
360° Poetry Festival Vienna

360° Poetry Festival Vienna from Olga Wroniewicz PJAIT on Vimeo.

360 poetry festival in the planetarium of Vienna: nine live poetry performances surrounded by gigantic projections of custom-crafted animations.
Premiered the 29th of September 2023.
Each performer worked closely with a dedicated team of young artists from PJAIT Warsaw for half a year to produce visuals that augment and translate the meanings of poetry for audiovisual immersion.
Over 200 viewers watched this extraordinary show in which visual, kinetic, and spoken poetry became one amplified experience.
We carried out the endeavor in the frame of the Urban Travel Machines, an international exchange and research-supporting project co-funded by the Creative Europe EU grant. The project connected 3 European art universities (PJAIT Poland, Aalto Finland, AP Belgium) with science centers in nearby countries (VHS Vienna, Austria, AAHAA Tartu, Estonia, Casa de las Ciencias, A Coruña, Spain) and a slam poetry network to enable further cooperation on new possibilities for live immersive interdisciplinary experiences in full-dome venues.
spoken word/music artists: Iva Damjanovski (MK), Veroni Gyenge (SK/HU), Robert Prosser & Lan Sticker (AT), Malin Gustavsson (SE), Magdalena Walusiak (PL), Basquel (AT), Elif Duygu (AT), Lila Sovia (DE), Yasmo (AT)
immersive artists: the students of PJAIT Warsaw, Poland
curated and directed by Olga Wroniewicz, PJAIT Warsaw, Poland
postproduction: Ludwika Białkowska
video documentation: Jakub Pełka
photo documentation: Joanna Cielecka-Pełka, Kuba Zakrzewski
graphic design for the festival: Vlad Boyko
festival management: Kira Preckel, VHS Vienna
planetarium tech: Konstantin Kirner, Martin Dürrer
360 poetry festival host: Kian Köpf

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