
How to create a Show-Deck in Resolume - the Egyptian Ankh Scene

How to create a Show-Deck in Resolume - the Egyptian Ankh Scene from STVinMotion on Vimeo.

In this video I'm sharing with you the creation process of making a deck in Resolume - hoping that it will help you in building your own decks and that it'll encourage you to come prepared to your Live Visual Performances.

So, I'm building the deck for the Egyptian Ankh Scene - a part of 4 scenes VJ Pack called Expanse that will be released on the 15th October 2019 here: www.stvinmotion.com/expanse

Some VJs have asked me to purchase decks from previous tutorials - saying it will save them precious time. So this is exactly what I'm doing with this VJ pack - preparing a Resolume Composition (inc. 4 decks) that will help you be ready for your show in one click.
I was about to prepare the decks and then thought that I might as well record the creation process and share it with you - hoping it will push you forward in your visual journey.
Hope you'll find this video helpful, and would love to hear your comments below.

To watch the first part where I build the Samoan deck: https://vimeo.com/366046323

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