
Live Cinema Festival 2016

"Ciao Vj,
The third edition of Live Cinema Festival will take place from 8th to 11th of September 2016 in the spaces of MACRO – Museo d'Arte Contemporanea di Roma at Via Nizza with a conference on the Audience development on the 7th of September.

Live Cinema Festival 2016
08th - 11th September
Opening with Screenings, Cocktails and  DjSet from 19.00
Live Cinema Performances from 22.00

This year Live Cinema Festival want to put in evidence how the new technologies, often seen as mere new tools, have really contribute to modify the method whereby artists approach to the creation itself.

Indeed new media can remodel and recode the sense of an aesthetics itself,revealing a new creative method which is declined to various applications,for exemple also trough the use of analogic technologies in an innovative  way

The festival aims to offer the audience an overview of different ways of interpreting Live Cinema, from analogic of projectors 16 mm to the last digital experiments, through the performances of 8  international artistic groups with 15 artists coming from: Hungary, Poland, United Kingdom, Netherlands, France, Germany, Czech Republic and Spain and over 30 artists guests of the screenings and a selection of the most interesting roman djs for the opening appetizers with a grand total of over 50 artists.

The chosen location for its third edition is Macro – Museo d'Arte Contemporanea di Roma, an interesting example of dialogue between historical heritage and contemporary architecture which, with its strong vocation connected to the world of innovation and artistic experimentation, is surely the right setting to host an artistic-cultural exposition aiming to offer a free and high quality cultural proposal to the area of Via Nizza and to the city of Rome.


The third edition run over 4 days from the 8th to the 11th of September, the program starts with the opening with musical appetizer from the 19:00 every day curated by a selection of partners from the most interesting and innovative crews of Rome, Female Cut, Butter, Strati ed Amen

Even from 19:00 The Auditorium of Macro host the screenings, a selection of documentaries, interviews, backstage and performances of Live Cinema able to offer to the visitors a whole picture of this new discipline;

From 22.00 in the MACRO foyer we have the core of the festival with 2 live performance per day by 8 artistic groups with 15 artists from Hungary, Poland, United Kingdom, Netherlands, France, Germany, Czech Republic and Spain.

The day before the opening, Wednesday 7th of September at 16:00, there is the “Av Audience Development” Conference where a network of roman organizations active in the fields of digital culture meets the local institutions.

Wednesday 7th September
16.00 - 19.00 | Sala Cinema | Conference AV Audience Development

8th - 11th September
19:00 - 00:00 | Auditorium | Screenings curated by Gianluca Del Gobbo and  Claudio Guerrieri
The Light Surgeons [UK] [NE] // Alexei De Bronhe [BE] // Artemiy Kalinin // [BE] // dies_ [IT] // Drøp [DE] // Elektro Moon Vision [PL] [HU] // FAX [IT] // okapi [IT] // Peter Kirn [DE] // unz.snu [IT] // vjemiko [PL] // Addictive TV [UK] // DIE! GOLDSTEIN [SP] // Kasia Justka [PL] [DE] // ogino:knauss [DE] // Ryo Ikeshiro [UK] // Suzanne van Dongen [NE] // Teatrino Elettrico [IT] // Vj Kinomatik (The Erasers) [GR] // Francesca Fini [IT]

Thursday 8th September
19.00 - 22.00 | Terrace | Aperitivo in cooperation with Female Cut
22:00 - 22:45 | Scoreline - Greg Pope [UK]
23:15 - 00:00 | Recession - 1024 Architecture [FR]

Friday 9th September
19.00 - 22.00 | Terrace | Cocktail in cooperation with Butter
22:00 - 22:45 | Living is mostly wasting time - Glimgrill (Michaela Grill & Andreas Berger) [AT]
23:15 - 00:00 | Entropic Love - Juliank (Henk Nijman & Julian Theelen [NL]

Saturday 10th September
19.00 - 22.00 | Bar | Cocktail in cooperation with  Strati
22:00 - 22:45 | New Museum Of Mankind - Ojoboca [DE]
23:15 - 00:00 | Phase Alternating Line - Gabor Kitzinger (Glowing Bulbs) & S-Olbricht [HU]

Sunday 11th September
19.00 - 22.00 | Bar | Cocktail in cooperation with AMEN
22:00 - 22:45 | Live A/V - Blažíček/Zbořil [CZ]
23:15 - 00:00 | Dimension N - Alba G.Corral [ES] & Dariusz Makaruk [PL]


Live Cinema Festival is part of the project of cooperation LPM 2015 > 2018 co-funded by the Creative Europe culture programme of the European Union, involving 14 events a year for three years, carried out by 13 partners from 12 countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Turkey and United Kingdom.

Live Cinema Festival 2016 is made with the support of Roma Capitale, in collaboration with SIAE and is part of the program of the 2016 edition of the grant ESTATE ROMANA “Roma, una Cultura Capitale”.

Live Cinema Festival is produced by Flyer Communication approved by AVnode Network, Ambasciata dei Paesi Bassi, British Council, Istituto Culturale Ceco, FLxER.net, Free Hardware Foundation, Istituto Cervantes and Linux Club Italia.


LCF Team"

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