
Live Cinema Festiva

"The second edition of Live Cinema Festival is running in Rome until September 12th in Piazza dell'Immacolata, heart of San Lorenzo district.
Live Cinema Festival is part of the project of cultural cooperation LPM 2015 > 2018 realized with the contribution of the Creative Europe Culture Program for European Cooperation Projects, involving 14 partners from 13 different countries all over Europe, who contribute to the event by promoting artists from different countries,ensuring them the opportunity to become known and to increase their popularity at international level.
These are just some of the topics that will be addressed during the first Conference on Audience Development scheduled for tomorrow , Friday, September 11.

AV Audience Development Rome
Friday, Sept. 11th  
17:00 - 19:00
Aula Levi - Sapienza Università di Roma
Facolta di Lettere e Filosofia - Dipartimento di Storia dell’Arte e Spettacolo (Ex Vetrerie Sciarra)
Via dei Volsci, 122 - Roma
Conference will be broadcasted in live streaming on the dedicated channel

International partners and representatives of the local cultural scene are invited to debate and to identify the best strategies to help European artists and professionals to reach as many audience as possible across Europe as to extend to underneath groups the access to more exposed cultural projects.

Guests and programme:

Gianluca Del Gobbo – Flyer communication (LPM 2015 > 2018 Project leader)
Introduction - LPM 2015 > 2018 Project - Audience Development Program
Francesca Guida e Rossana Di Lella – Eccom Idee per la Cultura
Description of the role and activities for Culture Action Europe, partner of LPM 2015> 2018, in coordination and monitoring during the 14 events/year for three years, and in the three annual conferences in Brussels
Marzia Santone – Creative Europe Desk Italia – Ufficio Cultura – MiBACT
Looking for the European audience: Creative Europe and audience development
Emiliano Paoletti – Dipartimento Cultura Roma Capitale
Experience and interest of the City of Rome in Audience Development issue

Chiara Giannini Guazzugli e Gianluca Del Gobbo – Flyer communication
Experience and LPM model until today
Patrizia Braga – Melting Pro
Experiences and models of other EU projects
Stefano Vicari – Amore festival
Secret of the success of  Amore festival
Andrea Natella – Kook Artgency
Role of communication, especially non-conventional, as constituent in the development of a Audience Development  strategy

The Conference is presented by Culture Action Europe:
We believe that culture must be put at the heart of the public debate and decision-making. Because it is an essential component for societies that want to forge a better life for the current and future generations.
We believe that Europe can be the cradle of a new sustainable and democratic society. 
Because in Europe we have all the needed cultural assets. And because the EU is the first attempt in history to build a common sovereignty as an act of peace and respect for the culHAtural diversity.
We work to provide a place for the exchange of ideas, possibilities and debates that can improve societies and our daily life. 
Because we believe that many of us can act as multipliers for our collective and individual good.

LCF Team"

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