
Mapping _ Digital Shifts

"Dear all,

Mapping _ Digital Shifts is glad to announce that registration for its new workshops is open!
Read below for details and feel free to spread the news by relaying it to your networks. 
Please note that we also propose two free masterclasses (no registration required): TouchDesigner for Creative Performance and Design Realtime Content for Spherical Environment (both conducted by artist Maotik). 

Best from Geneva,


True to its spirit of community and experimentation, the Mapping Festival, dedicated to audiovisual arts and digital cultures, returns with a unique range of workshops for its 13th edition under the heading Mapping _ Digital Shifts.
Both beginners and experts will once more be invited to explore a variety of subjects with an emphasis on new technologies and effervescent creativity, under the guidance of renowned specialists from all over the world.
The workshops will be spread over the three weeks of the festival, which is taking place from May 11 to May 28, 2017 in Geneva.
The deadline for registration is April 30, 2017. 
Check out our website www.mappingfestival.com for more information and register via the dedicated form!
Introduction to projection mapping (12-17 yo) /// 13-14.05 /// Etienne Mathé
Intended for teenagers and youngsters between 12 and 17 years old, this workshop will teach them how to create their first projection mapping thanks to the fun and simple HeavyM software.
Artefact /// 19-21.05 /// Mickaël Lafontaine & Xavier Seignard
This workshop will teach participants how to scan 3D objects in order to create an interactive device combining 3D animation, robotics and projection mapping. 
Interactive installations /// 23-24.05 /// B. Antoine-Loeff & N. Bertrand
This workshop aims at exploring various processes to create interactive installations including tangible interactions, animations, autonomous videomapping, and open-air video games.
3D Mapping /// 23–26.05 /// L. Zsolt Bordos, V. Vicsek & I. Kovács
Over the course of this four-day workshop, participants will acquire basic knowledge of mapping techniques (2D, 2,5D, 3D) and content creation. The results of their work will then be publicly screened. 
Introduction to TouchDesigner /// 25.05 /// Maotik
This workshop offers an introduction to the software TouchDesigner, an audiovisual platform that will equip you with the tools you need to create stunning realtime contents and rich user experiences.
Use your face as interface /// 27.05 /// Popesz Csaba Láng
Using Pure Data, a visual programming language for multimedia creations, participants will be able to control video playback with the movements of their face."

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