
Mapping Festival workshops

Dear all,
The Mapping Festival is glad to announce that registration for its new workshops is open!
Read below for details and feel free to spread the news by relaying it to your networks. You can also find our newsletter here: https://app.mailerlite.com/f1v1a2

Best from Geneva,



Noémie Hernandez
Communication / Web
+41(0)77 418 53 10
+41(0)22 552 03 02

Mapping Festival // 12e édition —> 28 avril - 8 mai 2016

True to its spirit of community and experimentation, the Mapping Festival returns with a unique range of workshops for its 12th edition
Both beginners and experts will once more be invited to explore a variety of subjects with an emphasis on new technologies and effervescent creativity, under the guidance of renowned specialists from all over the world.
The six workshops will be spread over the two weeks of the festival, which is taking place from April 28 to May 8, 2016 in Geneva.
The deadline for registration is April 1, 2016. Check out our website www.mappingfestival.com for more information and register via the dedicated form!

Sound Spatialisation in Immersive VR Environments /// 4-6.05 ///
C. Miltiadis (AT), A. Xydis (CH) et D. Shammas (CY)
Thanks to head-mounted displays and Kinect sensors, this workshop will explore the spatialisation of sound in a virtual reality setting, created in Unity 3D.

Visual Show Workflow /// 4-7.05 ///
Pfadfinderei (DE)
This workshop will focus on video and motion graphics production with classic timeline and composing techniques, following the steps of a standard workflow.

Deep Browsing /// 29.04-1.05 ///
Nicolas Maigret & Maria Roszkowska (FR)
This workshop is an introduction to deep web browsing and aims at pooling a data bank based on shared contents. Each participant will be equipped with a secured, anonymous browsing kit.
Visual Programming /// 4-7.05 ///
Pfadfinderei (DE)
Relying on Quartz Composer, this workshop will guide participants through the development of a visual idea, going from 2D and 3D compositing to integration of shaders and extended software.

Robotics and Electronics (ages 13-17) /// 30.04-1.05 ///
D. Romero Calderón (FR)
Intended for teenagers and youngsters between 13 and 17 years old, this workshop will teach them how to playfully build "moving robots" using drinking straws, a robotic kit and micro-servomotors.

Controlling Audiovisual Systems /// 29.04-2.05 ///
Playmodes (ES)
By working practically with timelines, algorithms and simulators, this workshop will address different strategies for controlling and composing complex multimedia systems.

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