
TouchDesigner 2019 Extreme: Basic Course Teaser

TouchDesigner 2019 Extreme: Basic Course Teaser from Licht.Pfad Studio on Vimeo.

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Learn TouchDesigner easily with Licht.Pfad’s new Beginner Course!

Reference: TouchDesigner is a visual programming language for real-time interactive multimedia content, used by artists, programmers and software designers to create performances, installations, and interactive media.

On behalf of Licht.Pfad studio, we’re happy to announce that our updated course for aspiring media artists is already available. Due to the new release of TouchDesigner 009, which added a number of additional functions and exciting new opportunities to work with a more diverse toolset, we improved and broadened our educational and training programs to meet the needs of constantly growing TouchDesigner community.

Licht.Pfad’s Beginner Course provides all the basics needed to get a fast track start on working with TouchDesigner. It would be suitable for students at all levels, regardless of whether they have any experience in programming or just started to explore this area.

During the course, we’ll look at different topics, including:

First Week:

Part I - Basic Concept

TV vs other media environments (vvvv, pd, max/msp)
Paradigm and workflow in a node-based environment
Basics of TD interface. Data Types, Contexts and the Lexicon
Everything is an array - data types conversion
Structure of default project
Control of node parameters by CHOPS and Expressions
Advanced Chop Exporting
Importing 3D Scenes from Houdini & another 3D apps

Practical examples:
The basic setup of the animated 3D scene
Output to additional projectors/screens

Part II - Sound Reactivity and Basics of UI

Concept of Interactivity - Events and Continuous User interaction
CHOP and working with real-time data. Triggers.
How to build Sound-reactive Animation.
Nodes for Audio Generation / Processing
Noise CHOP. Count, Limit, Logic and Math CHOPS
Basics of UI Building
Structure of User Interface. Containers. In and Outs, Selects - Principles of building the Modular projects

Practical examples:
Building the Sound Analysis Tool
Creating of Sound Reactive 2D Animation
Building a Basic Synthesizer

Part III - Movie Playback and Animation

Advanced control of Video and Sound playback
Absolute and Relative timelines
Speed and Timer CHOP
Parameter Binding
Getting node Information. Feedback CHOP
Synchronisation of TD Servers, OSC and Timecode
TouchDesigner Library
Working with *.tox and Cloning
Folder DAT
Keyframe Animation
Playing, Recording, Importing and Exporting the Animation
Using TouchDesigner for Movie Editing and compositing. Exporting Video to HDD

Practical examples:
Building a custom Movie Player Tox with Advanced Control and interactive scroll bar
Making autoplaying playlist from the folder content
Making a music video combining the Keyframe animation and generative sound reaction

Course Program - Second Week:

Part IV - Geometry & Procedural Modeling:

SOP Data Structure
Attributes and Groups
Point and Primitive SOPs
Point Expressions as Modeling Tool. TScript vs Python.
Most Usable SOPs.
Editing of geometry attributes using CHOP
Basics of LSystems
Creating the Arrays of Geometry: Copy SOP and Instancing
Building the Loops for processing geometry
Texture Arrays. Creating Texture Arrays from video streams using GLSL
Particle SOP
Bullet Dynamics

Practical examples:
Building procedural landscape
Building generative minimalistic geometric Patterns

Part V - Rendering

Shading - Photorealism
PBR Rendering
Camera Controls
Light Controls and Shadows, faking reflection and refraction
Intro to Substance Designer
Shading - the basics of GLSL shading
Render Passes and Render Buffers, advanced compositing
Vertex Displacement
Panoramic, Fulldome and VR Rendering

Practical examples:
Rendering of the photorealistic Animation

Part VI - Interactivity and Interoperability

Event CHOP
Panel CHOP
Render Picking and Multi Touch Interfaces
Working with tabular data and scripting
Recording and Exporting the Kinect Data.
Using MIDI controllers

Practical examples:
Creating a Paint Tool
Building the 3D User Interface
Building the Movie Bin Tool with Movie cross blend
Building the VJ Application

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