
Bordos "Underneath"

Bordos "Underneath" from kuelbs on Vimeo.


visuals: Laszlo Zsolt Bordos / Bordos.ArtWorks
sound: 999 Moon Life by Drone Travolta
Underneath - is an abstract animation showing the construction of a 3d mesh as an analogy to the formation of crystals under microscopic view. The animation uses real images taken trough a microscope's lens, viewing the formation of different types of salt-crystals, witnessing the process of a fluid becoming a solid structure. The 3d mesh is generated by a fluid simulation and meshed with triangulated polygons is a digital replica of the solidification process. Underneath - created for the group exhibition called VIEWS, delivers the physically deepest point of view we can have on a phenomenon through a real and a virtual microscope layered together.

László Zsolt Bordos (also known as Bordos.ArtWorks) is a 3d artist living in Budapest, Hungary. In 2000 he started as a VJ, performing in the underground party culture of Budapest. With his early 3d-vjing (2001-2004), his participation to huge size architectural slide projections (2002-2005) and his outrageous video projections and 3d mapping projects (2006-2007), he became a pioneer of the genre. Cooperating with other artists since 2010, he started to run the projects under the name 'Bordos.ArtWorks and Invited Artists', which became internationally recognized as eminent representatives of video projection mapping. Since 2014 Bordos is focusing again on solo art projects, installations and scenery projections for theaters and operas.
http://bordos.eu, 3d@bordos.eu

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