
I’M_FINE: Real Time Performance

I'M_FINE: Real Time Performance from Anna Ren on Vimeo.

“I’M FINE” is an immersive real-time performance that delves into the exploration of personal identity. In this piece, the performer sits before a monitor that mirrors every movement they make. While the performer outwardly maintains a facade of being "fine," the monitor reveals a deeper narrative, showcasing an inner self that has already experienced a series of breakdowns and deconstructions. This visual progression mirrors the tumultuous journey of everyone's inner ego.

The backdrop features projection mapping technology, enhancing the performance with a curtain that serves both as a fluid and evocative element, aligning with the introspective nature of the show. As the VJ of the performance, Anna actively manipulated the visuals in real-time using a set of triggers in Unreal Engine and TouchDesigner, using a variety of shaders and post-processing effects to vividly bring out the chaos and fragmentation of the inner self.

Audience participation is integral to "I’M FINE." Spectators are provided with the prompt, "In your gaze, her existence," which they are encouraged to contemplate throughout the performance. This transforms them into active observers, whose role is to maintain their character by engaging deeply with the unfolding narrative.

Artist: Anna Ren, Erika Xiang, Yizhen Xiang.

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