
Macau Fringe 2014 "The Room" demo (I)

Macau Fringe 2014 "The Room" demo (I) from Yip Pak To on Vimeo.

Macau Fringe Festival 2014 - “Mirage”
Interactive multi-media exhibition | Concert | Visual x Music
Date & Time:
Exhibition | 10/11/2014 ­ - 16/11/2014 | 12:00-18:00
Concert | 15/11/2014 | 20:00 – 23:30
Venue: Edifício do Tribunal

澳門藝穗節 2014 -《非現實現》
互動多媒體藝術展覽 | 音樂會| 影像 X 音樂
展覽 | 10/11/2014 ­ - 16/11/2014 | 12:00-18:00
音樂會 | 15/11/2014 | 20:00 – 23:30
地點: 南灣舊法院大樓

"The Room"
Yip Pak To 葉伯韜, Kuong Wing Hang 鄺永恆 (Saiyan) and Francisco Silveirinha (Noise808)
Interactive installation 互動裝置
Hong Kong and Macao 香港及澳門

Through this open platform, audience will have an opportunity to operate producer's instrument, and to understand how it works. "Noise 808", a producer from Macau uses different kind of sounds to produce music. The interactive video installation allows audience to experiment and manipulate images with different kind of sound effects.

觀眾可以透過這個開放空間看到電子音樂人的創作樂器以及了解其原理。並可以自由去操作這些機器,以澳門製作人 Noise 808預設的不同聲效及原創的聲音去組合和創作出不同的音樂。而當中的互動影像裝置更可讓觀眾以聲音去控制不同的影像效果。

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