
Mapping_Digital Shifts

With ten days to go before the opening, Mapping _ Digital Shifts invites you to take a closer look to its Mapping LAB strand.
Take part in the international Paradigm Shift _ Forum, attend our free conferences and reserve the last places available for our workshops!

/// Paradigm Shift _ Forum @ACT on May 24 and 25 

Mapping _ Digital Shifts is proud to present the first edition of the Paradigm Shift _ Forum, which will be held at ACT (Le Commun, 28 rue des Bains) on May 24 and 25, 2017. This new international forum, supported by the Federal Office of Culture, will gather over two days inspiring artists, designers, curators, journalists, decision makers and researchers to critically reflect, raise questions and discuss the state of culture and society in today’s technology-driven world.
With this year’s theme: Technology Now, Society Tomorrow, and the Religion for a Brave New World, the forum takes a stand and explores the complex relationship of human-machine interaction, and the ways in which technology and the Internet are transforming culture. Through a series of talks, presentations, discussions, screenings and interactive sessions, the forum also considers what it means to be human in an age where technology is becoming an all-powerful tool that controls our minute-by-minute existence and shapes our bodies, brains, identities and even our sexuality.
// DAY 1: THE FUTURE UNFOLDING >> Wednesday, May 24, 9:30 am to 7:15 pm
// DAY 2: BECOMING HUMAN >> Thursday, May 25, 10:30 am to 7:30 pm
Free entrance - registration required via the dedicated form.
For all enquiries: forum@mappingfestival.com

Artist talks by Félicien Goguey, Nicolas Maigret, Maria Roszkowska, and Gordan Savičić in the context of exhibition DISNOVATION.ORG at ACT.

>> Friday, May 12, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm - free entrance
Sharing their personal research experiences around sound, image and space through their common project Z-1, Camille de Dieu and Laurent Novac seek to create universes in which the borders between reality and fiction are constantly redefined. In collaboration with the HEAD – Genève
>> Thursday, May 19, 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm - free entrance

/// Workshops: last places available! 

There are still a few places left for our workshops. Don't wait any longer to sign up via the dedicated form!
For its 13th edition, Mapping _ Digital Shifts also proposes three workshops especially intended for youngsters, which will take place at ACT:

Introduction to projection mapping - 12 to 17-year-old 

/// 13-14.05 ///
Etienne Mathé
Create your first videomapping with HeavyM, a simple and intuitive software!

Anaglyphes - families & kids from age 8 

/// 10.05 ///
Laura Giraud
Turn photographies or illustrations into 3D images!

Makey-Makey - families & kids from age 7 

/// 17.05 ///
Nicolas Chartier
(Re)discover the Makey-Makeys, these objects bestowed with the power to make fruits and vegetables interactive!
With Mirage FestivalLes Subsistances et AADN

Besides, our advanced workshops include Artefact3D MappingInteractive installationsand more >> Registration form
Full program and infos at www.mappingfestival.com.
For all enquiries: workshops@mappingfestival.com

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