

ΛΕΚΑΝΗ - LEKANI from Ari Coyne on Vimeo.

**the second iteration of LEKANI will be shown on International Women‘s Day (March 8th 2023) at Deep Space 8K at Ars Electronica Center**

LEKANI is an ongoing transdisciplinary and immersive installation performance that is articulated on several levels of research: movement, live camera capture and VJ-ing, video projection, coding, music and costume design.
The project emerged from the DANU workshop between Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität and Kunstuniversität Linz, in co-operation with Ars Electronica Center.
The artists of LEKANI are currently in the process of further development and form an international, heterogeneous group with diverse artistic backgrounds and interests.

**The powers that surveil society are invisible to the surveilled. These powers are abstract and self-regulating - applied from all angles. The boundaries between observation and surveillance become blurred. Artists and audience are immersed in a contemporary and explicit panopticon. The traditional observation tower is replaced by digital devices which recreate a closed, guarded environment, resulting in a recursive relationship between surveillance and supervision. We are the observers observing ourselves.**

The artists welcome the audience to partake in a transdisciplinary experience, and are invited to notice the imperceptible, become aware of what is ignored, and recognize where they place their attention.
through movement, interconnected perception and audio-visual elements, the performers create an atmosphere in which they may temporarily dissolve their personal individuality, and become part of a new emergent, disciplinary organism, which exists as a set of relations to one another, at the intersection between art and technology.

Alejandra Benet, Ariathney Coyne, Sara Koniarek, Lucia Mauri

Daphne Xanthopoulou

Julia Moser

Constantin Georgescu
(Deep Space 8K Ars Electronica Festival 2022, Linz)

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