
Live Cinema Festival 2022 22 - 25 September Palazzo delle Esposizioni Roma


Ciao Vj,

From 22 to 25 September 2022 at Palazzo delle Esposizioni take place the ninth edition of the leading international festival dedicated to “Live Cinema”, an experimental narrative technique applied to performative video, which creates unique hypersensory shows by blending sounds and images in real time. “See the sounds, listen the images”.


Also this year you will experience new perspectives due to the contents and unique scenario created live by brilliant artists from Canada, UK, Spain, Portugal, Hungary, Norway, Czech Republic, Austria and all over Italy.

Four intense days in which sounds, video art and cutting-edge technologies are combine together in new expressive forms that impact the viewer's perspectives.

Twelve unreleased AV live performances are shown for the first time in Italy and perform in real time, screenings, talks, symposia, synaesthetic dinners will create an immersive experience in a unique Festival in Italy.



Sala 9 | Palazzo delle Esposizioni

21:00 > 21:30 | S0nax | AV Performance | MACK feat. Lototek

21:45 > 22:00 | At the planetarium | AV Installation | INITI [CZ] + Biosphere [NO]

22:00 > 22:45 | Evolve | AV Performance | Lighthouse: XYZ + Makro VJ + Siblicity [HU]

23:00 > 23:45 | Macchine Nostre | AV Performance | Agostino Maria Ticino + Paolo F. Bragaglia

Sala Cinema | Palazzo delle Esposizioni

20:45 > 21:00 | Q&A with directors | Lecture | OTU + Pedro Pantaleon [ES]

21:00 > 22:00 | Visualist “Those Who See Beyond” | Documentary | Pedro Pantaleon + Manuel Sánchez-Cid [ES]

BIGLIETTO 15 € + pr

Sala Auditorium | Palazzo delle Esposizioni

19:00 > 20:00 | The Eternal Body. I sensi umani come laboratorio di potere, tra crisi ecologica e transumanesimo | Lecture | Elena Giulia Abbiatici

20:00 > 22:00 | About Live Cinema | Screenings


Caffè delle Esposizioni | Palazzo delle Esposizioni

20:00 > 21:00 | Music and image: what does sound look like? | Lecture

21:00 > 22:00 | Cena Sinestetica 2022



Sala 9 | Palazzo delle Esposizioni

21:00 > 21:30 | Mirrors | AV Performance | NaH60

21:45 > 22:00 | At the planetarium | AV Installation | INITI [CZ] + Biosphere [NO]

22:00 > 22:45 | No Human | AV Performance | Nuno Mika [PT]

23:00 > 23:45 | Unsculpt | AV Performance | Myriam Bleau [CA]

Sala Cinema | Palazzo delle Esposizioni

21:00 > 22:00 | Visualist “Those Who See Beyond” | Documentary | Pedro Pantaleon + Manuel Sánchez-Cid [ES]

BIGLIETTO 15 € + pr

Sala Auditorium | Palazzo delle Esposizioni

19:00 > 22:00 | About Live Cinema | Screenings


Caffè delle Esposizioni | Palazzo delle Esposizioni

20:00 > 21:00 | Music and image: what does sound look like? | Lecture

21:00 > 22:00 | Cena Sinestetica 2022



Sala 9 | Palazzo delle Esposizioni

21:00 > 21:45 | System Works | AV Performance | Konx-om-Pax

21:45 > 22:00 | At the planetarium | AV Installation | INITI [CZ] + Biosphere [NO]

22:00 > 22:45 | Homunculus: an introduction | AV Performance | Capibara + Videosolid

23:00 > 23:30 | Mogador | AV Performance | Teo Serapiglia + Roberto Di Ciaccio

Sala Cinema | Palazzo delle Esposizioni

21:00 > 22:00 | Visualist “Those Who See Beyond” | Documentary | OTU + Pedro Pantaleon [ES]

BIGLIETTO 15 € + pr

Sala Auditorium | Palazzo delle Esposizioni

19:00 > 22:00 | About Live Cinema | Screenings


Caffè delle Esposizioni | Palazzo delle Esposizioni

20:00 > 21:00 | Music and image: what does sound look like? | Lecture

21:00 > 22:00 | Cena Sinestetica 2022



Sala 9 | Palazzo delle Esposizioni

21:00 > 21:15 | CYCLE~ | AV Performance | Rosario Grieco

21:45 > 22:00 | At the planetarium | AV Installation | INITI [CZ] + Biosphere [NO]

22:00 > 22:25 | Sentient Ocean | AV Performance | Monocolor [AT]

23:00 > 23:45 | Unison | AV Performance | Paraadiso [UK]

Sala Cinema | Palazzo delle Esposizioni

21:00 > 22:00 | Visualist “Those Who See Beyond” | Documentary | Pedro Pantaleon + Manuel Sánchez-Cid [ES]

BIGLIETTO 15 € + pr

Sala Auditorium | Palazzo delle Esposizioni

19:00 > 22:00 | About Live Cinema | Screenings


Caffè delle Esposizioni | Palazzo delle Esposizioni

20:00 > 21:00 | Music and image: what does sound look like? | Lecture

21:00 > 22:00 | Cena Sinestetica 2022



Sala Auditorium | Palazzo delle Esposizioni

16:00 > 19:00 | Visual Creation for Live Performance | Workshop | Konx-om-Pax

BIGLIETTO 80 € + pr


Live Cinema Festival 2022
22 - 25 September
Palazzo delle Esposizioni
Via Nazionale, 194 (entrance in Via Milano)

The events, with limited numbers and by reservation, will take place in compliance with the anti Covid-19 measures and may be subject to variations based on the applicable medical emergency measures


Live Cinema Festival is produced and organised by Flyer srl impresa socialeLinux Club and FLxER.net, with the cooperation with international partners.

The project, promoted by Roma Culture, is the winner of the Estate Romana 2020-2021-2022 public notice curated by the Cultural Activities Department and is carried out in collaboration with SIAE.



LCF Team

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