
S O N I F O R M S //Excerpts :: Cymatics Dome Projection

S O N I F O R M S //Excerpts :: Cymatics Dome Projection from Synthestruct on Vimeo.

S O N I F O R M S - is a live cymatics performance created for dome screen projection that was first showcased on the full dome screen system at Buehler Planetarium in May, 2015 as part of the “Dome Designers” series. The audio was arranged so that different parameters could be controlled live during the performance and used to manipulate the visual patterns of light reflecting on the surface of water set on top of the vibrating speaker. The cymatic visuals were captured with a camera and projected in real-time onto the dome screen to create an immersive audio/visual experience.

This video contains excerpts of the cymatics that were generated using the soundtrack from the live Soniforms performance. "Soniforms//Excerpts" was presented at Music Tech Festival in Umeå, Sweden, in June 2015.

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