
“I AM HERE 2.0” Highlight / Hip Hop VJ show

"I AM HERE 2.0" Highlight / Hip Hop VJ show from Candy Lien on Vimeo.

作品名稱 Title / I AM HERE 2.0
作者 Director / 連翊庭 Candy Lien aka KSG
動畫 Animation / 連翊庭 Candy Lien aka KSG
即時影像 VJ / 連翊庭 Candy Lien aka KSG
混音DJ / The Hood Internet - 40 Years of Hip Hop

作品名稱定為“I AM HERE”其實是經過一連串創作體驗後的領悟。創作之於我,是一個向這個世界宣告我曾經存在的行為,用任何形式方法在這個世界留下我存在的痕跡,就像塗鴉寫手在城市裡留下自己的tag一樣。


The name of the work "I AM HERE" is actually a comprehension after a series of creating experience. To me, creating is an action announcing the world that I was here. Leaving traces by any forms or ways in this world showing that I had existed. Just as a graffiti writer putting their tags in the city.

In this project, I would like to follow this main spirit, combining what I learned and loved by these years. The music part is the remix of the 90s hip-hop songs which I love. The visual part is the animation of my graffiti and illustration works. And the works are combined by the form of a VJ show.

特別感謝 Special Thanks /
林景瑞老師 葉俊慶老師 黃右年 陳偉傑 蘇彥竹 吳東俊 孫瑀 王馨郁 吳亭宜 李宜玟 The Hood Internet

音樂 Music / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNx_3...

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