
How to De-Authorize / Authorize MadMapper 4

How to De-Authorize / Authorize MadMapper 4 from garageCube on Vimeo.

You might need to reauthorise MadMapper when you have to repair your computer, format the Hard drive, sell your computer or just need to use MadMapper on another computer
If you need to authorize Madmapper on a different computer and you have already used 2 authorizations you must de-authorize Madmapper from one of the 2 computers BEFORE FROM MadMapper SOFTWARE.

Here is the procedure to de-authorize MadMapper 4
Mantatory required conditions: first you need to be connected to internet.

To deauthorize MadMapper:
1. Open MadMapper, click at the MadMapper Menu / Account
2. Choose from the list " De-authorize MadMapper…"
3. You will have then a window asking your admin password from your computer, if you do not have a password then click OK.
4. The deauthorisation will finish and a new window will appear on MadMapper to confirm it,
Click 'OK' or wait, MadMapper will quit and you will be able to install MadMapper on a new machine with the same licence.

If your computer gets stolen or broken, please write the technical support to support@garagecube.com

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