
Interactive projections from the performance “Ich kam, sah und nichts — Die Kunst der Leere”

Interactive projections from the performance "Ich kam, sah und nichts — Die Kunst der Leere" from Matthieu Fraissinet-Tachet on Vimeo.


I am proud to present my first contribution as Creative Programmer to a live performance. I took part to the project "Ich kam, sah und nichts — Die Kunst der Leere" (which translates to "I came, saw and nothing — the art of emptiness" in english) by TUD-Schauspielstudio that was presented in Darmstadt (Germany) in July 2016. I designed interactive visuals for this purpose.
You can see excerpts from this 50min long performance in the following video (it features only the parts of the performance that involve interactive projections):

The projections are generated live, so that the visuals match the positions and the movements of the performers on stage. The bodies are detected with the kinect2 and the visuals are generated and projected with a software I wrote myself (you can find more information about it in my previous posts).
In this performance, the interactive projections are use to augment not only bodies but also words that hang on a wall. The words are detected using a camera and then visuals that match their positions are projected (the words are hung live, so that the word detection mechanism takes place during the performance).
The visual effects are then triggered and monitored using a midi controller.

Link to the performance: https://www.tud-schauspielstudio.de/produktionen/production-ich-kam-sah-und-nichts-die-kunst-der-leere/

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