
Iggy Kov Art Installation for Betahaus 10th-Anniversary Party Berlin Videomapping Audioresponsive

Iggy Kov Art Installation for Betahaus 10th-Anniversary Party Berlin Videomapping Audioresponsive from Iggy Kov on Vimeo.

Art Installation
Betahaus, Berlin

The art installation was prepared for the 10th-anniversary party of Betahaus Berlin. The topic of the party was "X-Utopia - the most extravagant version of your future self". Since Betahaus just moved to a new location in Neukölln, I decided to build an installation from their recycled materials, as a tribute to the respective history (10 years of boosting Berlin's Start-up community).
The installation came out as a retrofuturistic amalgam of shape and texture. Later during the party, I played a live VJ-Set with mapped video content, which was produced by the cutting-edge Instagram artist @nostalgicfuturism ;).

Special thanks to Niklas Zbozinek for the skillful carpentry.

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