
Polyhedral Kaleidoscope

Polyhedral Kaleidoscope from Playful Geometer on Vimeo.

Web app enabling virtual video projection map onto the surfaces of various star-shaped polyhedra. This app was originally built to enable an intuitive interface to design The Playful Geometer's polyhedral lampshade sculptures (shown here https://www.flickr.com/photos/playful_geometer/albums/72157634125836491), using pictures instead of a video pane. ***TRY IT LIVE*** (http://playful-geometer.net/polyhedral-kaleidoscope) . It's much better to enjoy this interactively inside the app, but this shall serve as a quick preview.

I would like to dedicated this project to the late Donald Coxeter who's tireless explorations into spatial symmetry made a profound impact on our understanding of polyhedron and its greater implications. I only wish he would have lived long enough to see this, as he lived his latter years in my place of residence (Toronto). Another thanks out to Siobhan Roberts whose video The Man Who Saved Geometry (https://vimeo.com/120725835) inspired this creation.

This app could not have existed without the practical support of the Open Source community whose work produced the fabric.js and Three.js libraries on which this app depends. Gratitude for these contributions.

Video attribution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGpnuTJhv1U

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