

 Gallery of Open Call: Genius Loci Weimar Festival for Video Mapping &  Facade Projection - 1After three successful days and nights, the GENIUS LOCI WEIMAR facade projection festival

came to an end at midnight on Monday 2 September. This year's event centred on the

Buchenwald Memorial with the theme ‘It feels like 5 to 33’. Three areas of the site were

featured as part of the festival, including the Relief Steles that retell the history of the camp,

the pylons of the Street of Nations and the Buchenwald Bell Tower.

This year's edition was the largest and most extensive Genius Loci Festival: over 40 projectors,

80 loudspeakers, hundreds of lights, kilometres of power cables and four generators were

needed to cover the extensive memorial grounds. For the festival and the artists involved, it

was also a great honour to perform at a site of such national, international and historical


Over 20,000 visitors were able to reach the festival site by car or the specially organised bus

route and view the production. The organisers are delighted with the consistently positive

feedback from spectators and participating artists, especially as the character of the festival

differed significantly from previous editions in terms of subject matter, design and

emotionality. A first audiovisual impression of the event can be seen here in the festival trailer:

ownCloud (devicecontext.de).

This year's competition attracted over 100 entries from 22 different countries, making it one of

the strongest Genius Loci Weimar competitions to date. The creative studio mammasONica,

from Italy, with Ghostpoets illuminated the Stelenweg. The Area Composer, from Düsseldorf,

illuminated the Street of Nations with their work Empathy. The event concluded with the bell

tower staged by Marina Konther together with Martin Etienne from France with their

projection Silence.In addition to the artists, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all sponsors, the

various municipal institutions of the city of Weimar - especially the Stadtwirtschaft Weimar -

and everyone involved in the festival.

Genius Loci Weimar is organised by the festival organisation MXPerience gUG, this time in

cooperation with the Buchenwald Memorial, the State Chancellery of Thuringia, Kulturstadt

Weimar, Weimarer Sommer, ReBeam, Logando, Stadtwerke Weimar and Sparkasse

Mittelthüringen. The international festival for audiovisual projections GENIUS LOCI WEIMAR

was launched in 2012 as part of the Weimar Summer initiative. Over 50,000 visitors come to

Weimar every year to experience the festival weekend. Ideally located in the city of poets,

musicians and thinkers, the festival has become an important cultural event for Thuringia.

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