

LPS_Mutek_2017 from Martin Borini (AILAVIU) on Vimeo.

LPS is conceived as an audiovisual set exposing the nature of video as purely light and shadow. In this lightning speech, the performance takes us to a more abstract level trying to reach the very essence of video technology. Each component (light, object and shadow) works as a single frame in a circular-shaped lightning-structure that points to an object in the center. The whole installation consists of one hundred RGB-LED lights in a circumference pointing to a center.

LPS concept was born of the deep thinking, research and random essays from Martin Borini (also known as AILAVIU). His early works as a vj as well as light or stage designer helped him develop this project, which at the same time was enhanced by some of his experimental works with light control through video operation and the study of changes in human perception. Martin is joined for the live performance by Ducasse, the music project of producer Luis María Ducasse. His sound goes from techno to acid house, playing in a live set hardware format specifically routed for the light installation. The sound concept interacts with the light performance and electronic audio devices in order to fuse and conceive dancefloor and installation as a whole.

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