
Edition XVI May 28th - 31st 2015 | Rome

"Here we go!
The sixteenth edition of LPM Live Performers Meeting begins on May 28, 2015 in Rome, in the spaces of Nuovo Cinema Aquila, the location who already hosted the LPM 2011 Rome edition.
Some of the workshops and panels are featured in dedicated areas of the Sapienza University as the big final party during La Notte Bianca della Sapienza, open air festival fully self­managed and self­financed by the students collectives which takes place in the streets and squares of the campus and after 7 editions has become a very important event which involves more than 15.000 people in a night of debates, theatre, expositions and live performances.
In addition to the Meeting, LPM present the second Artistic Residency at Palazzo Chigi in the City of Formello (RM), produced with the assistance of the Province of Rome and the collaboration of the City of Formello.

The website of LPM XVI Edition is now on-line and starting from today  

Send us your best project or performance and join the most important event on LIVE VIDEO worldwide!
We are looking for:
  • AV Performances
  • VJ Sets
  • Live Mapping Performances
  • Interactive Installations
  • Project showcase
  • Workshops
  • Lectures
The registration form is only available on-line and
the subscriptions will be accepted until April 21, 2015

If you wish to participate to the Meeting, but you don’t want to performsubscribe anyway as you will have an incredible opportunity to meet hundreds of live video artists, experts and practitioners, so to further your knowledge of the hottest topics related to live video performance!
The aim of LPM is to promote and diffuse the free circulation of ideas, knowledge, techniques and languages related to LIVE VIDEO practice, which will be the main focus of the Meeting. 4 days in which there will be a spectacular, innovative and engaging program, that you too can help make unique.
Languages, techniques, cultural derives, innovative technologies: these are the themes that we want to discuss during our seminars and workshops. Send us your proposal for a talk, a presentation or a workshop and help us spreading knowledge!

LPM is produced and organized by Flyer Communication, Linux Club, FLxER.net

LPM Team"

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