
Showcase trailer - Millesuoni 30h Awakening

Showcase trailer - Millesuoni 30h Awakening from h3ml0ck on Vimeo.

Video Teaser realized for Millesuoni 30h Awakening

I was asked by Millesuoni team and Luca Scarpa, to both create the decorations for the party and to make a visual art show with videomapping and live visuals.
That is why I vectorialized all the masks I realized for the event using adobe illustrator and created a short animation//trailer to showcase my work and some of the stuff that I would beam on the walls.

I realized a total of 15 masks

The video was created using a mix of Resolume Arena to make VFX / The animations and adobe premiere pro to make the video editing.

'Transformation' - Kakofonico

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