


24.-26. SEPTEMBER 2021


National, as well as international artists, will bathe the city of Weimar in spectacular lights, once again. This year with two annual themes, four buildings that are being mapped, and five winning installations.

In its 10th edition, the GLW presents not only one, but two topics. For the first time, it exhibits five artworks illuminating four buildings. The winning productions from 2020, referring to its topic “Hubris & High Culture” and this year's works on “True Crime” will be showcased. 

Starting at the 
Bastille, a truly historic piece representing Weimar's principality, the tour begins at the likely prison of the young maid and child murderess Johanna Catharina Höhn, who was beheaded for her crime. This story is being told by John Tettenborn and Kourtney Ross.  

The tour then continues around the southern facade of the baroque city palace, to the Marstall with its former Gestapo-dungeons. Here, the artists Vincenzo Gagliardi and Emanuele Musca attempt a closer look at the memories of the Marstall, a building that has a mixed past from its brilliance in the neo-renaissance and today, to the miserable role it played during the National Socialism and the hardships socialist Germany was confronted with.

Up at the Altenburg Franz Liszt hid the young Richard Wagner who was sought by warrant in Saxony, declaring him a revolutionist, terrorist and subversive being after the attempted uprising in Mai 1849. The audio-visual duo Flightgraf illuminates the building wishing to turn attention towards the improvised “invisible sound” by creating artwork with randomized, incidental components – as a tribute to the legendary concerts of Franz Liszt, who often inserted improvised excursions into his live performances. The second artwork illuminating the Altenburg, created by Vanessa Cardui, sketches memories of the past with a red ribbon: The bloody riots from the march revolution as well as the pursuit of freedom and unity which motivated the revolution are put into animated graphic illustrations. Due to the social distance regulations, the projections from the Altenburg will be shown on a screen at Kegelplatz.

The final main installation is at the  Goethe- und Schiller-Archiv, here the work of the animation- and video artists from Iran and Russia, Soheil Seraji and Nadira Madreimova will be premiering. It re-imagines the thoughts of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's poetry collection “West-östlichen Diwans”, resulting in a poetic visual animation-video.

Beyond the main attractions, an arrangement of Side Installations accompanies the festival route and gives a gripping insight to the wide-ranging scene of (illuminating) art of the region and yonder.

On the Saturday of the Festival, the Genius Loci Talk takes place at the Reithaus Weimar
. Here, international experts with varying backgrounds will give lectures and have discussions on the topic of Propaganda and public space, seeking interaction with the audience. (25.09.2021, 12:00-18:00, Reithaus Weimar, registration via email to orga@genius-loci-weimar.org)

The Genius Loci Lab and the mysterious ‚Schillernde Lichtung' will draw you to the Platz der Demokratie. Short films, visual live performances, and DJ-Sets of the Schiller-Disco await you here, as well as other surprises!

The Genius Loci Festival will start on Friday, September 24th, 2021 at 20:00. The Videomapping shows will be repeated regularly, the last show starts at 00:00. You are required to wear a medical mask in the festival area.

Genius Loci Weimar | Festival for videomapping and fassade projections | 24-26 September 2021, 20:00-24:00
Genius Loci Weimar | TALK "Propaganda and public space" | Reithaus | 25 September 2021, 12:00-18:00

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