

We are super exited to announce the next big update of Vezér 1.4 has been released, with a couple of new features – and important bug fixes as well – which  puts the application and possibilities a whole new level for sure. So, here is the list of the most exciting additions:


Cues was definitely the most requested feature since Vezér 1.0, so we are super happy this feature is ready and available in the app.  With Cues you can break a Composition into smaller parts for better control. Cues working like just Keyframes, so you will be comfortable with them in just seconds – but here is a super simple introduction video for boosting the process:

Using Cue points in Vezér 1.4 from luma beamerz on Vimeo.

OSC Flags

In Vezér 1.4 we introduced a new type of OSC Track, called OSC Flags. Flags working like simple commands, so every flag type keyframes has its own OSC address and possible constant values attached when needed. A lot of things is possible by using this new track type, so we are sure we will show you some examples and tutorials about it in the next coming weeks.

Many more!

OSC Feedback and Query: For now Vezér is able to send informations about its current state to an OSC target, like the playhead of the current composition, button states and more – you can even ask the app how many Cues are exists, so this will feature is super useful when you building a remote controller for Vezér.
DMX Soft Patch: with DMX soft patching you can re-route DMX channels, so when the setup changing you don’t need to modify your whole project – handy for travelling lighting shows.
From now you can also:
  • Lock a project
  • Select a range of the Composition
  • Art-Net not using exclusive mode anymore, so you can send DMX to localhost
  • Hours in Compositions length now supported
  • Enhanced sync capabilities
But there is a little downside too: with this release, we dropped support for OS X 10.6 – if you are using Snow Leopard, you can still download Vezér 1.3 here.

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