
Hard Light/Soft Darkness: 9 Sonic & Visual Transmission Experiments

Hard Light/Soft Darkness: 9 Sonic & Visual Transmission Experiments from Marius Ritual on Vimeo.

More experiments in creative destruction theory’s.


This Video contains strobe effects and rapidly flashing lights. Warning to those who are sensitive and/or have photosensitive epilepsy.
Some sounds and images may be perceived as offensive to some viewers.

My compositions are made up of experimental moving images and sound art. They are a look into personal processes, feelings, rituals, investigations, and experimentations. They have no intended beginning, middle, or end.

An experimental conversation between sonic-image (still/moving), destruction within individuation and randomness-chance.

Fluxus study for random search non patterns with methods and mediums of individuated destruction theory’s.

Destruction = Answer
Accumulation = ?
Reduction in space = ?
Reality = ?

The Mood of Things & Objects - Spaces & Non Spaces

Abstraction within Sensation & Sensation Within Abstraction

“Many a creative artist has discovered that the most destructive thing they can do is to create”
John Latham-Statement from Deconstruction in Art Symposium // 1966

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