday starts with The Light Surgeons, a british collective that over the past 15 years  have helped to pioneer many new forms of cross disciplinary practice, from spectacular live cinema performances to bespoke installations using custom software, large scale exhibitions in museums and working with brands along with forging new forms of digital film making. Follows Drøp + FAXyoung artists who founded in 2013, along with Marco Berardi (Mogano) the Arboretum Records label, a cooperation platform for experiments in audio / video
Thursday is the moment of the polish  Vj Emiko, video artist, vj, video designer and photographer. By expressing the emotional states of a human – the vessel, her projects create audiovisual show, which, in connection with music, enhances the inner feelings of the audience. Follows Fabio Volpi aka Dies_ winner of Celeste award  in 2010, teacher and artist, specializing in multimedia performances and  average ensemble artistic creations. 
Friday is the time of Elektromoon, Polish - Hungarian collective formed in 2004 with a predilection for large format projection, video mapping, audio-visual performances, interactive video installations and video projections for theater. Is followed by another Italian duo, the musician and visual artist  Økapi and visual artist unz.snu from the collective More * Tv * V, who, starting from the original Opera Rotta written in 1989 by Bruno Munari and Davide Mosconi, de / structuring and re / up forty famous operas, according to the contemporary techniques of digital remix.
The final evening of Saturday foresees the performance of Alexei De Bronhe, Belarusian award-winning young artist with a passion for writing, script and music that is produced along with vj and videographic Artemiy KalininaThe final performance is by Peter Kirn, visual artist, composer and musician living in Germany, an expert and author of many publications on the intersection of technology with music and visual creativity.

Wednesday 17th September 2014
21:00 – 21:45 | Light Surgeons (UK/NL) | SuperEverything
22:15 – 23:00 | Drøp + FAX (DE) | Transition
Thursday 18th September 2014
21:00 – 21:45 | VJ Emiko (PL) | Exosphere in. Entalpia.
22:15 – 23:00 | Dies_ (IT) | Magnetic Variations
Friday 19th September 2014
21:00 – 21:45 | Elektro Moon Vision (PL/HU) | Underconstructions
22:15 – 23:00 | Okapi + unz.snu (IT) – Opera Riparata, Tribute to Bruno Munari
Saturday 20th September 2014
21:00 – 21:45 | Alexei De Bronhe + Artemiy Kalinin (BL) | Laserlove Townsheeps
22:15 – 23:00 | Peter Kirn (DE) | P KIRN live audiovisual set

Live Cinema Festival will be broadcasted in live streaming, thanks to the collaboration with VideoHackSpace, on the dedicated channel

Live Cinema Festival is selected as project of “Estate Romana 2014″ funded from Rome government 
which, through the exhibition of 8 artists, aims to exploit one of the outlying areas of the city, which, thanks to a program that combines emerging and known artists, could become a new center of cultural aggregation.

Live Cinema Festival is a cultural and artistic project, promoted by Flyer communication in co-production with LPM – Live Performers Meeting, FLxER.net, Linux Club, Free Hardware Foundation and Improvearts in collaboration with SIAE and ACEA with the support of Comune di Roma and approved by AVnode.


LPM Team"

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