

SYMBIOSIS from thegrrrl on Vimeo.

SYMBIOSIS /a mutually beneficial relationship between different people or groups/
A showcase video of a CREATIVE TECHNICAL experience evening
We joined forces with the incredible guys from Bad Weather, and put together an evening of entertainment for some networking and to showcase how a simple concept can grow and become something special with the right team behind it. Bad Weather were partnering with one of their key technical suppliers, C&S Audio

Bad Weather: badweather.co.za/
C&S Audio: csaudio.co.za/
Mr Sakitumi & The Grrrl: mrsakitumiandthegrrrl.com/

A special mention to our amazing sponsors:

Original Designer Furniture Hire


Shot and edited by: Tash Montlake

link to Bad Weather's upload of this : https://vimeo.com/175525391

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