
Real-time audio-responsive video FX test

Real-time audio-responsive video FX test from Terry Payman on Vimeo.

My purpose was to develop methods for quickly producing engaging video to accompany a music track, without needing to shoot any footage. It's disappointing when I check out the YouTube video for a song to find only a static shot of the EP sleeve!

I discovered a music track I liked very much by Reading UK band Bellyeyesmile http://bellyeyesmile.bandcamp.com/track/narrow-band-of-harrow, bought the EP and dissected Amy Carpenter's wonderful cover art http://www.alcdesign.me/index.html to provide animatable elements. I attempted to honour the style of this art in my additional work. Fortunately I had just discovered the impressive coding of Ben Weston http://evilsuperbrain.com, and added his realistic eye shader. See it in its full glory here https://www.shadertoy.com/view/XsfGWj

The only video software used was "Magic" VJ Software from Color & Music LLC. http://magicmusicvisuals.com
This is by far the most accessible and productive audio-responsive real-time program I have tried. Be warned that it's an addictively rewarding creative environment! All effects are generated in real-time, without any pre-rendering. This hugely facilitates experimentation and tuning.
The video is not edited. I pre-determined a timed playlist of scenes, and Magic produced the above video at the press of a button.

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