
Exploring interactive interfaces under sound and visual content

Exploring interactive interfaces under sound and visual content from Siyu Sun on Vimeo.

This paper researches the possibilities of using interactive interfaces to enhance audience
participation in audio-visualization artwork. The research will be conducted with three
interfaces: Arduino knob sensors, a web camera, and a leap-motion. Each input will trigger
different visual parameters, giving the audience dynamic exploration through projects.
This work is inspired by a performance area called VJ'ing, in which live visuals and music
are shared with audiences. I noticed most video jockeys (VJs) use MIDI Controllers and
knobs to build visual content which can match the DJ set. This inspired my interest in
exploring other interactive interfaces to manipulate visuals in new ways. I use
Research-Creation, a methodology through making combined with my previous knowledge
and practices, to build new approaches to sound visualization.
This work will be set up in an empty space; three different inputs will generate different
visual effects based on a similar visual style. The audience participating in the interactive
experience will see how different interfaces can create possibilities and inspire potential
users. These explorations' possibilities can apply to various areas, such as live performances
and digital art creations.

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