
PROJECT X at ODETTA GALLERY in Brooklyn, NY 8.20.15

PROJECT X at ODETTA GALLERY in Brooklyn, NY 8.20.15 from Jeremy D. Slater on Vimeo.

‘Project X’ is an ambient/reactive video performance by Jeremy D. Slater, a.k.a.. ( ) and was first performed at Odetta Gallery in Brooklyn, New York on August 20, 2015 in collaboration with VJ Doctor Mojo. The title of the piece is derived from the title of the sculpture, ‘X Never Marks the Spot’ by Thomas Lendvai that was the projection surface for the performance.

‘Project X’ was performed in the gallery as an improvised performance with live music and video. Slater provided the video content and performed music live with MIDI guitar and sequencing on a laptop and VJ Doctor Mojo mixed the video live and set up the video projection mapping on the sculpture.

Notes and chords on the guitar were assigned to video clips so that the video would react to the live performance. This reactive video system is the basis of this work in progress and is a further exploration in my interest in video as an instrument.

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