
Midnight Snack

Midnight Snack from Lucas Dijkman on Vimeo.

Midnight Snack, 2022
Projection Mapping by Lucas Dijkman

Midnight Snack is about the feeling of reminiscence. As an extroverted person it can be difficult to stop and enjoy the life you are living at the moment. Midnight Snack is a reminder about all the good times one can have while enjoying your own company and eating a grilled cheese.

This is my first time using projection mapping and After Effects. It was difficult to focus on the conceptual part of this project because of the technical limitations I encountered. As a first time I was satisfied with the result. Of course the animations, compositions and footage used wouldn't be what I would use 2 years later but for me Midnight Snack opened the pathway to a world i'm always really fascinated by, VJ-ing.
And because of this it started me on a journey to become an animator as well as an artist who wants to work with lights and who wants to design stages.

You can say it all started here.

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