VJ Air Summer Showreel 2008 from VJ Air on Vimeo.
Summer in winter
Egy kis nyár a télben: VJ Air nyári showreelje. (Talán hoz egy kis meleget.)
VJ Air Summer Showreel 2008 from VJ Air on Vimeo.
VJ Air Summer Showreel 2008 from VJ Air on Vimeo.
VJamm Blueprint 1.0.1 - Freeware
VJamm Blueprint is an intutive yet powerful visual improvisation tool, designed with live performance in mind.
It is an ideal tool for the VJ (Video Jockey) who wants to produce un-rehearsed visuals to accompany a DJ or band.
Our goal when producing Blueprint was to empower the performer to play and synthesize visuals in realtime with the same ease as an electronic keyboard player can with sounds. The feedback from people who are now using the software is encouraging - many have found themselves rapidly absorbed in the creative process, producing compelling, original effects simply by exploring the available settings.
VJamm Blueprint has been used in the field by working VJs throughout its development, and incorporates ideas and lessons learned from hundreds of hours of live performance. VJamm Blueprint therefore has many features of key importance to live performance: live video inputs, rock-solid playback, fast triggering, multiple video outputs etc....
However, VJamm Blueprint can also be used to generate source footage. Complex effects can be played with in realtime, and rendered out at the touch of a button when they look right. Video editors can save hours generating material this way.
Although VJamm Blueprint has been aimed primarily at the silent VJ, since audio is supported, it can also be used for Audio/Visual (A/V) performances. This is a field in which VJamm Blueprints partner application, VJamm Pro, has a well established reputation.
Download VJamm Blueprint 1.0.1
Mapping Festival 09'
Call for entries to Mapping 2009 edition are online!
The dates are set for May 8th through the 17th 2009. Join us for our 5th anniversary.
We expect your projects and proposals for the following sections:
- VJing
- Audiovisual performance
- Installation
- Outdoor projection/performance
- Lectures/Workshops/Presnetations/Demos
The deadline for all submissions is January 26th 2009. The letter must be postmarked by that date.
To download the english version of the application please point your browser to:
" An audio visual experiment using the brilliant dream machine 2 and visual jockey.
Various movie clips from archive.org "
VJ style music video
Ezt a videót Saw készítette, a germán Blink and Remove kollektíva tagja. A csoport videó- és látvány-művészetekkel, élő vizuálokkal, zenei videókkal, rövid fílmekkel és grafikákkal foglalkozik. Ez a munka a Spruce zenekar Catch the Sun című számának Markus Güntner által megálmodott remixére készűlt.
catch the sun from saw / blink and remove on Vimeo.
" music video for spruce (markus güntner rmx). autumn atmo, stop-motion groove.
production: saw & rmo / blink and remove 2006.
music: spruce (markus güntner rmx).
video featured on cd "roommates - a compilation of schinderwies productions" (bavarian indie label).
also featured on spex.de (music magazine from berlin).
review in intro magazine (music magazine from collogne). "
catch the sun from saw / blink and remove on Vimeo.
" music video for spruce (markus güntner rmx). autumn atmo, stop-motion groove.
production: saw & rmo / blink and remove 2006.
music: spruce (markus güntner rmx).
video featured on cd "roommates - a compilation of schinderwies productions" (bavarian indie label).
also featured on spex.de (music magazine from berlin).
review in intro magazine (music magazine from collogne). "
Christmass video installation
A "Comete" Claudio Castelli karácsonyi videó installációja. Még mindig Kellemes Ünnepeket!
Comete- a Christmass video installation by Claudio Castelli from Claudio Castelli on Vimeo.
" A video installation by Claudio Castelli about "the Nativity", committed by the city of Grosseto for been installed during 2007 - 2008 Christmass period.
This video as been taked from a camera-phone, so the quality is not that great..
I will upload soon (as soon as my camcorder is -hopefully-repaired) a good quality hd version "
Comete- a Christmass video installation by Claudio Castelli from Claudio Castelli on Vimeo.
" A video installation by Claudio Castelli about "the Nativity", committed by the city of Grosseto for been installed during 2007 - 2008 Christmass period.
This video as been taked from a camera-phone, so the quality is not that great..
I will upload soon (as soon as my camcorder is -hopefully-repaired) a good quality hd version "
ClubDJ 3 Basic
Introducing ClubDJ dj software! Featuring breakthrough video mixing technology, ClubDJ is the must-have dj software for professional disc jockeys! ClubDJ powerful tool set, classic dual deck interface, Dac-2 hardware support, quick media search, massive file format support, and stable video/audio mixing environment will help you maximize each and every performance!
Breakthrough Video Mixing TechnologyWith the vision to create a leading-edge video mixing tool, MobileDJ Software joined forces with DeeJaysystems.com to create one of the most advanced dj software packages available, ClubDJ! The end result is one of the most innovative, affordable and stable video mixing dj software on market today.
Supports More Formats:
Audio Formats: MP3, WMA, OGG, MP34, AAC, M4A, WAV
Video Formats: AVI, Mpeg1, Mpeg2, DivX, XVid
Karaoke Formats: MP3+G, WMA+G, OGG+G, WAV+G, MP4+G,
AAC+G, M4A+G, and also supports zipped karaoke formats!
* Real-time dynamic BMP detection
* Precise playback control: play, pause, position, tempo, pitch, pitch bend
* Dual audio playback in two independent decks
* Frame-exact audio synchronization
* Audio Crossfade Control (Auto or manual)
* External Controller Support: DAC-2 ALL Hercules Consoles
* Dual audio outputs for using an external audio mixer
* Built-in emulated audio mixer with full PFL capabilities
* Playlist editor with auto-mix and auto-fade capability for seamless audio mixing
* Pin-Point Pitch controls
* Pin-Point Tempo controls
* Fade Now! Function for mixing current track with next one at any time
* DRM-Enabled for Windows Media files.
* 8 mixing Sampler decks
* 22 Cue points per deck
* Cue point indicator
* Set Cue points within a fraction of a millisecond
* Custom Looping
* Volume Normalization
* Treeview record case
* Drag and Drop Media Library
* Quick Media Search (Scan your Media Library by artist, title, album, BMP, length, year or genre)
* History List
* Save Load Playlist
* Shuffle playlist feature
* VU Meter display
* +12db/-24db 3-band equalizers automatic gain correction
* Sound Effects
* Album artwork display
* FREE unlimited trial
Perfect solution for:
- Mobile DJs
- Club DJs
- Beginner DJs
Size: 18.85 Mb
Download ClubDJ 3 Basic:
Download ClubDJ 3 Basic
AVmixer Pro 1.5 beta
" You can be one of the first to download and try the latest AVmixer Pro version 1.5. This beta is currently available for Windows platform, a Mac version will be available soon.
One of the exciting new features is the ability to capture part of your desktop and use it as a video source for mixing. This is useful for capturing Processing sketches or Flash movies. "
link to download, website
Psytrance VJ Demo - software video feedback from VJFader on Vimeo.
" Real time video feedback, psychedelic visuals created using AVmixer Pro 1.5, GOA Psytrance music sampled from Mistress Jade’s Parallel Universe.
Cover image is taken from Romio Shrestha’s celestial painting. "
Planet Gear By Tom Jenkinson
Squarepusher - Planet Gear from Warp Records on Vimeo.
" The overall concept of this video revolves around images of imaginary astronomical phenomena. I selected a method which I anticipated would be appropriate to the construction of "scaleless" objects, such that one could imagine them occupying planetary sized volumes of space.
read the full text at squarepusher.net/planetgear/ "
Video Set Up
"UpDate [AIE prod] - New Video Set Up" from bombaklak on Vimeo.
" UpDate [AIE prod]" New video set up !!
A medley of some tracks with our last video test on the new set up ! enjoy !
Live Video
Live Audio
Azop Corp
An Audiovisual Live Set from the Audiovisual Label "AIE prod"
Creative Commons License
stage beta #1 by COTTA Jérémie est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Paternité-Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale-Pas de Modification 2.0 France.
Contact booking : booking(at)aieprod.com
azopcorp.vjfrance.com "
SplatBox, the VJ app, on Microsoft Surface
Kevin Kennedy öt éve dolgozik a Microsoft Surface csapatában. Érdekkes alkalmazással foglalkozik, a neve: SplatBox. Ez egy VJ program, amit WPF-ben írtak. ( Hogy ez mi, ne kérdezzétek, mert fogalmam sincs. Ha valaki tudja, felvilágosíthatna bennünket! ) A megvalósítás még eléggé kiforratlan, de nagy lehetőségeket rejt magában.
Kevinnel Eric Havir készített interjút.
Kevinnel Eric Havir készített interjút.
compression reel
Mindenki találkozott már az interneten kompresszis hibák miatt széteső videókkal. David OReilly ezekből a hibákból alkotta művét.
compression reel from David OReilly on Vimeo.
showreel on drugs.
compression reel from David OReilly on Vimeo.
showreel on drugs.
Vj event in Tokyo

Aki nem tud magával mit kezdeni dec. 24-25.-én, az menjen el Tókyóba és megnézheti a klasszikus Hepburn fíl, a 'Love in the Afternoon" remixelt változatát elektrónikus muzsikával és japán táncosok rögtönzéseivel.
" his is the flyer for the Vj event i am doing in Kudanshita, Tokyo, this week.
24-25th December - Romance remixed - remix of classic Hepburn movie ‘Love in the Afternoon’ with electronic music by Kane Yoon (Australia), Piano by Japanese artist and improvised dance by Japanese artist "
FUN :))
Ten Thousand Pictures of You from Robin King on Vimeo.
" An exhilarating rollercoaster ride through the animated pictures of Sarah's world, as she gets revenge on the man who broke her heart!
Written, Directed & Edited by Robin King
Starring Denise Hoey, David Crow, Ruth Larkin
This pixilation (stop-motion animation using real people) was made in 2006 for Screen South as part of the UK Film Council's Digital Shorts scheme. As much as possible, it was made 'in camera' without digital superimposure, using thousands of printed materials. "
LICHTFAKTOR kellemes fényjátéka:
Forest from LICHTFAKTOR on Vimeo.
" This lightwriting video by LICHTFAKTOR, is the first one done in the nature, we did it in the forests of the High Fens in Belgium.
Thanks to the creative review magazine for there support, for more information check:
sound by the green man / basswerk
check: thegreenman.de "
Forest from LICHTFAKTOR on Vimeo.
" This lightwriting video by LICHTFAKTOR, is the first one done in the nature, we did it in the forests of the High Fens in Belgium.
Thanks to the creative review magazine for there support, for more information check:
sound by the green man / basswerk
check: thegreenman.de "
Shortcut Series 001 - Frames and Shapes
egy kis újdonság a luma beamerz-től:
Shortcut Series 001 - Frames and Shapes from luma beamerz on Vimeo.
" Shortcut Series is our vj loop creation method in collaboration with our music producer friends to make vj loops for clipz from their unfinished, unreleased tracks.
Music : Donvich - Polygon [unreleased]
myspace.com/donvichakadroid "
Shortcut Series 001 - Frames and Shapes from luma beamerz on Vimeo.
" Shortcut Series is our vj loop creation method in collaboration with our music producer friends to make vj loops for clipz from their unfinished, unreleased tracks.
Music : Donvich - Polygon [unreleased]
myspace.com/donvichakadroid "
Addictive TV Remix
Danny Boyle "Slumdog Millionaire" című, január 9-én bemutatásra kerülő, nagy érdeklődéssel várt fílmjének remixét készítette el az Addictive TV. ( A mozit már jelülték a Golden Globes-ra és az Oszkár jelölés sem kizárt. ) Az biztos, a remix remek!
" Meticulously sampling the film for its vibrant sounds and images, and reconstructing them into this fast-paced audiovisual remix mash-up, Addictive TV give Slumdog Millionaire their unique treatment.
Danny Boyle's forthcoming "Slumdog Millionaire" - which opens January 9th - looks set to be a big hit. The film, already nominated for the Golden Globes and tipped for the Oscars, tells the story of a kid from the slums of Mumbai who gets to go on India's "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?". "
" Meticulously sampling the film for its vibrant sounds and images, and reconstructing them into this fast-paced audiovisual remix mash-up, Addictive TV give Slumdog Millionaire their unique treatment.
Danny Boyle's forthcoming "Slumdog Millionaire" - which opens January 9th - looks set to be a big hit. The film, already nominated for the Golden Globes and tipped for the Oscars, tells the story of a kid from the slums of Mumbai who gets to go on India's "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?". "
ivanrobles német vizuálművész Bogota és Németország között pendlizve belekóstólt a VJ-be is...
volumen2VJivanrobles from ivanrobles on Vimeo.
volumen2VJivanrobles from ivanrobles on Vimeo.
“theOrb” Visual Projection System
VJ Fader vetítési szisztémájából kapunk egy kis bemutatót. Érdekes project.
theOrb Visual Projection System by VJ Fader @ Create Fixate from VJFader on Vimeo.
" “theOrb” is a visual projection system developed by VJ Fader. It’s first debuted at the Create Fixate group art show 12/06/2008. Soundtrack is taken from The Knife’s Silent Shout.
theOrb is constructed with four 4×6 feet mirrors held inside a metal frame, suspended 8 feet off the ground. The projection surface is at the ceiling of the installation. "
theOrb Visual Projection System by VJ Fader @ Create Fixate from VJFader on Vimeo.
" “theOrb” is a visual projection system developed by VJ Fader. It’s first debuted at the Create Fixate group art show 12/06/2008. Soundtrack is taken from The Knife’s Silent Shout.
theOrb is constructed with four 4×6 feet mirrors held inside a metal frame, suspended 8 feet off the ground. The projection surface is at the ceiling of the installation. "
Off the Wall (VJ Cuisine & DJ ChocoMel) at Paradiso, Amsterdam
Ma egy rövid riportot nézünk meg VJ Cuisine-nel és DJ ChocoMel-lel Amszterdamból: kik ők, mit csinálnak, hogyan csinálják, stb.
USB-to-DVI adapter for six-screen spanning
" Extra Small Design & Very Compatible
ViBook is possibly the smallest USB graphics solution currently on the market
Any display up to 22” supported:
1680x1050 wide
DVI or VGA (using the supplied high quality DVI-VGA cable accessory)
Compatible with Windows and Macintosh systems
Supports Hot Plug and Sleep/Hibernation
Innovative “Plug to Display” Concept
The compact size of ViBook allows users to directly plug to DVI displays using the supplied custom made adapter
Plug in ViBook USB-DVI cable and enjoy just a thin cable to connect your system
Turn DVI displays into convenient USB devices and connect them to virtually any system
ViBook VESA Cradle
Alternative mounting option allowing snap on of ViBook to displays
Connects VGA displays with the provided DVI-VGA high quality cable
Flexible solution
Pluggable Productivity
Once a display is turned into an USB enabled screen, you can plug it in any time you feel out of space as a productivity booster for the most complex activities. Use it as a dedicated screen to keep monitoring your stock trade markets or staying in touch with your Facebook network.
The Most Complete USB Graphics System
An unique and complete system is built around ViBook:
Different mounting options and accessories
High quality DVI VGA cable
Bundled in VT MultiDisplay full license software - $49 value
Optional longer USB cables (3 m, 10 ft)
Optional longer USB extension cable (5 m, 16 ft)
Optional longer DVI to VGA high quality cable (1.5 m, 5 ft) "
VJ clip
A Joy Formidable videóját az angol VJ Judderman / Steve készítette és nem sikerűlt rosszúl...
" Luma Beamerz vj crew was born in May, 2007, and has two members: Gábor Füle (Füles) and Tamas Nagy (.lov.).
Our bases are in Hungary, Tapioszele and Budapest. We vjing on different music styles and parties, like techhouse, minimal, drumandbass, breakz, psytrance and electronica.
We use our own created software, called CoGe. This is an open-source project based on Quartz Composer, for more information, please visit http://coge.lovqc.hu. "
Megjelent a PCDJ VJ 5.2-es verziója!
" PCDJ VJ is the total entertainment package for the versatile DJ. Offering playback support for Audio, Video, and Karaoke, you have everything you need in one easy-to-use program. With advanced features such as one touch beat mixing, the karaoke singers list, and the video clip bank, PCDJ VJ is our mobile DJ dream package!
PCDJ VJ is the complete and reliable software package for the entertainer that offers the total live performance. DJ, VJ, and KJ all from one comprehensive interface that’s easy enough to use for the beginner, but with all the features the pros need and want. With our ultra-accurate automatic beat-mixing, your songs will always stay in sync, allowing you to focus on the other aspects of your mix. The seamless loop engine will let you pump out remixes on the fly, whether you’re mixing Video, Audio, or even Karaoke files. With frame accurate cueing and no-latency playback, you have the most realistic feel possible. Choose your method of control: Keyboard & Mouse, any MIDI controller, Time-code, or a HID device such as the PCDJ DAC-2, DAC-3, and all the Denon Midi Controllers and then some! Mix, Scratch, and Remix - with PCDJ VJ all your performance needs are at your fingertips.
• NEW Karaoke Singer Rotation List (Must install latest Microsoft DirectX for Karaoke list to work)
• Now with AutoPlay!
• Mix Video, Audio, and Karaoke files
• Clip Bank for instant load and playback of visualizations
• BPM calculation engine works with all types of music
• Automatic beat mix tracks
• Seamless smart looping
• Beat locked video and audio effects
• Instant search for tracks
• Media-case will automatically sort media types
• Set infinite cue points per track
• Headphone cueing with I/O soundcard support
• Many video effects and transitions to choose from
• Send out the video, karaoke, and scrolling text to a second display
• Live camera feed – mix live video right from the dance floor
• Master tempo and pitch control
• Realistic Scratching with mouse, midi control, time-code, or DAC-3
Supported Audio Formats: CD Playback, MP3, MP3Pro, MP4, M4A, WAV, AIFF, CDA, WMA, ASF, OGG, and iTunes ACC (non-DRM)
Supported Video and Karaoke formats: DVD, VOB, DIVX, MPG (1,2,4), AVI, WMV, and Karaoke (CDG – MP3+G)
Homepage - http://www.pcdj.com
Download Trial
Download PCDJ VJ 5.2 Full - EDGE
Quase-Cinema VJ software
A Quase-Cinemát a brazil Alexandre Rangel fejleszti. A program mindkét nagy platformon fut. A http://www.quasecinema.org/joomla/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=13&Itemid=27 oldalon találhattok további információkat főleg portugálul, de néhány kattintás után angol szöveg is található. Rövid regisztrálás után a program ingyen tőlthető.
" Características do software de VJ Quase-Cinema:
--- O software permite as seguintes funções:
- Visualizar até 4 camadas de vídeo com 18 modos de aplicação e controle de transparência.
- Visualização de arquivos 3D com animações criadas ou manipuladas em tempo real (além dos 4 canais de vídeo).
- Módulo de batucada, permitindo fazer uma batida com duas teclas e mapeá-las em diversos parâmetros dos vídeos.
- Módulo de colorização, com possibilidade de mapear cores nas sombras e altas-luzes dos vídeos.
- Loop tipo pong-ping (chega no ponto de saída e volta ao inverso até o ponto de entrada).
- Marcação de entrada e saída para filmes do banco de imagens ou para as imagens projetadas.
- Interação livre com cenas 3D em tempo real, integradas com as camadas de vídeo.
--- Interface visual para o performer
- Acesso via teclado à praticamente todas as funções do software.
- Janela de preview - Mostra o vídeo em movimento de filmes que estão no banco de imagens ou no banco de acionamento rápido.
- Janela de saída - Além da saída em tela cheia para o projetor de vídeo, o software mostra em uma janela o que está sendo mandado para o telão.
- Indicações individuais para cada camada de vídeo: velocidade, aplicação, loop, acesso randômico, transparência e cores aplicadas.
- Icones dos filmes do banco de imagens e banco de acionamento rápido.
--- Características técnicas
- Saída de vídeo com resolução NTSC (720x480) ou SVGA (800x600 - resolução nativa da saída do programa, acima de NTSC).
- Compatibilidade: Microsoft Windows 2000 ou XP, precisa do Quicktime instalado. Versão futura para MacOS.
- Requisitos mínimos: CPU acima de 2 GHz, 512 MB RAM, placa de vídeo com duas saídas (tela de controle e projeção) e um monitor SVGA (800x600) para a tela de controle.
- Para performance superior usando vídeos de alta-resolução, recomenda-se processador de 3 GHz, 2 GB de RAM, 2 HDs ligados em RAID e placa de vídeo GeForce 7800 GT (com duas saídas DVI/VGA) ou superior.
- Programado no Macromedia/Adobe Director, com a linguagem Lingo.
--- Compatibilidade de mídias
- Formato dos arquivos de video: QuickTime (320x240, 640x480 ou 800x600).
- Formato dos arquivos de 3D: Shockwave W3D.
O projeto completo de graduação em Artes Plásticas está disponível na área de downloads. "
BLUEPRINTS FOR ROMANS - Videoinstallation
BLUEPRINTS FOR ROMANSSlide - Videoinstallation by BOPA & & BRUNO TAIT
Supported by VMS VideoMovingSystems
Using Slide and VMS untis, Bopa and Bruno Tait incorporated neoclassical works from Return of the Gods into a slow motion light installation.
Ma "élő" felvételek lesznek: vagyis megnézhetünk néhány kollégát munka közben.
" A minimal live patching session made with vvvv using 5 projectors all around the LC Club. Nothing was previously patched, all was programmed in real time by each others during the party.
Kalle was managing DMX with is brand new interface running on vvvv too.
We were transmitting data in Artnet between the DMX system and 3 PC which were managing the projection.
Digital Slaves, Desaxismundi, Kalle ,Crustea and a really short featuring of Exyst for DMX.
Dj and live : Danton Eprom, Sprog, Sache Funke, Scratch Masssive, Radio Slave, Thomas Schumacher "
" A minimal live patching session made with vvvv using 5 projectors all around the LC Club. Nothing was previously patched, all was programmed in real time by each others during the party.
Kalle was managing DMX with is brand new interface running on vvvv too.
We were transmitting data in Artnet between the DMX system and 3 PC which were managing the projection.
Digital Slaves, Desaxismundi, Kalle ,Crustea and a really short featuring of Exyst for DMX.
Dj and live : Danton Eprom, Sprog, Sache Funke, Scratch Masssive, Radio Slave, Thomas Schumacher "
A wii kontrollerek remekűl használhatók a vetítések vezérlésére. Most nézzünk két példát:
" Control de la vidéo avec une manette de wii, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous voulez du "live vidéo wireless" dans vos soirées. Un concept innovant et amusant. "
" This is a tutorial to show how to use a Wii Guitar to control visuals on a mac for real time editing and effects. Software used is Darwinremote and Arkaos VJ. Music by Collide at collide.net. Video by GabeMac. "
" Control de la vidéo avec une manette de wii, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous voulez du "live vidéo wireless" dans vos soirées. Un concept innovant et amusant. "
" This is a tutorial to show how to use a Wii Guitar to control visuals on a mac for real time editing and effects. Software used is Darwinremote and Arkaos VJ. Music by Collide at collide.net. Video by GabeMac. "
A Cinesthesy 1.0 audió-vizuális festivált 2008 október 27 és november 1 között rendezték Franciaországban.
SATI@CINESTHESY 1.0 (EXTRACT) from PIXELS Transversaux on Vimeo.
WILDBITS (Pierre Mersadier) @ CINESTHESY1.0 (EXTRACT) from PIXELS Transversaux on Vimeo.
B Seite Visual Arts Festival - Visualist Party in Manheim, Germany
Bár a mai bejegyzés egy fesztiválról szól - aminek van magyar vonatkozása is, mint a végén láthatjátok :) -, némileg kapcsolódik a tegnapi cikkhez is, mert szó esik benne a QC-ről és tartalmaz pár QC címet is.
" How do you put on a great festival for visualists? Ask the crew behind B Seite (that’s B Side, for the native language of us current and former British Empire subjects). Visualist and Quartz Composer guru Shakinda (as seen previously in free tutorials here) was there, and reports back:
Last weekend I was over performing and giving a quartz composer workshop and the most excellent B Seite festvial, Pixelschubser and his team had put a fantastic amount of effort into a very inspiring program…. It was shot on a movie mode of a digital stills camera so excuse the quality and sound!
It looks insanely hot. If this doesn’t make you want to start throwing some eye candy-filled visual parties and workshops, nothing will. I know we can get our geek on just like the Germans (well, I have at least a few drops of German blood, and a German surname).
Viva la visualist revolucion!
B Seite / B Side Vj / Visual Arts Festival Mannheim :: Shakinda podcast from shakinda on Vimeo.
David, aka Mr. Monkeypresso, was also at Manheim’s B Seite visual fest. He sends along some documentation of his live set, which made use of some visual tools of which we’re already quite fond:
a small demo of my latest live visuals what i did in mannheim, at the great bseite festival. I used here for first time my soft. developed in quartz composer. Thanks for all who helped me in this (Kineme, Vade, Memo and more). And thanks for Benjamin Jantzen for the festival.
For some of those Quartz Composer Mac resources, see our previous story:
VDMX + Quartz Composer, in Free Video Tutorials
And you might want to specifically check out CDMo contributor vade’s own Cocoa/QC projects:
Plus of course the Kineme plug-ins and tutorials:
Kineme Quartz Composer Stuff
And the always-awesome Memo Akten, with lots of eye candy and still more QC resources:
Memo.tv "
live in mannheim at bseite festival from mr monkeypresso on Vimeo.
( createdigitalmotion )
" How do you put on a great festival for visualists? Ask the crew behind B Seite (that’s B Side, for the native language of us current and former British Empire subjects). Visualist and Quartz Composer guru Shakinda (as seen previously in free tutorials here) was there, and reports back:
Last weekend I was over performing and giving a quartz composer workshop and the most excellent B Seite festvial, Pixelschubser and his team had put a fantastic amount of effort into a very inspiring program…. It was shot on a movie mode of a digital stills camera so excuse the quality and sound!
It looks insanely hot. If this doesn’t make you want to start throwing some eye candy-filled visual parties and workshops, nothing will. I know we can get our geek on just like the Germans (well, I have at least a few drops of German blood, and a German surname).
Viva la visualist revolucion!
B Seite / B Side Vj / Visual Arts Festival Mannheim :: Shakinda podcast from shakinda on Vimeo.
David, aka Mr. Monkeypresso, was also at Manheim’s B Seite visual fest. He sends along some documentation of his live set, which made use of some visual tools of which we’re already quite fond:
a small demo of my latest live visuals what i did in mannheim, at the great bseite festival. I used here for first time my soft. developed in quartz composer. Thanks for all who helped me in this (Kineme, Vade, Memo and more). And thanks for Benjamin Jantzen for the festival.
For some of those Quartz Composer Mac resources, see our previous story:
VDMX + Quartz Composer, in Free Video Tutorials
And you might want to specifically check out CDMo contributor vade’s own Cocoa/QC projects:
Plus of course the Kineme plug-ins and tutorials:
Kineme Quartz Composer Stuff
And the always-awesome Memo Akten, with lots of eye candy and still more QC resources:
Memo.tv "
live in mannheim at bseite festival from mr monkeypresso on Vimeo.
( createdigitalmotion )
Qartz Composer Tutorials ( Workshop )
A Qartz Composer az OSX moduláris programnyelve, mely remekül alkalmas vizualizáció létrehozására és együttműködik minden QC fogadására képes VJ app-pal, mint pl a VDMX, CoGe, stb.
Bár a kezelése egyszerű, de azért elég absztrakt gondolkozást kíván, ezért kis segítségűl itt van pár oktatóanyag:
" As the first in what should be a series of Quartz Composer/VDMX tutorials, it shows the basic steps of how to make a ball bounce to the beat of the music.
Quartz Composer/VDMX tutorial no 1: The bouncing ball from goto10 on Vimeo.
The Quartz patch used is available here
Second installment of the series, showing some limitations of the technique used in part one, and a different way to sync visuals to the beat.
Quartz Composer/VDMX tutorial no 2: The bouncing ball, part two from goto10 on Vimeo.
Possibly the most perplexing concept to wrap your head around in Quartz Composer is the iterator. Iteration in code is pretty straightforward (think “for” loops), but while it’s powerful in a patch, it’s conceptually a bit of a challenge. So it’s great to see Kineme (makers of great QC plug-ins) making sense of it in this tutorial:
Tutorial on Iterators from Christopher Wright on Vimeo.
Shakinda has a look at getting your visuals grooving to the music:
The Irishman's Guide To Quartz Composer :: Lesson 3 :: LFO and Interpolation from shakinda on Vimeo.
If you just want a starter look at VDMX, check out aeinn’s complete guide, although it’s about time for a beta 7 guide!
Also via comments: Rolin of DecollageTV has put together a terrific list of links in his del.icio.us bookmarks (which I have to admit I hadn’t seen since their redesign – quite nice!)
Other QC and VDMX tutorial sites:
http://aienn.com/blog/2007/04/vdmx-tutorial "
Bár a kezelése egyszerű, de azért elég absztrakt gondolkozást kíván, ezért kis segítségűl itt van pár oktatóanyag:
" As the first in what should be a series of Quartz Composer/VDMX tutorials, it shows the basic steps of how to make a ball bounce to the beat of the music.
Quartz Composer/VDMX tutorial no 1: The bouncing ball from goto10 on Vimeo.
The Quartz patch used is available here
Second installment of the series, showing some limitations of the technique used in part one, and a different way to sync visuals to the beat.
Quartz Composer/VDMX tutorial no 2: The bouncing ball, part two from goto10 on Vimeo.
Possibly the most perplexing concept to wrap your head around in Quartz Composer is the iterator. Iteration in code is pretty straightforward (think “for” loops), but while it’s powerful in a patch, it’s conceptually a bit of a challenge. So it’s great to see Kineme (makers of great QC plug-ins) making sense of it in this tutorial:
Tutorial on Iterators from Christopher Wright on Vimeo.
Shakinda has a look at getting your visuals grooving to the music:
The Irishman's Guide To Quartz Composer :: Lesson 3 :: LFO and Interpolation from shakinda on Vimeo.
If you just want a starter look at VDMX, check out aeinn’s complete guide, although it’s about time for a beta 7 guide!
Also via comments: Rolin of DecollageTV has put together a terrific list of links in his del.icio.us bookmarks (which I have to admit I hadn’t seen since their redesign – quite nice!)
Other QC and VDMX tutorial sites:
http://aienn.com/blog/2007/04/vdmx-tutorial "
Cinesthesy 1.0 - AudioVisual Festival
" Last month saw an amazing lineup of European visualists performing in Créteil, Paris for the Cinesthesy 1.0 festival.
If you missed the live streaming of this event, or would like to see some of it again, you’re in luck! Les Pixels Transversaux have been posting entire performances (as well as “extracts”) to Vimeo:
SATI@CINESTHESY 1.0 (EXTRACT) from PIXELS Transversaux on Vimeo.
Sati (full version) give a performance which runs the gauntlet between minimalist soundscapes and muted tilt-shift photography, to techy tracks featuring animated vectors and motion design.
WILDBITS (Pierre Mersadier) @ CINESTHESY1.0 (EXTRACT) from PIXELS Transversaux on Vimeo.
Wildbits (full version) puts together 3 acts of beautifully composed 3D feedback effects and crunchy audio.
You can see the full performances and, being hosted on Vimeo, they’re also available for download and later viewing or projection at your own private Cinesthesy night!
It really is fantastic to see live events expanding to include streaming and further public documentation. Especially for AV performances, it’s a no-brainer to take the feeds going to the PA and projector and capture them for later dissemination, and the additional cameras and touches of live video mixing really bring the event to you.
More Cinesthesy performances will be posted in the future, so keep an eye on Les Pixels Transversaux on Vimeo for further viewing. "
( createdigitalmotion )
If you missed the live streaming of this event, or would like to see some of it again, you’re in luck! Les Pixels Transversaux have been posting entire performances (as well as “extracts”) to Vimeo:
SATI@CINESTHESY 1.0 (EXTRACT) from PIXELS Transversaux on Vimeo.
Sati (full version) give a performance which runs the gauntlet between minimalist soundscapes and muted tilt-shift photography, to techy tracks featuring animated vectors and motion design.
WILDBITS (Pierre Mersadier) @ CINESTHESY1.0 (EXTRACT) from PIXELS Transversaux on Vimeo.
Wildbits (full version) puts together 3 acts of beautifully composed 3D feedback effects and crunchy audio.
You can see the full performances and, being hosted on Vimeo, they’re also available for download and later viewing or projection at your own private Cinesthesy night!
It really is fantastic to see live events expanding to include streaming and further public documentation. Especially for AV performances, it’s a no-brainer to take the feeds going to the PA and projector and capture them for later dissemination, and the additional cameras and touches of live video mixing really bring the event to you.
More Cinesthesy performances will be posted in the future, so keep an eye on Les Pixels Transversaux on Vimeo for further viewing. "
( createdigitalmotion )
November 22-én rendezték az INTERFERENZ FESTIVAL fesztivált. egy kis ízelítő a programból:
Extraits son & VJing du festival Interferenz le 22 novembre 2008 au Zoo/Usine à Genève.
Extraits son & VJing du festival Interferenz le 22 novembre 2008 au Zoo/Usine à Genève.
Now on the Nintendo DS: OpenSoundControl
Most egy igen combos potenciális felhasználói tömeg, becslések szerint több mint 84 millió júzer használhatja immár az OSC-ot, ugyanis Tim Wood fejlesztésében megjelent a Nintendo DS-re is, a DSMI fejlesztői környezet/library kollekció keretében. Ezzel a tollat markolászó fejlesztők számára nyitott az út a nagyfelbontású protokoll használatához és rajta keresztül a számítógépes alkalmazások vezérléséhez.
További infók és letöltés Tim Wood weboldalán. "
( forrás: adsr )
" Big news from the homebrew Nintendo DS scene: OpenSoundControl is now supported, thanks to a community contribution from Tim Wood. That means you can drag your stylus around and send high-resolution data straight to software running on your computer. From the DSMI site:
OSC is an emerging standard for exchanging music control signals that is much more flexible and modern than MIDI. For example, OSC can directly communicate via network, so the PC-side DSMI server is not required.
fishuyo also made a nice demo with a Kaoss pad and sliders of the new OSC capabilities. It comes with a pd patch that is a nice little synth. Check out the demo’s source code! OSC is really easy to add to your application. And it’s the future! So, get libdsmi v3.0 now!
Add this to controller apps for the iPhone/iPod touch, and it’s easy to turn your mobile device into an additional controller. (Think an easy-to-add X/Y pad, for instance, that you can plop on that blank space on your keyboard.)
Full details:
I got lots of requests in our holiday guide survey for tutorials on Pd and tutorials on OSC, so – be sure you’re going to get a Pd + OSC tutorial!
For the record, this opens up OSC to as many as 84+ million units of hardware. (and that’s before you decide you want to get the new model just for the color red) "
( createdigitalmusic )
Top 20 VJs of 2008 - Christian S (Ireland)
Artist Name – Christian S
Real name – Crisy Scullion
Age - 27
+ Preferred URL links: www.christian-s.co.uk, www.myspace.com/dvjchristians
+ Primary country and area of influence: Ireland - Belfast
+ Primary label, affiliation, collective, and/or residency: Currently resident VJ/DJ for Vibe Collective in Belfast and Surround Sound Electronic in Derry. At present I am working with VJ Shakinda (also from Belfast) we are joining forces to create The VJs, a new VJ group. Currently we are in talks with Lush in Portrush as the new resident VJs for 2009.
Banshee - Music and Video by Christian S from Christian S on Vimeo.
+ Promo - upcoming gigs, releases, etc:
Recently The Japansese Pop Stars have been in contact with me about doing some Video Mixing for their new tracks and possibly working with them to help develop a Midi synched Audio Visual show for their Festival season in 2009 which will span over most of Europe.
You can see my list of upcoming gigs at myspace.com/dvjchristians
+ Type of work you do:
Im an audio/visual artist, I think the real power comes from merging the two forms together. I have two resident slots in Northern Ireland mostly visual stuff, but im preparing my AV set which I will start performing in the new year.
I also run Audio Innovation, a production company that specializes in audio production for radio stations and audio imaging for live DJ sets.
In the past I have released my dance music productions through a Belfast based label called Soul Tech Recordings although im now working with a new producer called GMX, So our new productions will be coming out under a different label.
+ Your team and what people generally do (even if you’re solo, you usually work with certain people frequently - how does that work?): My VJ stuff is mainly solo work, however as previously mentioned I have now teamed up with VJ Shakinda. We call ourselves The VJs, in the new year we could be taking over Irelands biggest club, Lush in portrush. Which is getting fitted with a 20foot by 15foot LCD screen.
+ Best gig: Its hard to name one but highlights of this year have been Miami Winter Music conference in march, playing with Ronnie Size and Reprazent live at Electric Picnic this summer was also a lot of fun and The main stage at Planet Love festival in Dublin also in summer, and winning the Edirol European VJ Challenge in London was a real thrill.
+ Most random thing that ever happened at a gig: Having to hold an umbrella over my gear in the q-dance tent at the planet love festival in Belfast (it can get very wet over here in Ireland J )
+ Non-VJ stuff you do: Producing music and currently im working on a BBC radio documentary for BBC radio ulster.
+ Who you’d love to work with in the near future: Coldcut =)
Christian S - Edirol VJ Challenge - 2nd mix from christian s on Vimeo.
Multiscreen setup
Multiscreen setup for the ending party of the Scopitones' festival 2008.
Real-time motion graphics made with vvvv.
Vj : Digital Slaves and Desaxismundi.
DJ: DJ Pone, Yuksek, Surkin, Dj Orgasmic.
Real-time motion graphics made with vvvv.
Vj : Digital Slaves and Desaxismundi.
DJ: DJ Pone, Yuksek, Surkin, Dj Orgasmic.
Vision'R VJ festival 2009 april
" Hi, 4th edition of Vision'R vj festival will happen in 2009 april
Let's send your projects about what is making sense for you.
Vision'R as festival in the terms of fairy everyday life and lights with tools.
Organized by VJs and mediaktivists, Vision'R is a collaborative event made to
support live expressions with visuals and/or sounds representations.
All the propositions that help us to define the limits of our post-disciplinar
practices and our no limit process are welcome (performances, workshops,
As in the past editions, Vision'R's program won't be reflects of entertainment
projects nor corporate ones. Clubbing contents or absences of content, without
self-criticism won't be examined.
Until January 15th, send us your propositions by e-mail only, including :
-photos or videos of the project (showreel) and pictures of you « on stage »
-Artistic description of the project (intention text, theory or critical
content, aims)
-Technical description with stuff you bring, Audio/Video outputs, and what you
To send us a dvd of the showreel part, ask about it in the mail you'll send us
with the other required information.
CONTACT : vision-r {at} reseaux-creation. org - {at} stands for @
http://vision-r. org (momentanely off) "
Let's send your projects about what is making sense for you.
Vision'R as festival in the terms of fairy everyday life and lights with tools.
Organized by VJs and mediaktivists, Vision'R is a collaborative event made to
support live expressions with visuals and/or sounds representations.
All the propositions that help us to define the limits of our post-disciplinar
practices and our no limit process are welcome (performances, workshops,
As in the past editions, Vision'R's program won't be reflects of entertainment
projects nor corporate ones. Clubbing contents or absences of content, without
self-criticism won't be examined.
Until January 15th, send us your propositions by e-mail only, including :
-photos or videos of the project (showreel) and pictures of you « on stage »
-Artistic description of the project (intention text, theory or critical
content, aims)
-Technical description with stuff you bring, Audio/Video outputs, and what you
To send us a dvd of the showreel part, ask about it in the mail you'll send us
with the other required information.
CONTACT : vision-r {at} reseaux-creation. org - {at} stands for @
http://vision-r. org (momentanely off) "
Hát ez nagyon állat...
" Videoprojection monumentale sur tous types de supports. Easyweb.fr specialiste de la video projection spectaculaire et géante… "
" Videoprojection monumentale sur tous types de supports. Easyweb.fr specialiste de la video projection spectaculaire et géante… "
Top 20 VJs of 2008 - Kyle Lyons (Spain)
+ Artist alias(es) and real name, age: Kyle Lyons, 31, born January 19th 1977 Capricorn.
+ Preferred URL links: http://www.myspace.com/vjloops, http://community.audiovisualizers.com/DmT
+ Primary country and area of influence: España “USA & Europe, 4th Dimension”
+ Primary label, affiliation, collective, and/or residency: VJ Loops (vjloops.tv)
+ Promo - upcoming gigs, releases, etc:
27th, 28th, 29th November at Wandû Palace - http://www.grupowandu.com
4th December at Wandû Palace - http://www.grupowandu.com
12th December at Club Baracca, Spain with Laurent Garnier - http://www.barracamusic.com/
13th December at Club Guru, Spain - http://www.gurudisco.com/
31st December NYE party with Club Zone in Valencia, Spain - http://www.clubzone.es/
2009 weekly residency at Club Pacha in Barcelona, Spain - http://www.pacha.com/
2009 weekly residency at MDF in Valencia, Spain - http://www.mdf.es/
AV Mix featuring Kyle Lyons & Dolom Zero from Kyle Lyons on Vimeo.
+ Type of work you do: VJ, Digital Media Artist, Photographer, Videographer and Editor for clubs, festivals, corporate & special events.
+ Your team and what people generally do (even if you’re solo, you usually work with certain people frequently - how does that work?):
Ana Villanueva - Flash animator & girlfriend <3
Pascal Kleiman - DJ that I tour with across Europe and parts unknown
Omar Carbona aka Dolom Zero - AV act in the works
Solly Levi - VJ, devoted father and business partner with VJ Loops
+ Best gig:
Disney Land in Paris, France
Desert Party in Israel
+ Most random thing that ever happened at a gig: I was attacked by 4 gypsies at a small club in Valencia, Spain called KeHouse. I got busted up pretty bad. O.o
VJ Loops AV mix featuring Kyle Lyons and DJ Electrobios from Kyle Lyons on Vimeo.
+ Non-VJ stuff you do: I manage DJ Pascal Kleiman. A very talented DJ who was born without arms and spins with his feet. He has overcome all obstacles and Pascal is a huge inspiration to me and my work.
+ Who you’d love to work with in the near future:
Visual wise:
I would love to work with OVT Visuals; these guys were my initial inspiration to become a VJ. The work they did at rave parties back in Chicago in 1995 were the leading cause of my visual madness.
I would enjoy working along side AntiVJ label, Crustea, Legoman, Easyweb and any other visual pioneers who are pushing the boundaries of visual creativity with video mapping and interactive installations.
It’s also been a lifelong dream of mine to travel to Asia and Australia. I think working with any Asian or Australian visual/motion graphics artists would be an amazing opportunity! Hint Hint
Audio wise:
I really enjoy all types of trance music and would love to get booked on a tour with a big act like Infected Mushroom.
No Alibi- Midimiliz from Kyle Lyons on Vimeo.
Top 20 VJs of 2008 (Girls) - Shantell Martin (Japan)
+ Preferred URL links:
+ Primary country and area of influence: The past four years Japan – Tokyo (Soon to relocate to New York)
+ Primary label, affiliation, collective, and/or residency:
Lightrhythm visuals (label)
London Calling (residency)
+ Promo - upcoming gigs, releases, etc:
Koob’s (My first solo album/DVD)
Koob’s (Press Link)
Wacom Case Study
David Report
Top 20 VJs of 2008 - VJ Dubassy (Barcelona)
+ Preferred URL links:
+ Primary country and area of influence: originally from london, moved to south of france and now based in barcelona
+ Primary label, affiliation, collective, and/or residency: working mostly with stock agenices selling my video, like getty images, shutterstock and vjloops, and resolume loops
Dubassy_visuals_dec07 from dubassy on Vimeo.
+ Promo - upcoming gigs, releases, etc:
my video collection represented at getty images >>
Gonna Get Ya, bootleg of House of Nonsense and the Gonna get ya vocal from dubassy on Vimeo.
+ Type of work you do: the majority of my time is spent on content creation, so this allows me to vj with 100percent my own created visuals. i love to show people at events the stuff that has come alive from my mind. currently my vjing work would be just the visuals, but i am working towards an audio visual project to take what i do to the next level.
i have performed as a vj for the past 7 years, originally i was based in london and played at most of london’s nightclubs at some point or other, including, a residency over two years at ministry of sound, plus clubs like fabric, cargo 93 feet east and the vibe bar. festivals included the big chill, glastonbury and homelands.
i moved to lie in the south of france and started working more around europe at clubs and festivals, and now for the last 6 months have been in spain. european highlights include, name festival in lille, kazantip in the ukraine, marsatac in marseille, urban artforms in austria. i also spent a month in india playing a elevate club in delhi and went to miami earlier this year to play some events at the winter music conference, including the beatport remix hotel event and miambient.
+ Best gig: best gig would either be opus vj event in marseille, or urban artforms in austria, just down to the sheer number of screens around the huge venues, visually eye popping.
+ Most random thing that ever happened at a gig: a lighting technician who became so messed up at the end of a clubnight that he started pissing in the lighting/sound booth, pretty close to my equipment!….
+ Non-VJ stuff you do: when im not doing something related to visuals, i’ll probably be on the beach, in the sea, or eating some nice food on a sunlit barcelona terrace with a fresh cervessa beer…or just sleeping..
+ Who you’d love to work with in the near future: in the future i hope to work more on more music videos, following on from this one ealrier in the year for maurro picotto, shot on location in ibiza -
also just expand my horizons into new areas. create new exciting visuals..hopefully can constantly evolve as an artist.
dubassy marseille film from dubassy on Vimeo.
Top 20 VJs of 2008 - 4youreye (Austria)
+ Artist alias(es) and real name, age: 4youreye, eva bischof & gery herlbauer
+ Preferred URL links: www.4youreye.at, www.myspace.com/4oureye
+ Primary country and area of influence: Austria / vienna
+ Primary label, affiliation, collective, and/or residency:
eye(con (our vj network) www.eye-con.tv
residency: flex club Vienna www.flex.at
4youreye 2005 demo reel
+ Promo - upcoming gigs, releases, etc:
- video for Ned Rise from Houztekk Records – was already played on Austrian TV some days ago. www.houztekk.com
- gig with Trentemøller next January
- sound:frame festival in Vienna www.soundframe.at - I am going to write an article for the festival catalogue about the beginnings of visuals and vj art and we are doing an exhibition there also about the same theme
- going to Peking next spring for performances and doing workshops there for Chinese vjs.
- Project “energy union” together with Coldcut – see www.myspace.com/energyunion
4youreye @ Flex Club Vienna
+ Type of work you do:
- Live Visuals in High Definition & Panorama Projections
- Video Installationen & VJ Art Projects
- VJ-Event series & Projekt “equaleyes” www.equaleyes.org
- Projektionsdesign / Bühnendesign
- VJ-Network eye|con www.eye-con.tv
- Projekt VJ-Camp Kreta (Crete / Greece) ww.myspace.com/vjcampcrete
- Maschine360 - 360 Grad Projektionen www.maschine360.at
- Salon Projektionist - Galerie für VJ-ART & PR POJEKTIONISMUS www.salon-projektionist.com (Vj art gallery)
- Houztekk - Visualising Sound 4 Houztekk Records www.houztekk.com
+ Your team and what people generally do (even if you’re solo, you usually work with certain people frequently - how does that work?): I don’t really have a team, but I enjoy teaming up with the lighttechnician or other technician of the party. That works great most of the time. I have a couple of friends that are also VJ’ing but we don’t team up much. We do battle sometimes, which is also good!
Video 4 Silhouette Shades
+ Best gig:
a highlight every year is the URBAN ARTFORMS FESTIVAL http://www.uaf-festival.at/
gery is doing the projection design which is every year more than incredible (more than 400 square meter projection space) and I am doing the vj booking – its so nice to meet all “my vjs” every year and meet new ones of cause and see their work life!
Of course we are also performing - last year we did a corporation with chris liebing – a dvd will be available next year at urbanartforms
+ Non-VJ stuff you do: being just a vj
+ Who you’d love to work with in the near future: fritz fitzke, www.fitzke.at
Projection Design 4 Hewlett Packard
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