
Poor man’s spacetrip

Poor man's spacetrip from Geert Lenssens on Vimeo.

I was just playing around with a new set of videoloops in Resolume and recorded this set of 20 minutes. So, it is a try-out, it needs some improvements, but here it is for you to enjoy.

I posted a dozen of videoloops on Instagram during the first half of July '21 and was curious to find out what I can come up with using them as a VJ-set.

The music is a 32 bar audioloop I made in Ableton live with samples from different free packs by Function Loops, SoundShock, Ghosthack and 99Sounds. I have some variations on this, with some layers on or off. That is the basis you hear throughout the whole video. On a different layer inside Resolume I ramdomly triggered a 5-piece set of my own samples to add another dimension.

This video is recorded on wednessday July 27, 2021; a few days later then Bezos' first private flight into space: the richmen's spacetrip ...

videoloops: Davinci Resolve / Fusion
Audioloops: Ableton Live
VJ & audioplayback: Resolume Avenue 6

Geert Lenssens

note: due to the complexity of the images and my uploadlimit of 5GB the quality is rather poor ..

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