
"Liquid Wall" installation for the 2015 "Epson Experience" at the Skylight in NYC

"Liquid Wall" installation for the 2015 "Epson Experience" at the Skylight in NYC from Eric Medine on Vimeo.

Video mapping installation for Epson's "Epson Experience" product launch event at the at the Skylight Modern in NYC. It features real-time color mixing using an iPad to control video "ink spray" in Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black. Thanks to the Power Posse Productions crew for their help in making the installation come together under a hectic schedule, Vivid Vision for supplying their awesome media server rig, and Adela Kriland from Omagica for the fantastic 3D tweaks in Watchout to get the ink bottle geometry just right!

Head over to TenTonRaygun.com for more info!

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