
UKF Future Visions: Noah B

UKF Future Visions: Noah B from Cursor on Vimeo.

Leading electronic music label UKF approached Cursor Video to create a recorded VJ set for one of their new artists Noah B, in an upcoming series of online streams. We were happy to take this on with Noah's set comprising a mixture of wave and dnb and always generating an atmospheric mood. Cursor Video's Creative Director undertook this project, utilising a selection of existing r+d Notch VJ scenes. Once each scene was optimised and programmed to work with MIDI controllers, a few takes of the MIDI control were recorded, allowing for a layering up of organically VJ'd effects in a single render. The background, main screen visuals were handled first, and then the greenscreen footage of Noah was cleaned up and a selection of treatments and post-fx were VJ'd using the same processes as about, to intergrate him into the visuals in a way that only a virtual format could offer.

We were incredinly honoured that shortly after its release, Notch reached out to us to ask if they could showcase the project!

Read more from that interview here:

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