
Animated Visuals | Compilation 2015

Animated Visuals | Compilation 2015 from Yino Huan on Vimeo.

An updated little compilation of animated loops used for live VJing at clubs, festivals, or concerts.

Music: Adam Port—»E Sound Edit«
[Recklessly shortened excerpt. Find and get the full EP »KM027—I Never Wear Black« on keinemusik.com]

Special thanks to Adam Port and Keinemusik for their kind permission.

Also, thank you so much—
to the whole Schwarzes Schaf family for making it one of my most favourite places,
Monstaub, especially Alex who got me my very first VJing job there,
Musclebeaver for teaching me how to produce studio visuals for television,
Stefan and Tobi for letting me being part of their great auto.matic.music events,
and to John et Paul who got me into this whole awesome VJing mess.

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