
Final Film, What I miss since COVID.

Final Film, What I miss since COVID. from Jake Fuller on Vimeo.

This short film is a representation of what I miss the most since lockdown. I miss being a part of the Brighton regulars at the nightclub Volks, I felt a real sense of community there and that I belonged. I have a lot of footage from one night there last year that I was going to use for another project originally and looking back at it now is almost quite moving in some way or another. I have also shot some footage of me dancing alone in a park wearing a camo boiler suit and orange face mask as both a safety precaution for Corona and a joke, because I have based my look on 90's hardcore duo Altern-8. It is a sort of character I have come up with, a mysterious figure who just dances during this dark and difficult time. A well as the many strobes in Volks, I have included some filters and short loops within this video from two different collections. The loops that are yellow + red are from an archive folder of Altern-8's VJ loops that I just stumpled upon, online. Whilst the other filters are from an online collection I bought from a designer called Steve Mcfarlane. These VHS style filters and loops go hand in hand with the 90's aesthetic of my clothes and the colours and glitchy patterns blend in really well with the Volks lighting systems. Again, the choice of music I have chosen is very significant to me, it's from a guy called DJ Animebby and I asked him myself if I could use it for a project at some point awhile back on Facebook and he let me, you can interpret the song in two ways; on the one hand it was very sweet and reflects my love of that culture and the people within it. But it also sounds kinda eerie and haunting in a way with a pandemic on at the moment. I realise that this video is very short and doesn't get much of my theme/narrative across, I plan to continue editing this film and keep playing with it, because although it is a bit rushed I really like it and I think it represents me as an artist/person very sincerely.

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