Folytatom Miss Kowalski bemutatását:
Showreel Kowalski /07 from kowalski visuales on Vimeo.
Freeo from kowalski visuales on Vimeo.
boteRresko from kowalski visuales on Vimeo.
Groups - Frischvergiftung
Most kis német nyelvű ismertető és videó:
" Seit Mitte 2007 gibt es das VJ-Team des nur aus den Augenwinkeln scharf zu erkennenden Phänomens Frischvergiftung. Was zunächst als unregelmäßige Party-Reihe begann, mündete in die geschäftige Videotätigkeit, der die beiden Stuttgarter Grafiker Willy Löbl und Max Pfisterer mittlerweile bundesweit nachgehen. Ihren collagenhaften Stil verdankt die Frischvergiftung den Grafiker-Berufen der zwei Künstler. Fest verwurzelt in der Partyszene konzentrieren sich die beiden darauf mit ihren Visuals die Party statt ihr Konzept zu pushen. Live zu erleben auf den monatlichen Discotronic Nights im Rocker33, wo die Frischvergiftung Resident-VJ ist. "
Frischvergiftung Demo Set January 2008 from Frischvergiftung on Vimeo.
Discotronic Night with Miss Jools & Hervé A.K. from Frischvergiftung on Vimeo.
18.01.2008 at Rocker 33
Discotronic Night with Guy Gerber from Frischvergiftung on Vimeo.
VJ Controller, The Return: Codanova VMX VJ v2
A Codanova VMX VJ v2 kontroller elég stabilnak ás használhatónak tűnik.
" Via the fantastic French language VJ blog Le Collagiste, version two of Codanova’s VJ-centric midi controller has dropped, and been obsessively photographed alongside the original.
The new VMX VJ is considerably slimmer, still bespoke manufactured in France, and as beautiful as ever. Shipping worldwide for €500. "
Girls - kowalski visuales (Spain)
A hölgy, nevének lengyeles hangzása ellenére spanyol. Munkái érdekesek, bár kell egy kis türelem hozzájuk...:)
" For fault and effect. More than profession, way of life.
Discreet and constant learning of what us surrounds video and musical "average".
Copy left. Of Reality. "
Kowalski 2008 from kowalski visuales on Vimeo.
Kowalski promocional video with track "Nunca debió salir del underground" By Cursi Love
Ὠρίων from kowalski visuales on Vimeo.
Kvideo with Burdeos aka Agua Oxigenada tracks, Napoleon Drill Namite and Out Voix.
FAIM 2008 "Burdeos aka Agua Oxigenada & Kowalski_2" from kowalski visuales on Vimeo.
errorVision en Faim 2008 from kowalski visuales on Vimeo.
Take the bigRED pill
Take the bigRED pill from big RED on Vimeo.
" Invitation to:
Sūport Cultural Kaunas @ Rėkt Spiegt, Kaunas, Lithuania
Few Nolder (Partyzanai / Planet Mu) + Ieva (Šiuolaikinis šokis) Live !
St. Stereo
VooZ2 (Re:5pect)
Oro Pagalvės
BigRED "
incite/ 2
Folytatom az incite/ képi bemutatását:
incite/ - temp_disturbance live at EMAF Osnabrück, may08 from incite/ on Vimeo.
incite/ - quantiverse live at 25fps Zagreb, Sep08 from incite/ on Vimeo.
incite/ - crystalline live at Trondheim Matchmaking Oct08 from incite/ on Vimeo.
incite/ - temp_disturbance live at EMAF Osnabrück, may08 from incite/ on Vimeo.
incite/ - quantiverse live at 25fps Zagreb, Sep08 from incite/ on Vimeo.
incite/ - crystalline live at Trondheim Matchmaking Oct08 from incite/ on Vimeo.
amoeba v decadnids-shabldub
amoeba v decadnids-shabldub from amoeba on Vimeo.
" Created for decadnids/hermetech records
I tried to recreate the angled architectural sounds of the code generated audio track with midi video edits and sharp angled viewing areas in an ever changing self replicating pattern of video and typography.
/Tools: after effects arkaos and final cut "
incite/ 1
Az incite/ Kera Nagel és André Aspelmeier hamburgi audióvizuális duója.
" incite/ – the Hamburg-based audiovisual electronics duo of Kera Nagel and André Aspelmeier.
Mixing eye-catching experimental audiovisual art with dynamic distorted IDM grooves, the duo criss-crosses art and club worlds, creating intense experiences for ears and eyes. Fragmented electric junk, fragile bursts of static noise and extra-charged sub-bass-kicks join abstract monochromatic imagery. incite/ play seriously weird glitch and quasi-danceable grooves in synced conjunction with intense grayscale visuals.
incite/ ´s audiovisual creations center around the duo´s everyday life. The distorted visuals are mostly unrecognizable, hiding the underlying stories – an exciting expedition for the audience. "
incite/ - captured live at 25fps Zagreb, Sept08 from incite/ on Vimeo.
incite/ - mindpiercing live at Kinodvor Ljubljana, March08 from incite/ on Vimeo.
incite/ - live mix at Klangwerktage Hamburg, Nov08 from incite/ on Vimeo.
Made With 3L
Azt hiszem, még nem térképeztük fel teljesen a 3L lehetőségeit, ezért most itt van pár megoldás: az első kettő minimál, a második kettő mirror témában.
Minimal 3LS: mp vs mp
evildub from mr monkeypresso on Vimeo.
AE 080922 ayay dub from exiledsurfer on Vimeo.
3LRS like mirrors
THRILLS from VISLAB on Vimeo.
" This is the first contribution from 3LR Vislab, who says:
"it's a great piece of software that you have developped, and for a 1.0 it's quite stable. Besides i really enjoy 3L, it's my favourite tool at the moment, besides, of course VDMX, which i have been using since version 2 and (my own crappy tools :-)"
3LR mr.monkepresso has also been experimenting with the mirror fx, and says:
"New issue of my xperiments with 3L soft. I personally dont like the mirror effect, or i like it, but i dont use in live visuals, in this case i used for a while, just for experimenting with the forms and with this very xpressive music . I used some 3d objects, very low lights, mirror effect, and some other effects, many paramters was connected with the sound, and many of them with my midi controller. Music is Dave Tipper." "
tipperxperimet from mr monkeypresso on Vimeo.
Minimal 3LS: mp vs mp
evildub from mr monkeypresso on Vimeo.
AE 080922 ayay dub from exiledsurfer on Vimeo.
3LRS like mirrors
THRILLS from VISLAB on Vimeo.
" This is the first contribution from 3LR Vislab, who says:
"it's a great piece of software that you have developped, and for a 1.0 it's quite stable. Besides i really enjoy 3L, it's my favourite tool at the moment, besides, of course VDMX, which i have been using since version 2 and (my own crappy tools :-)"
3LR mr.monkepresso has also been experimenting with the mirror fx, and says:
"New issue of my xperiments with 3L soft. I personally dont like the mirror effect, or i like it, but i dont use in live visuals, in this case i used for a while, just for experimenting with the forms and with this very xpressive music . I used some 3d objects, very low lights, mirror effect, and some other effects, many paramters was connected with the sound, and many of them with my midi controller. Music is Dave Tipper." "
tipperxperimet from mr monkeypresso on Vimeo.
A Modul8 dícsérete
"Created with the fantastic modul8 software, which is to motion graphics what photoshop is for the still image."
(vj decoder)
Hustler - Simian Mobile Disco from vj decoder on Vimeo.
(vj decoder)
Hustler - Simian Mobile Disco from vj decoder on Vimeo.
A svájci Arebetez leűlt a tv elé és felvett mindent, amit látott. Majd kedvenc programjával fílmet készített a látottakból, amit most megosztok veletek:
simplement regarder !
simplement regarder !
Free inky loops
Az alábbi linkről nagyon szép - és ingyenes - tintapaca loop-okat tölthettek le.
" Inky Ways
Hello dear VJ-friend!
We thought it was time to give back to the VJ-Community the help and hints we experienced, by releasing this nifty VJ-Loops pack called “Inky Ways”. You can use it however you want, commercial or private use. Just please dont re-sell them.
Maybe drop us a line (info|@| how you like em, or send us videos from performances you used them in. We would love to see what other people make of them.
So long and have an amazing 2009!! "
Inky Ways VJ-Loops from Frischvergiftung on Vimeo.
Do it! / Csináld magad!
Mindig arról beszélünk, hogy a legjobb saját anyagokkal dolgozni, de hogyan készítsen klippeket az, akinek nincs videó kamerája? A san franciscoi P.J. Onori tudja a választ. Webkamerás felvételeit Processinggel kicsit megbűvöli és már kész is az absztrakt látvány. Egy autó, egy laptop a vezető elött, egy az utas elött és furikázás San Francisco utcáin. ( Az ötlet persze variálható és továbbfejleszthető. )
Az első videó hang nélkúl, a második már zenével.
A Drive Down California Street (Driver's Side View) from P.J. Onori on Vimeo.
While this video may not look like it, this is an actual abstraction of a recording from a drive we took tonight. The drive was late at night, hence the deep contrast and bright colors. The lulls in motion are just the basic dropoffs in light. This video was created with Processing by essentially pointing our MacBook's iSight out the driver's side window and having the sketch perform real-time video interpretations.
We also recorded from the passenger side with another laptop which turned out even cooler. That one should be up soon.
A Drive Down California Street (Passenger's Side View) from P.J. Onori on Vimeo.
An algorithmic motion piece of a car ride created through real-time abstraction of webcam video taken from a laptop.
Az első videó hang nélkúl, a második már zenével.
A Drive Down California Street (Driver's Side View) from P.J. Onori on Vimeo.
While this video may not look like it, this is an actual abstraction of a recording from a drive we took tonight. The drive was late at night, hence the deep contrast and bright colors. The lulls in motion are just the basic dropoffs in light. This video was created with Processing by essentially pointing our MacBook's iSight out the driver's side window and having the sketch perform real-time video interpretations.
We also recorded from the passenger side with another laptop which turned out even cooler. That one should be up soon.
A Drive Down California Street (Passenger's Side View) from P.J. Onori on Vimeo.
An algorithmic motion piece of a car ride created through real-time abstraction of webcam video taken from a laptop.
amoeba 2
Az angol amoeba studióról nemrég írtam, most nézzük meg egy régebbi kiruccanásukat Moszkvába és két új munkájukat: egy zenés videót és egy experimentális fílmet.
amoeba av live in moscow abracadabra music festival 07 from amoeba on Vimeo.
a short animation featuring amoeba a/v, live in moscow at the abracadabra music/media festival in moscow april 2007.
amoeba made video for product01-heart ov glass from amoeba on Vimeo.
I decided to animate the sleeve graphics I had designed and recreate the song in a humerous manner from the print artwork and treated video.
amoeba hypnogogia from amoeba on Vimeo.
one of a series of audio visual memmetic loops used live during amoeba a/v performances, mixed and cut over other self similar ritualistic typographical sequences, helping to create a realtime audience based sigil majik experience disquised as loads of hard to read words with some scottish mumbler ranting over the top. based on and inspired by the many and various creative techniques of austin osman spare, alan moore, dave mckean, robert anton wilson, psychic TV and coil.
amoeba av live in moscow abracadabra music festival 07 from amoeba on Vimeo.
a short animation featuring amoeba a/v, live in moscow at the abracadabra music/media festival in moscow april 2007.
amoeba made video for product01-heart ov glass from amoeba on Vimeo.
I decided to animate the sleeve graphics I had designed and recreate the song in a humerous manner from the print artwork and treated video.
amoeba hypnogogia from amoeba on Vimeo.
one of a series of audio visual memmetic loops used live during amoeba a/v performances, mixed and cut over other self similar ritualistic typographical sequences, helping to create a realtime audience based sigil majik experience disquised as loads of hard to read words with some scottish mumbler ranting over the top. based on and inspired by the many and various creative techniques of austin osman spare, alan moore, dave mckean, robert anton wilson, psychic TV and coil.
Kerekes Band - Ethno Funk
kerekes band magyar ethno funk music video led fractal hungarian electro disco 70's 80's dance rock folk roots fel kalappal csango boogie high quality furulya flute koboz bracsa viola bass drum
Shortcut Series
A luma beamerz nem pihen babérjain, folytatja Shortcut Series sorozatát, íme:
"Shortcut Series is our vj loop creation method in collaboration with our music producer friends to make vj loops for clipz from their unfinished or unreleased tracks."
Shortcut Series 002 - One Eye from luma beamerz on Vimeo.
Music : Implant - Appleseed [unreleased]
Shortcut Series 003 - Forgotten from luma beamerz on Vimeo.
Music : Implant - End of a Decade [unreleased]
Shortcut Series 004 - The Daxorator from luma beamerz on Vimeo.
Music : faalb - Daxs [unreleased]
"Shortcut Series is our vj loop creation method in collaboration with our music producer friends to make vj loops for clipz from their unfinished or unreleased tracks."
Shortcut Series 002 - One Eye from luma beamerz on Vimeo.
Music : Implant - Appleseed [unreleased]
Shortcut Series 003 - Forgotten from luma beamerz on Vimeo.
Music : Implant - End of a Decade [unreleased]
Shortcut Series 004 - The Daxorator from luma beamerz on Vimeo.
Music : faalb - Daxs [unreleased]
CPU using 3L live
CPU, vagyis Bryant Place a Los Angeles-i Processing és VDMX user a 3L-lel is megpróbálkozott a Deepermoods underground dance party-n. CPU-ról többet holnap, most nézzük a videót!
3L live at Deepermoods 7.26.08 from CyberPatrolUnit on Vimeo.
" 3L explanation;
I have a object called a ‘plain’ - with it I have various video clips (previously captured
in 3L) mapped to the surface of the plain. XYZ size values of the ‘plain’ are reacting to
the mic audio input on my laptop.
Next, I have deformation ‘amount’ AND ‘random’ values mapped to the mid audio
frequencies. Giving the ‘plain’ object life.
I switch the object to a ‘circle’ with deformation still applied. I am also adding FX
‘edges’ to the output chain. "
3L live at Deepermoods 7.26.08 from CyberPatrolUnit on Vimeo.
" 3L explanation;
I have a object called a ‘plain’ - with it I have various video clips (previously captured
in 3L) mapped to the surface of the plain. XYZ size values of the ‘plain’ are reacting to
the mic audio input on my laptop.
Next, I have deformation ‘amount’ AND ‘random’ values mapped to the mid audio
frequencies. Giving the ‘plain’ object life.
I switch the object to a ‘circle’ with deformation still applied. I am also adding FX
‘edges’ to the output chain. "
Aubo Lessi (Poland) 2
Thomas Feiner & Anywhen - Siren Songs from aubolessi on Vimeo.
Artist: Thomas Feiner & Anywhen
Record name: "The Opiates - revised"
Song: "The Siren Songs"
Record label: Samadhisound (cd ss013)
Animation: Aubo Lessi vs. Thomas Feiner.
Stwory - Hoss from aubolessi on Vimeo.
Ez történik, ha egy DJ/VJ páros beszabadúl egy elektronikai szaküzletbe. :)))
Color the space, give rhythm to the event, and draw everyone’s attention. The VJ shoots, transmogrifies, and mixes still images & videos live and in synch with the music.
Color the space, give rhythm to the event, and draw everyone’s attention. The VJ shoots, transmogrifies, and mixes still images & videos live and in synch with the music.
Aubo Lessi (Poland) 1
Aubo Lessi egy kicsit titokzatos, mert azon kívűl, hogy 30 éves és lengyel, mást nem sikerűlt megtudnom róla. (Vagy csak rosz helyeken kerestem...)
Mindenesetre a munkái tetszenek, érdemes megnéznünk őket!
Autechre - Dropp from aubolessi on Vimeo.
C.H.District - ConTrust from aubolessi on Vimeo.
official video for a tune witch appeared on a Table of Elements 2.0, sampler, released under an French electronica label, M-Tronic
Cubo x 6
Egy kocka 6 oldala vetítve 2 projectorral, a Modul8-nek köszönhetően... Érdekes! Vajon hogyan csinálja a perui Rafael Pereira (Peru)?
Cubo x 6 from Rafael Pereira on Vimeo.
This cube is proyected by it's 6 sides using only 2 video proyectors, thanks to modul8.
Este cubo proyectado por los 6 lados solo utiliza 2 proyectores gracias al Modul8.
Colectivo Auxiliar
Lima - Perú
Cubo x 6 from Rafael Pereira on Vimeo.
This cube is proyected by it's 6 sides using only 2 video proyectors, thanks to modul8.
Este cubo proyectado por los 6 lados solo utiliza 2 proyectores gracias al Modul8.
Colectivo Auxiliar
Lima - Perú
Olga Mink multichannel videója.
trespassing [part of Nature of Being] from Olga Mink on Vimeo.
Multichannel video that is part of "The Nature of being" by Scanner and Olga Mink.
This video is based on the idea how we memorise and connect data stored in parts of our brain. Intercontextual information is created within moments, memories, images sounds, that have occured in the past. The video touches the subject of how people share a single event together, yet experience "reality" completely different.
trespassing [part of Nature of Being] from Olga Mink on Vimeo.
Multichannel video that is part of "The Nature of being" by Scanner and Olga Mink.
This video is based on the idea how we memorise and connect data stored in parts of our brain. Intercontextual information is created within moments, memories, images sounds, that have occured in the past. The video touches the subject of how people share a single event together, yet experience "reality" completely different.
amoeba (UK) a/v presents microglitchmachinefunk track_01 of 16
amoeba a/v presents microglitchmachinefunk track_01 of 16 from amoeba on Vimeo.
"1 from a set of 16 a/v tracks/vj tools from my [aple] Arrange Process Loop Edit live set.
These pieces were created using ableton midi patterns to control and trigger micro quicktime movies that contain after effects edits and amoeba created constructivist motion graphics with synched audio through arkaos vj.
These vj tools form part of a live 1 hour amoeba continually evolving typographical based constructivist inspired a/v set."
amoeba a/v presents microglitchmachinefunk track_01 of 16 from amoeba on Vimeo.
"1 from a set of 16 a/v tracks/vj tools from my [aple] Arrange Process Loop Edit live set.
These pieces were created using ableton midi patterns to control and trigger micro quicktime movies that contain after effects edits and amoeba created constructivist motion graphics with synched audio through arkaos vj.
These vj tools form part of a live 1 hour amoeba continually evolving typographical based constructivist inspired a/v set."
*LIVE* Mix Excerpts
Julie Meitz nem előszőr ( és nem utoljára ) nálunk.
Eric Borgo + VJ Julie Meitz = Best *LIVE* Mix Excerpts from Julie Meitz on Vimeo.
This is a live VJ (Video Jockey) mix ; on the fly attempt to fit. Audio analyzer not used. Resolume 2.4 beta
Eject Management
club Globull
Bulle, Switzerland
May 2008
Eric Borgo + VJ Julie Meitz = Best *LIVE* Mix Excerpts from Julie Meitz on Vimeo.
This is a live VJ (Video Jockey) mix ; on the fly attempt to fit. Audio analyzer not used. Resolume 2.4 beta
Eject Management
club Globull
Bulle, Switzerland
May 2008
2009/01/10 back online!!!
" Hi all, is back! As many of you have noticed, our websites have been offline since the end of september 2008, which obviously was a major tragedy for us and our users. To make a long story short: stopped existing as a collective between todd, pascal and michael sometime during the summer of 2008, shortly after the release of our software, THRILL. Simultaneously with the dissolution of the collective, each one of us faced challenges in our personal lives which resulted in the negotiation of the terms of our separation and the redistribution of intellectual property rights, etc to take longer than expected. During this period of chaos, our domain registration expired, and we were unable to renew the domain until all of our legal issues were clarified and settled. Naturally, this also shut down our mail servers. While it was a hard choice to make, we decided not to communicate at all with our users or the public until it became clear what the outcome of our negotiations would bring, and what the future would hold. How it stands now: is now the solo project of Michael Parenti, aka exiledsurfer, who holds all rights. Todd Thille, aka synesthete is no longer associated with, and no longer holds any IP rights to the THRILL software. Pascal Lesport is no longer associated with the brand name, and is pursuing his own endeavors under the name t-linked Our realtime 3d vj software, THRILL previously owned jointly between Todd, Pascal, and Michael under the copyright, is now held jointly between (Michael) and t-linked (Pascal), and will continue to be distributed and supported by the two of them through the domains. Our domains going offline wreaked havoc with our sales and licensing systems, which requires a bit more coding before the software will again be available for purchase and serialization. All of our forums are however online again, and users should be able to access their accounts as before, and contact us under the various email accounts for their respective needs. Naturally, this period of chaos also put the brakes on bug fixes and updates to THRILL, but pascal and michael are now working on the new release, which will coincide with our online store and licensing servers going back online sometime in the next two weeks. We apologize for the inconvenience to our users that this situation might have caused, and look forward to reestablishing our credibility with the products and services we have offered to the vj community in the past. Rock On! "
Mint tegnap igértem, kicsit visszatérek a CINESTHESY 1.0-re.
OTOLAB@CINESTHESY 1.0 (EXTRACT) from PIXELS Transversaux on Vimeo.
" First representation, november the 1rst 2008 in Paris at Cinesthesy 1.0 Festival.
This audiovisual performance is based on the concept of “garden as vision of soul” and has been realized trought a complex, non-linear storyboard. Images and sounds are mixed during live performance to ricreate a night time garden onirical sinestesic experience.
Bio :
Otolab was born in 2001 in Milan as an affinity group made up of musicians, djs, vjs, video artists, video makers, web designers, graphic designers and architects who embarked on a common path within electronic music and audiovisual research.
Otolab projects evolve through laboratory, seminar and liveset activities following principles of mutual exchange and support, free dissemination of knowledge and experimentation.
The work-group is composed of individual and collective projects ranging from djing/vjing sets up to livemedia and interactive installations, always investigating a symbiotic relationship between sounds and images. These years of life have seen Otolab being invited to national and international festivals where it has presented its livesets, project presentations and installations, besides having promoted self-managed cultural initiatives.
Otolab is today a cultural association which lives off its self-produced livesets, installations, audio and audiovisual productions
Audio: mud, _dies
Visuals: mud, xo00 - software implementation: orgone "
OTOLAB@CINESTHESY 1.0 (EXTRACT) from PIXELS Transversaux on Vimeo.
" First representation, november the 1rst 2008 in Paris at Cinesthesy 1.0 Festival.
This audiovisual performance is based on the concept of “garden as vision of soul” and has been realized trought a complex, non-linear storyboard. Images and sounds are mixed during live performance to ricreate a night time garden onirical sinestesic experience.
Bio :
Otolab was born in 2001 in Milan as an affinity group made up of musicians, djs, vjs, video artists, video makers, web designers, graphic designers and architects who embarked on a common path within electronic music and audiovisual research.
Otolab projects evolve through laboratory, seminar and liveset activities following principles of mutual exchange and support, free dissemination of knowledge and experimentation.
The work-group is composed of individual and collective projects ranging from djing/vjing sets up to livemedia and interactive installations, always investigating a symbiotic relationship between sounds and images. These years of life have seen Otolab being invited to national and international festivals where it has presented its livesets, project presentations and installations, besides having promoted self-managed cultural initiatives.
Otolab is today a cultural association which lives off its self-produced livesets, installations, audio and audiovisual productions
Audio: mud, _dies
Visuals: mud, xo00 - software implementation: orgone "
Bits of Cinesthesy 1.0
SATI@CINESTHESY 1.0 (EXTRACT) from PIXELS Transversaux on Vimeo.
" Thanks to an original search for audio-visual synchronization and a communicative stage energy, SATI attracts us into a unique multiple facetted universe.
On stage, this audiovisual duo invite you on a journey. Instrumentalists before using machines, JeSs and Erwan through their experimentation create a singular alchemy of analogical, electronic and acoustic sounds.
Their performance offers an original vision of our planet through remarkable work on photography put into movement. The symbiosis that happens with their electronic ambient composition plunges the spectator into the heart of fascinating landscapes.
SATI play on striking ruptures which lead us from these contemplative landscapes towards more agitated grounds. Over a background of dubstep or minimal the group invents a graphic universe rich in symbolism and are always surprising.
The audiovisual fusion takes form, carries us, but nevertheless gives our imagination a free rein. Each of us can build our own story...
du 27 Octobre au 1 Novembre 2008
Art Director
Amélie Dessaux
François Demange
François Pirault
Haythem Zakaria
WILDBITS (Pierre Mersadier) @ CINESTHESY1.0 (EXTRACT) from PIXELS Transversaux on Vimeo.
" Audio and visual piece, en realtime generated 3D …. It starts as a minimal abstract space and evolves as a wild and restless construction. This piece is a set of semi independent compositions and is played live using Puredata. 3 acts:
Maman : the birth of a being from a digital magma. first randomly coming to life , then following a pattern…
Lachose: its happy teen years with its bright colours and peculiar ambient sounds.
Mortcité: the melting of this being which life we have followed; finally swallowed by a dark and noisy city.
Pierre Mersadier - Audio & Video"
Dance in the Vjing by Vj juDDeRman
c a t h a r s i s from Steve Orchard / Vj juDDeRman on Vimeo.
m a f t i from Steve Orchard / Vj juDDeRman on Vimeo.
2 9 1 0 0 7 from Steve Orchard / Vj juDDeRman on Vimeo.
vJ juDDeRman Vs The Advent from Steve Orchard / Vj juDDeRman on Vimeo.
vJ juDDeRman Vs Karotte from Steve Orchard / Vj juDDeRman on Vimeo.
Ha már az elöbbi bejegyzésben megemlítettem a Processing-et, most mutatok is két munkát a san franciskói flight404 jóvoltából.
Audio Landscape, vortex. from flight404 on Vimeo.
Made with Processing. Audio by Björk ("Wanderlust" from Volta).
Continuing to tweak. No HD this time as the videos are coming out super huge so I dropped the size to 800x550.
Organizing from flight404 on Vimeo.
Made with Processing. No Audio.
Continuing to work with the particle system code. Attempting to get more control over the movement and making my way towards a satisfying mass to charge ratio.
Audio Landscape, vortex. from flight404 on Vimeo.
Made with Processing. Audio by Björk ("Wanderlust" from Volta).
Continuing to tweak. No HD this time as the videos are coming out super huge so I dropped the size to 800x550.
Organizing from flight404 on Vimeo.
Made with Processing. No Audio.
Continuing to work with the particle system code. Attempting to get more control over the movement and making my way towards a satisfying mass to charge ratio.
Interactive Installation - seeper
Az első fílmben a Glastonbury 2008 Festival-on kiállított interaktív installásiójukat látjuk, a másodikban pedig a Toyota IQ kiállításán kitett paneljeiket. ( Szerintetek milyen progit használnak? Processing? )
" Seeper is an arts and technology collective. Founded in 1998 seeper’s nucleus is the pursuit of essence. Exploring natural user interaction and ubiquitous computing to create multi-sensory experiences and memories.
The integration of computers into our lives has seen us learn and develop physical skills and languages centered around the use of devices such as the mouse and the keyboard. Now we have the opportunity to reflect on this history and realise that we can interact with computers in much more intuitive and expressive ways. At seeper we are exploring the use of gestural air and touch integration to allow a new range of interfaces devices and experiences for users. "
Glastonbury 2008 - Pi Interactive Installation from seeper on Vimeo.
Arts and technology collective seeper baked a giant interactive Pi for the 2008 Glastonbury Festival. The filling being the audience.
Toyota IQ from seeper on Vimeo.
A bristoli vectormeldrew néhány munkáját nézzük most meg.
Dubstep VJ Mix - Eastern Jam by Chase and Status by Vector Meldrew from vectormeldrew on Vimeo.
VJ mix using music by Chase and Status, Eastern Jam (From the more than alot album)
I had alot of raw footage left over from a bhangra music video i made a few years ago and whilst VJing to this tune in a club couldn't help but feel that these visuals were perfect for it, so i had to edit a version for the internet too.
adidas adiZones VJ set from vectormeldrew on Vimeo.
a collection of the visuals put together for the adidas adiZones VJ set
Free Space Invaders Loops
eden xperiment
mr monkeypresso új munkája Quartz Composer-rel készűlt.
eden xperiment from mr monkeypresso on Vimeo.
New xperiment with quartz composer, using spline from kineme, shaders from tonebrust and music from my favorite astrowind: Footpaths Sky Leaves And Stars.
eden xperiment from mr monkeypresso on Vimeo.
New xperiment with quartz composer, using spline from kineme, shaders from tonebrust and music from my favorite astrowind: Footpaths Sky Leaves And Stars.
Névrokon / Namesake :)
vj Lab barazíl videó művész és grafikus neve csak írásmódjában tér el az enyémtől ( vjl(ab) ).
Most ismerkedjünk meg kicsit a munkáival!
" i am luiz andré gama, a visual artist, i play around with video art, vjeeing, brand identity and graphic design.
i'm brazilian and member of the creative group lab multimídia, a company that is changing the brazilian electronic music scene introducing new technics, languages and concepts of video, with crazies video arts installations at the dancefloors, showing to our public a lot of innovation - all that is part of our study. "
Fachada w100st - Video mapping Test from vj Lab on Vimeo.
A video mapping test for Musichaos decoration, at w100st - Juiz de Fora - MG - Brasil.
One Projector.
Video Mapping for Musichaos - 2008 from vj Lab on Vimeo.
A mix of different video mappings made for the Musichaos party 11/2008.
Musichaos Level 3 • Music for your eyes from vj Lab on Vimeo.
Video of the party Musichaos Level 3 @ w100st • Juiz de Fora • MG • Brasil
Most ismerkedjünk meg kicsit a munkáival!
" i am luiz andré gama, a visual artist, i play around with video art, vjeeing, brand identity and graphic design.
i'm brazilian and member of the creative group lab multimídia, a company that is changing the brazilian electronic music scene introducing new technics, languages and concepts of video, with crazies video arts installations at the dancefloors, showing to our public a lot of innovation - all that is part of our study. "
Fachada w100st - Video mapping Test from vj Lab on Vimeo.
A video mapping test for Musichaos decoration, at w100st - Juiz de Fora - MG - Brasil.
One Projector.
Video Mapping for Musichaos - 2008 from vj Lab on Vimeo.
A mix of different video mappings made for the Musichaos party 11/2008.
Musichaos Level 3 • Music for your eyes from vj Lab on Vimeo.
Video of the party Musichaos Level 3 @ w100st • Juiz de Fora • MG • Brasil
MomentFactory’s “Show Environment” for Nine Inch Nails
A MomentFactory, a Nine Inch Nail élő vizuáljaihoz készített szerkezet. A következő videóból megtudhatjuk, hogy pontosan mi ez és hogyan működik.
Girls - Lau™
" (The Netherlands 1982) is a freelance allround graphic designer and a VJ. A VJ (veejay) is a performance artist who creates moving visual art on large screens, animated to synchronize the sounds of the DJ's music. Laurine, known as 'VJ Lau', often works at events such as parties, nightclubs, fashion shows and festivals in Amsterdam, the UK and New York. Laurine currently lives in Brooklyn, New York. "
VJ @ opening exhibition
January the 21st in restaurant 'Puur' in Groningen (NL) will be the opening of the exhibition by painter Joram Roukes.
He will show several paintings which he made last year in New York City. Also he will make a big mural painting in the restaurant.
During the opening I will project my visuals on the mural painting to take his paintings to another dimension. You can watch this
collaboration live in restaurant Puur from 6 pm on January the 21st in the Folkingestraat 13 in Groningen.
January the 21st in restaurant 'Puur' in Groningen (NL) will be the opening of the exhibition by painter Joram Roukes.
He will show several paintings which he made last year in New York City. Also he will make a big mural painting in the restaurant.
During the opening I will project my visuals on the mural painting to take his paintings to another dimension. You can watch this
collaboration live in restaurant Puur from 6 pm on January the 21st in the Folkingestraat 13 in Groningen.
Happy New Year installation by Electrabel
Agency: Famous, Brussels
Creative Director: Christophe Ghewy
Art Director: Nicolas France
Creative Director: Christophe Ghewy
Art Director: Nicolas France
The Making Of
Mi az az AntiVJ? / What is the AntiVJ?
Yannick Jacquet (Legoman).
Joanie Lemercier (crustea).
Olivier Ratsi (Emovie).
Romain Tardy (Aalto).
AntiVJ is a visual label initiated by European-based artists whose work is focused on the use of projected light and its influence on our perception.
Clearly stepping away from standard setups & techniques, AntiVJ presents live performances and installations where projection on volume, visual mapping, tracking and augmented reality, stereoscopy and holographic illusion are providing to the audience a senses challenging experience.
Visual artists on the label:
Yannick Jacquet (Legoman).
Joanie Lemercier (crustea).
Olivier Ratsi (Emovie).
Romain Tardy (Aalto).
Music: Shackleton - The rope tightens
Visuals: Joanie Lemercier (antivj)
Performed live at the Croft, Bristol (UK) on the 20th of december 2008.
VJ demo 2008 Emovie from Ratsi [Emovie] on Vimeo.
So we met several times with Olivier, and each time we realized that we were sharing the same interests and aim in our work (also with Yannick Jacquet and Romain Tardy): step away from the usual projections screens and formats, explore projections in 3D spaces and study visual perception, and the classical but fascinating ‘time/space’ subject.
VJ Judderman, vagyis Steve Orchard a Leeds-i (UK) VJ, látványművész már szerepelt nálunk. Most a The Joy Formidable Whirring című zenéjére készűlt munkáját mutatom meg.
Whirring - The Joy Formidable by TheeJudderman
Whirring - The Joy Formidable by TheeJudderman
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