
outdoor dance floor by salvo lombardo | chiasma

outdoor dance floor by salvo lombardo | chiasma from salvo lombardo on Vimeo.

Outdoor dance floor reinterprets the contemporary clubbing esthetics, replacing the related imaginaries both in the theatrical and unconventional spaces. With this performance the Italian choreographer identifies in the in the club culture a hybrid dimension in which dance and music become a territory of “possibility" for the bodies transcending social and gender conventions. The performers put on the stage a choreographic action based on a series of imitable short sequences supported by a constant pulsation in relationship with the beat of the techno music. At the end of the piece the audience will be invited to join the flow to experience, through dance, new relational dynamics, echoes and reverberations of the movement. Outdoor dance floor embodies an act of pure sociality and aggregation of bodies.

concept, choreography, direction Salvo Lombardo
performance | Daria Greco, Salvo Lombardo
Vj set | Daniele Spanò
Dj set | Bunny Dakota (aka Martina Ruggeri \ Industria Indipendente)
production | Chiasma
with the support of | MIBAC - Ministero Beni e Attività Culturali
in collaboration with | Fondazione Romaeuropa
duration performance 30 minutes + dj set
year | 2018

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