

VIZINE_KUBLEX 01 from david bryen on Vimeo.

VIZINE is inspired by the popular, cheaply made magazines from a long time ago.


small-circulation self-published work of original or appropriated texts and images, usually reproduced via photocopier.

I want to take this a step into the future and add the element of VIDEO - Theirfor, VI - ZINE, not to be confused with VISINE, a brand of eye drops produced by Johnson & Johnson. Or perhaps it is.

I’m using VJ (video jockey) software I map specific video clips to individual musical notes on a piano keyboard. With layers of effects that match the BPM of my music, I manipulate the video clips. My images come from things I’ve edited going back to 1997, or randomly found. I’m making a unique kaleidoscope of vaguely recognisable images that confuse your perception of reality.

©2019 The Kubrick Lexicon

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