
Breath© by Turkar Gasimzada Avital Cohen, Flutes and Performance, Richard Schmutz VJ

Breath© by Turkar Gasimzada Avital Cohen, Flutes and Performance, Richard Schmutz VJ from Avital Cohen on Vimeo.

composed for and dedicated to Avital Cohen
Samuel Beckett, Text
Turkar Gasimzada, Music
Avital Cohen, Flutes und Performance  

Live recording (Premiere)
Composing Body Ensemble:
Avital Cohen, Flöten und Sound Arts
Turkar Gasimzada, Live Elektronics
Richard Schmutz, VJ
«Soapbox», PAKT BERN / Progr. Raum 013, Bern
20. August 2021, 20.00 h

The performance of «BREATH» composed as a sort of correspondence to the Samuel Beckett’s theater piece with the same title. It is an Opera piece composed for solo flute based on audiovisual breathing language developed by the flutist and performer Avital Cohen.
Light as an important aspect of a piece is observed both in Beckett's text and Gasimzada's music. Beckett indicates specifics of lighting for his theater piece, Gasimzada on the other hand takes that idea and sort of materializes it by applying those specifics to the sound of the flute.
The text will be occasionally audible and not, depending on the musical material that it comes with at the certain moment.

©All Rights are reserved for Turkar Gasimzada(Composition) Avital Cohen (Flute, and "breath language" and performance) and Richard Schmutz (VJ)

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