
Theme from Wrangler ICA Live

Theme from Wrangler ICA Live from disco_r.dance on Vimeo.

Wrangler perform live, visuals by Dan Conway with Nick Cope, reconfiguring Scratch and analogue video methods through digital VJ projection. ICA, London, January 2019.
edited by Nick cope

Nick Cope - "Scratch made a triumphal return to the ICA in January 2019, the gallery where it was first screened following its nascent beginnings at the Fridge nightclub, Brixton, in 1984. The London Short Film Festival asked Stephen ‘Mal’ Mallinder, founding member of Cabaret Voltaire, to curate an opening night event for the festival All This Scratching is Making Me Itch, dedicated to ‘Scratch aesthetic’ and an ‘excavation of the genre’. Mal asked me to be involved in remixing my old archive as part of a live audio-visual performance with his band Wrangler, and AV artist Dan Conway. With screens arrayed on three walls of the ICA’s large performance theatre and stacks of TV monitors, a programme of original Scratch works from the 1980s, newer work informed by Scratch, and live AV performances by Elsa Hewitt and Sweatmother set the scene for Wrangler’s headlining this opening night celebration."

pics - Wrangler performing with live Scratch video remix,
London ICA, January 2019.
(photos: E. Gabriel Edvy)

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