Megint egy fesztiválról adok hírt: az SOS 4.8 fesztivált május másodikán és harmadikán rendezik Murciában.
Murcia (Spain)
Christiane Paul
Rirkrit Tiravanija
Paco Barragán
Organized by Dept. of Culture Region Murcia
and LegalMusic
Reception proposals until 15 March 2008 inclusive
For Terms & Conditions see
http://www.sos48.comInternational Call for Artists
Visual Arts, Visual Jockeying (VJ), Net Art, and Performance
Murcia launches the Event SOS 4.8: 48 hours of non-stop artistic creation related to the concept of sustainability
The City of Murcia has been very active these past years in the field of contemporary culture. One of the outstanding institutions is the CENDEAC (Centre for Documentation and Advanced Studies of Contemporary Art) which has organized conferences, panels, and symposiums with key thinkers such as Antonio Neri, Slavoj Zizek, Zygmunt Bauman, Nicolas Bourriaud, and James Clifford.
Pedro Alberto Cruz, former director of CENDEAC and actual Counsellor of Culture of Region Murcia, explains that Murcia has always had a great interest in promoting the study and production of contemporary art practices. And in this sense –he proceeds- the Festival SOS 4.8 aims to be an original proposal to contemporary cultural practices reflecting around the concept of sustainability and allowing a fruitful dialogue among disciplines like visual arts, Visual Jockeying (VJ), net art, performance, music, and theory.
Sustainability basically means meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In words of the artistic director, Paco Barragán, SOS 4.8 understands sustainability not only in exclusively ecological terms –an issue that has become very urgent but at the same time very trendy these days-, but also as a concept that allows us to reflect and re-frame visual culture, democracy, information society, techno-sustainability, consumer society –CULTURE- as well as tourism, immigration, nature, and urbanism –ENVIRONMENT.
New times impose new challenges, and as a result suggest new formats. Thus
SOS 4.8 has been conceived as an intense laboratory where during 48 hours artistic creation and exhibition will go hand in hand blurring the strict lines between artist and audience. Thus, all the selected works will be produced in situ in 24 hours and exhibited the next 24 hours. The artist will have the exhibition site or the city of Murcia as stage to carry out his or her proposal.
From the traditional artistic institutions interpassivity (Robert Pfaller), wherein communication is only one-way, hierarchical, and imposed on the visitor, SOS 4.8 proposes a more democratic and exciting concept of interactivity by allowing the public to assist and be part of the artistic process. Culture, art and artistic practices are not any longer medium-based but idea-based. So visual artists, not only stick to their medium but engage with Visual Jockeying (VJ) and Digital Film -Micha Klein-, or play in a gothic rock band -Marc Bijl-, thus creating challenging exchanges between contemporary culture and arts.
SOS 4.8 has selected a diverse and distinguished international curatorial team:
-Christiane Paul, Adj. Curator New Media Whitney Museum (USA)
-Rirkrit Tiravanija, artist and curator, (Argentina/Thailand)
-Paco Barragán, independent curator and artistic director SOS 4.8 (Spain)
SOS 4.8 is a mix of invitational and open call. All artists are invited to take part in the open call, regardless of their nationality, residence or age. A total of 6 artists will be selected by the curators from the proposals sent via the open call to our website http://www.sos48.com for the following sections:
I) Visual Arts
II) Net Art or Visual Jockeying (VJ)
III) Performance
The 6 artists from the open call will be invited, together with 6 artists selected directly by the curators, and 3 artists from Murcia selected by the Artistic Director, to come to Murcia to carry out the selected proposal on the 2nd and 3rd of May 2008.
The selected artists will receive the following:
I) (Total) Artist fee of 2..500 Euros
II) Production/Equipment materials up to 2..000 Euros
III) Flight and Hotel up to 2.500 Euros
For further information and participation, please look into the SOS 4.8 website http://www.sos48.com . NOTE: Please read the FAQs and conditions carefully before sending your proposal.
The EVENT SOS 4.8 MURCIA is organized by the Department of Culture, Youth, and Sports of the Region Murcia and LegalMusic.
info@sos48.com Website:
( forrás:
e-flux.com )