Az Eclectic Method-dal mi is megemlékezünk Michael Jackson-ról.
Eclectic Method - Long Live The King (Michael Jackson Mix) from Eclectic Method on Vimeo.
Farewell to Michael
VJ Fest Istanbul 2009
" VJ FEST ISTANBUL is an international video-music festival. It’s goal is to create an audio-visual playground where people can converse and have good time. A Video Jockey is someone who edits videos live, makes video collages in accord with the DJ’s music. VJ Fest Istanbul wants to introduce this video art to Istanbulers and discuss the different aspects of it. We think that VJ events can make Istanbul’s entertainment life more colourful.
The second VJ Fest Istanbul will be held between 4-7th June 2009 at Ghetto and on 8th June at French Culture Institute. There are free workshops, audio visual performances and VJ-DJ parties for five days. Festival is a demonstration of the art of VJing as a social act. It is also an opportunity for the interested people to learn about this communicative art. VJs from Turkey meet VJs from other countries. They share their knowledge about the subject, and help each other to improve their techniques. The workshops at Ghetto will be everyday between 17-20 p.m. free and open to everyone. Bring your laptops and join us!
VJ Fest Istanbul 2008 happened to be the first VJ festival in Turkey. 19 VJs and 11 DJs came together in the parties and workshops at Studio Live Technik and one performance at French Institute Theater between 12-15th June 2008. The VJs were from 9 different countries in Europe. 15 VJs participated in workshops on interactive VJing techniques and VJ softwares. They gave information about their works and shared their knowledge about the situation of the art in Europe. One professor of Fine Arts from Bilkent University, Andreas Treske gave a talk about interactive video.
What is the future of VJing? What is the future of live cinema? How can we interact with the audience? What is the social role of VJ? Does video jockeying need to be digital? How do we use VJ software programmes? Are we doing art when we mix commercialized music videos? These are some of the possible questions that will be raised in the workshops. The workshops are free and open to everyone who is interested. Bring your labtops and join us! All artists, art students, VJs, DJs, visual designers and musicians, architects, programmers, software designers, technicians, light designers, sociologists, electronic music lovers and whoever has an interest in new entertainment scenes are all very wellcome to VJ Fest Istanbul! Two of the top five VJs according to the DJ Mag magazine (2008) 4YOUREYE and DECOLLAGE.TV (Austria) and one of the top twenty VJs LOTTEZ (Holland) will be joining the festival this year. "
VJ Fest Istanbul 2009 from sinsynplus on Vimeo.
more information..
sound by..
dj deevits
At French Culture Institute Theater for 1 hour.
VJ SPLASZ (Lublin)
takcom™ (Japan)
takcom™, vagyis Takafumi Tsuchiya Tókióban született, él és dolgozik. Így val magáról:
" Takafumi Tsuchiya
Born in Tokyo,Japan,1979.
Graduated from Nihon University of art department of cinema in 2002.
Lives and Works in Tokyo.
His field is mainly making single channel video art , Live Video Performances,
Collaborated A/V Performances and some prints.
Takafumi Tsuchiya is using the best technique in each work mixing
recorded sources and handmade animation with generated material.
In his videos, takafumi is interested in mixing up boundaries between
contradicting (ambivalent) matters such as future and past or truth
and lie,etc with his
visual language.
His works are screened at international festivals and galleries in Europe, US and Asia including Onedotzero Futuresonic EMAF DOTMOV etc.
Also highly praised by legendary Toshio Matsumoto."
Himuro Yoshiteru w/Takafumi Tsuchiya A/V Liveset quick edit promo sample. from takcom™ on Vimeo.
Sound track from “Action Script” by Himuro Yoshiteru.
Footage shot by Keigo Anan, Kotaro Tanaka, Richard Byers.
Himu-logo designed by Keigo Anan.
We use Ableton Live, Modul8, Quartz composer, etc.
Booking: drop me a line or info (at)
exp_tri0323 from takcom™ on Vimeo.
Short expreiment with quartz composer / kineme stuff.
Sound by aus (unreleased demo).
Urum from takcom™ on Vimeo.
My old stuff "Urum" is now in High-def (Upconverted).
Footage was shot by Sony`s cheap cam-coder.
Sounds by aus.
DJ MIKKU + Lucidhouse
No comment.
DJ MIKKU + Lucidhouse from lucidhouse on Vimeo.
Extract from live audio visual performance at Riki Tik Brighton.
Audio mix by: DJ Mikku from the LumberjackS (Paris)
Visuals: Lucidhouse
Obscure and popular film samples:
Amadeus, El Cyd, Stigmata, The green hornet, Wife of Frankenstien...
video loops>
You can download this audio visual DJ/VJ mix for your hand held device for free. .>.> Optimised compression for the iPhone, iPod and some mobile phones.
DJ MIKKU + Lucidhouse from lucidhouse on Vimeo.
Extract from live audio visual performance at Riki Tik Brighton.
Audio mix by: DJ Mikku from the LumberjackS (Paris)
Visuals: Lucidhouse
Obscure and popular film samples:
Amadeus, El Cyd, Stigmata, The green hornet, Wife of Frankenstien...
video loops>
You can download this audio visual DJ/VJ mix for your hand held device for free. .>.> Optimised compression for the iPhone, iPod and some mobile phones.
Vj Robson Victor (Sao Paulo - Brazil)
Armor from Vj Robson Victor on Vimeo.
An exercise video using expressions in Ae Fx.
To be continued :)
Concepts from Vj Robson Victor on Vimeo.
Little mix of my videos I use to make my VJ nights !
Deus Ex Machina from Vj Robson Victor on Vimeo.
Music by Dj Dandi & Ugo - Derrick Lane - fuckin great stuff !!!
Video by myself. :)
About Communication from Vj Robson Victor on Vimeo.
This video is just a introduction...
Truly is an one of two parts of my audiovisual project called REMELA
Kung Fu freestyle editing ! from Vj Robson Victor on Vimeo.
Recorded in realtime with a little piece of a grindhouse genre movie with sound coming from Bassdrive station itunes radio.
No pos-production !!! :P
Software - Modul8
Hardware- Macbook Pro / remote 25sl / kaos pad
Minimal by jacob
A michigeni jacob DJ Krush zenéjét "minimalvizualizálta"
Murder Of Soul from jacob on Vimeo.
" music: DJ Krush - Murder Of Soul
this entire creation took me about 45 minutes to make. my computer is not very fast and lacks the memory and speed that would best suit the creation of visuals in realtime, and so i usually can't use certain applications' capturing and rendering features. instead i often will use another application to capture the output, which results in depleted frame rate. i just wanted to explain that, and give reason to these videos. but i'd like to eventually get a better machine. fyi. "
Murder Of Soul from jacob on Vimeo.
" music: DJ Krush - Murder Of Soul
this entire creation took me about 45 minutes to make. my computer is not very fast and lacks the memory and speed that would best suit the creation of visuals in realtime, and so i usually can't use certain applications' capturing and rendering features. instead i often will use another application to capture the output, which results in depleted frame rate. i just wanted to explain that, and give reason to these videos. but i'd like to eventually get a better machine. fyi. "
Spoiler - CoGe 1.0 coming in July
" Stay tuned :) "
The Wedding at Cana by Peter Greenaway (UK)
Multimedia performance by Peter Greenaway
" Subtitled “A Vision by Peter Greenaway,” this 50-minute digital extravaganza of light, sound, theatrical illusion and formal dissection is being projected onto and around a full-scale replica of “The Wedding at Cana,” Paolo Veronese’s immense and revered landmark of Western painting.
The replica is a wonder of digital reproduction itself. It covers the great rear wall of the Benedictine refectory on the island of San Giorgio Maggiore, exactly where the original hung from 1562, when Veronese finished it, until 1797. That’s when Napoleon had it taken down, cut up and carted back to Paris as war booty. It was sent to the Louvre, where its mastery of light and color entranced French painters and influenced the development of Impressionism. "
The replica is a wonder of digital reproduction itself. It covers the great rear wall of the Benedictine refectory on the island of San Giorgio Maggiore, exactly where the original hung from 1562, when Veronese finished it, until 1797. That’s when Napoleon had it taken down, cut up and carted back to Paris as war booty. It was sent to the Louvre, where its mastery of light and color entranced French painters and influenced the development of Impressionism. "
Udart (Copenhagen)
" Udart (aka. Vibeke Bertelsen) is a visual artist based in Copenhagen who does video projections as a VJ for live music and other stage productions. I use my own video and animation productions and mix them on the spot at the performance. "
Visuals from Warehouse 9, Copenhagen, June 2009 from Udart (Vibeke Bertelsen) on Vimeo.
A short live recording of some of the visuals I made for this party using Modul8
Locomotion - visuals 2009 from Udart (Vibeke Bertelsen) on Vimeo.
This is a short snippet of some new visuals by Udart. I donated them for a fundraising party in Beijing in support of the upcoming Outgames over there.
The animated characters are sampled from some of the very first moving images from the start of the 1900s studying the movements of humans and animals.
The music is by Binärpilot and is licensed to use for free. Download it here:
Udart visuals 2008 from Udart (Vibeke Bertelsen) on Vimeo.
A small teaser of some of the visuals I use when I am VJing
rezo (france)
VJ és videóművész a francia Rezo.

Picturing Sound @ Atelier Composite from rezo on Vimeo.
Un extrait live de notre résidence avec l'atelier Composite en septembre dernier.
Vidéo un peu sombre, mais permettant de visualiser l'installation mise en place par l'Atelier.
Un grand merci à tte l'équipe.
dual screen demo 2009 from rezo on Vimeo.
Dual screen démo vjing.
Picturing Sound live @Nordik Impakt X from rezo on Vimeo.
Short extract of our video music performance at Nordik Impakt.
Picturing Sound : Nakatsu - live - from rezo on Vimeo.
1 des 14 titres développés en live..

Picturing Sound @ Atelier Composite from rezo on Vimeo.
Un extrait live de notre résidence avec l'atelier Composite en septembre dernier.
Vidéo un peu sombre, mais permettant de visualiser l'installation mise en place par l'Atelier.
Un grand merci à tte l'équipe.
dual screen demo 2009 from rezo on Vimeo.
Dual screen démo vjing.
Picturing Sound live @Nordik Impakt X from rezo on Vimeo.
Short extract of our video music performance at Nordik Impakt.
Picturing Sound : Nakatsu - live - from rezo on Vimeo.
1 des 14 titres développés en live..
The VJ Software List Update
.lov. figyelmeztetett, hogy ez a lista régi és hlányos. Igaza van. ( A CoGe sem szerepel rajta :( )
Aki frissebb listára vágyik, nézze a softwarevj oldalt!
Aki frissebb listára vágyik, nézze a softwarevj oldalt!
The VJ Software List
A Saturn Never Sleeps csapatának jóvoltából itt egy lista a VJ szotverekről. Némelyik ingyenes, némelyik részlegesen használható, némelyik fizetős. Akit érdekel a téma, annak érdemes kipróbálni és válogatni közöttük.
A lista olyan nagy, hogy nem linkelem be a címeket ezt a Saturn Never Sleeps oldalán megtaláljátok.
Jó válogatást!
" Cross-platform:
* 3DJ 1.1 – Video Layering/Effects (Mac/Win)
* Arkaos VJ – Clip Triggering/Effects (Mac/Win)
* Bomb – Visual Musical Instrument (Linux/Mac/Win)
* ES-X – Max/MSP-based live video performance tool (Mac/Win)
* Flashmixer – Based on the Fileformat SWF (Shockwave Flash) (Linux/Mac/Win)
* Flowmotion – Video Mixing/Effects (Mac/Win)
* FLxER – Flash Video Mixer (Linux/Mac/Win)
* GRID – Movie Triggering (Mac/Win)
* Isadora – Modular live performance tool. (Mac/Win)
* Livid Union 2.0 – Full VJ mixing software (Mac/Win)
* Motion Dive – (Mac/Win)
* Mute VJ – vj software with unique flickr and yahoo maps filters (Mac/Win)
* MXWendler 2.4 – live performance/triggering oriented. very fast. free basic.(Mac/Win)
* Onyx – Flash-Based Video Mixer (Linux/Mac/Win)
* pidipVJ – VJ tool to make realtime visual art. (Linux/Mac)
* Rhythmic Circle Fuse – (Mac/Win)
* Soundium – Live Visual Performance Platform
*…ic-Flash-Mixer Symtonic Live ! – Based on the Fileformat SWF (Shockwave Flash) (Mac/Win)
* Visulator 2.5 – Multi layer movie/animation/photo triggering VJ tool (Mac/Win)
* VLIGHT.MXR – (Mac/Win)
* V.I.P. 5.0 – Video interactive processor sketched in Max/MSP and Jitter (Mac/Win32)
*…Projects_2006# Whizzualizer – Tool_for_real-time_video-mixing Whizzualizer – OpenGL video/camera/image mixer. Experimental version. Easy to extend
* FreeFrame – Mac/PC/Linux crossplatform video effects API designed for integration into VJ Software
* GePhex – Linux/Win32
* Vovoid VSX Ultra Developer parameter-based API supporting bitmap & mesh creation, mathematics, rendering modules. Using eclipse/mingw32 for development (free). Source code included for most modules.
* MAX/MSP + Jitter – Mac/Win32 Development Environment
* Impromptu Video/Audio/Vector Graphics RealTime Programming Language for OSX
* DELvj – Free Software
* EffecTV – Open Source
* FreeJ – Open Source
* Veejay – Open Source
* Apple Motion – Animated Graphic Design / MIDI compatible
* dervish – completely free with code feedback toy by joshua goldberg
* Klangfarben
* Modul8 – Video Mixing/Effects
* Quartonian – Creative commons licensed VJ mixer created in Quartz Composer
* Adagio Mix – Broadcast Video Mixer
* SoYuZ – free open GL Jitter based vj software from VJ SPuTNiK
* VDMX5 – Video Triggering/Mixing/Effects/Feedback
* Videator v3.0 – powerful Vee-Jaying, movie-making and video processing application. Videator is both a “PhotoShoppe For Video” and a realtime performance video creation adventure. FREE Updates for Life!
Win32 (3D Hardware Accelerated)
* Touch Tools – Derivative
* Neon v2 Enhanced Realtime Live Visuals
* VJamm – Audio Visual Live Performance VJ Software
* Pilgrim
* MidiVid GPU
* Vovoid VSX Ultra Free visualization toolkit
* Salvation Modular (Node-based) Visuals Creation and Software Toolkit
* Smode Studio
* vvvv a multipurpose toolkit
* iMagic NG – The first purely hardware accelerated VJ software is both a “PhotoShoppe For Video” and a realtime performance video creation adventure.
* Circulation – Live improvisation video/post-production software for technically experienced artists, scripting inclusive.
* OtsDJ Pro – Live video DJ mixing software including automated beat mixing, karaoke CD+G, time-scaling, and scratching.
* Aestesis-ELEKTRONIKA – modular (virtual hardware based) – more than 30 differents modules (2d/3d/audio/video/effects)
* BeatHarness Semi-automatic Live VJ-Software using user-defined content (live-camera, images, videos) and effect/transition-scripts.
* OpenTZT – Open Source – See the [[OpenTZT]] Reference here on the Wikipedia
* Resolume
* Sweetbox Live performance application. (Link doesn’t work)
* TextMachine 3D Text Rendering, Dictionaries, User Input and Counters
* VisualJockey Modular FX Vj Synthetiser/Software
* Whorld free open-source sacred geometry visualizer with MIDI control
* PHLUMX PHLUMX – Digital Video Jockeying and clip scratching / triggering Now Free !
* iMagic – Live VJ software, 2d only, DX7 and older.
VJ softwares for handheld video game consoles:
Nintendo Game Boy advance / Game boy player for Nintendo Game Cube
* Pikilipita advance – Video mixes game boy advance ROM. It can be run on real hardware or on a gameboy emulator
* SQJ – SQuareJockey is a vj-software that enables the making of live visualisations by the use of the pocket games console the GameBoy Advance.
* Pikix – an application for live video performances running on the Korean console GP2X. (so far, it’s a freeware) "
Links: Saturn Never Sleeps
A lista olyan nagy, hogy nem linkelem be a címeket ezt a Saturn Never Sleeps oldalán megtaláljátok.
Jó válogatást!
" Cross-platform:
* 3DJ 1.1 – Video Layering/Effects (Mac/Win)
* Arkaos VJ – Clip Triggering/Effects (Mac/Win)
* Bomb – Visual Musical Instrument (Linux/Mac/Win)
* ES-X – Max/MSP-based live video performance tool (Mac/Win)
* Flashmixer – Based on the Fileformat SWF (Shockwave Flash) (Linux/Mac/Win)
* Flowmotion – Video Mixing/Effects (Mac/Win)
* FLxER – Flash Video Mixer (Linux/Mac/Win)
* GRID – Movie Triggering (Mac/Win)
* Isadora – Modular live performance tool. (Mac/Win)
* Livid Union 2.0 – Full VJ mixing software (Mac/Win)
* Motion Dive – (Mac/Win)
* Mute VJ – vj software with unique flickr and yahoo maps filters (Mac/Win)
* MXWendler 2.4 – live performance/triggering oriented. very fast. free basic.(Mac/Win)
* Onyx – Flash-Based Video Mixer (Linux/Mac/Win)
* pidipVJ – VJ tool to make realtime visual art. (Linux/Mac)
* Rhythmic Circle Fuse – (Mac/Win)
* Soundium – Live Visual Performance Platform
*…ic-Flash-Mixer Symtonic Live ! – Based on the Fileformat SWF (Shockwave Flash) (Mac/Win)
* Visulator 2.5 – Multi layer movie/animation/photo triggering VJ tool (Mac/Win)
* VLIGHT.MXR – (Mac/Win)
* V.I.P. 5.0 – Video interactive processor sketched in Max/MSP and Jitter (Mac/Win32)
*…Projects_2006# Whizzualizer – Tool_for_real-time_video-mixing Whizzualizer – OpenGL video/camera/image mixer. Experimental version. Easy to extend
* FreeFrame – Mac/PC/Linux crossplatform video effects API designed for integration into VJ Software
* GePhex – Linux/Win32
* Vovoid VSX Ultra Developer parameter-based API supporting bitmap & mesh creation, mathematics, rendering modules. Using eclipse/mingw32 for development (free). Source code included for most modules.
* MAX/MSP + Jitter – Mac/Win32 Development Environment
* Impromptu Video/Audio/Vector Graphics RealTime Programming Language for OSX
* DELvj – Free Software
* EffecTV – Open Source
* FreeJ – Open Source
* Veejay – Open Source
* Apple Motion – Animated Graphic Design / MIDI compatible
* dervish – completely free with code feedback toy by joshua goldberg
* Klangfarben
* Modul8 – Video Mixing/Effects
* Quartonian – Creative commons licensed VJ mixer created in Quartz Composer
* Adagio Mix – Broadcast Video Mixer
* SoYuZ – free open GL Jitter based vj software from VJ SPuTNiK
* VDMX5 – Video Triggering/Mixing/Effects/Feedback
* Videator v3.0 – powerful Vee-Jaying, movie-making and video processing application. Videator is both a “PhotoShoppe For Video” and a realtime performance video creation adventure. FREE Updates for Life!
Win32 (3D Hardware Accelerated)
* Touch Tools – Derivative
* Neon v2 Enhanced Realtime Live Visuals
* VJamm – Audio Visual Live Performance VJ Software
* Pilgrim
* MidiVid GPU
* Vovoid VSX Ultra Free visualization toolkit
* Salvation Modular (Node-based) Visuals Creation and Software Toolkit
* Smode Studio
* vvvv a multipurpose toolkit
* iMagic NG – The first purely hardware accelerated VJ software is both a “PhotoShoppe For Video” and a realtime performance video creation adventure.
* Circulation – Live improvisation video/post-production software for technically experienced artists, scripting inclusive.
* OtsDJ Pro – Live video DJ mixing software including automated beat mixing, karaoke CD+G, time-scaling, and scratching.
* Aestesis-ELEKTRONIKA – modular (virtual hardware based) – more than 30 differents modules (2d/3d/audio/video/effects)
* BeatHarness Semi-automatic Live VJ-Software using user-defined content (live-camera, images, videos) and effect/transition-scripts.
* OpenTZT – Open Source – See the [[OpenTZT]] Reference here on the Wikipedia
* Resolume
* Sweetbox Live performance application. (Link doesn’t work)
* TextMachine 3D Text Rendering, Dictionaries, User Input and Counters
* VisualJockey Modular FX Vj Synthetiser/Software
* Whorld free open-source sacred geometry visualizer with MIDI control
* PHLUMX PHLUMX – Digital Video Jockeying and clip scratching / triggering Now Free !
* iMagic – Live VJ software, 2d only, DX7 and older.
VJ softwares for handheld video game consoles:
Nintendo Game Boy advance / Game boy player for Nintendo Game Cube
* Pikilipita advance – Video mixes game boy advance ROM. It can be run on real hardware or on a gameboy emulator
* SQJ – SQuareJockey is a vj-software that enables the making of live visualisations by the use of the pocket games console the GameBoy Advance.
* Pikix – an application for live video performances running on the Korean console GP2X. (so far, it’s a freeware) "
Links: Saturn Never Sleeps
Cue Vj hardware concept
Hát ez egy pofás jószág!
Az angol szöveget most nem fotdítom, mert a képek és a videó önmagáért beszél. Csak azt nem tudom, hol lehet kapni és mennyiért?...
" Cue made of a software-hardware combo turns your laptop into a complete VJ system. The Main features are a 15,4″ Touchscreen and a linear moving Knob-fader. Certain areas of the screen represent information in context with the position of the knob-fader. Alterations with the knob-fader are displayed by movement, scaling and rotation of graphics. These elements gain complexity at higher zoom levels and become touch sensitive. The visual jockey is able to mix loops, apply effects in an intuitive way as well as access a vast library. "

( )
" Cue made of a software-hardware combo turns your laptop into a complete VJ system. The Main features are a 15,4″ Touchscreen and a linear moving Knob-fader. Certain areas of the screen represent information in context with the position of the knob-fader. Alterations with the knob-fader are displayed by movement, scaling and rotation of graphics. These elements gain complexity at higher zoom levels and become touch sensitive. The visual jockey is able to mix loops, apply effects in an intuitive way as well as access a vast library. "
( )
Sebastian Duran (Bs.As (Argentina))
Az argentín videóművész, Sebastian Duran műveiből válogatok ma.
Aturdimiento from Sebastian Duran on Vimeo.
Realizado en el año 2008
SuperDeath from Sebastian Duran on Vimeo.
SuperDeath es un viaje hipnotico por la mente de una asesina.
(Pluviometro) Tema: Nocivo from Sebastian Duran on Vimeo.
Video Clip
Tema: Nocivo
Año: 2008
Les Pluviometros:
Marcelo Evol
Sebastian Duran
Baby Blue - Los Peyotes- from Sebastian Duran on Vimeo.
Video Proyeccion realizado para el show en Niceto.
En esa oportunidad compartieron escenario con
The Tormentos
Visuales realizadas para la gira
de EEUU Octubre 2008.
Tema: Guitarras Blancas
Cliente: Los Enanitos Verdes
Productora Buffalo Films (Argentina)
Light festival Jerusalem
Mert vetíteni kell!!
ORI - Video\Light\Laser installation - Light festival Jerusalem from Yossi Jimmy on Vimeo.
ORI - Video/Light/Laser installation, made for the 1st jerusalem light festival.
video was pre-mapped to fit the architecture of this wonderful historical building located in the Jewish Quarter of jerusalem.
ORI (means "my light" in hebrew, and also an hebrew name for a boy) is a story about a kid who wonders outside his house and experience a fascinating journey.
Installation was created by the following artists:
Ori Ben Shabat:
Yossi Jimmy:
Ronen Aricha:
Festival's website (Hebrew only):
ORI - Video\Light\Laser installation - Light festival Jerusalem from Yossi Jimmy on Vimeo.
ORI - Video/Light/Laser installation, made for the 1st jerusalem light festival.
video was pre-mapped to fit the architecture of this wonderful historical building located in the Jewish Quarter of jerusalem.
ORI (means "my light" in hebrew, and also an hebrew name for a boy) is a story about a kid who wonders outside his house and experience a fascinating journey.
Installation was created by the following artists:
Ori Ben Shabat:
Yossi Jimmy:
Ronen Aricha:
Festival's website (Hebrew only):
FaderTouch controller
Simogasd a monitort és meglátod mi lesz.....:)
VJ Fader using FaderTouch @ Interface 5-02-2009 from VJFader on Vimeo.
VJ Fader performing visuals with Processing, and FaderTouch controller interface at Droidbehaviour's Interface warehouse techno madness 5-02-2009, along with VJ CPU.
VJ Fader using FaderTouch @ Interface 5-02-2009 from VJFader on Vimeo.
VJ Fader performing visuals with Processing, and FaderTouch controller interface at Droidbehaviour's Interface warehouse techno madness 5-02-2009, along with VJ CPU.
Warsaw Electronic Festival 2009
Június 6-án rendezték Varsóban a "Zacheta" Nemzeti Galériában ( nálunk mikor? ) az Electronic Festival-t. Most kicsi, de hosszu részleteket láthatunk és hallhatunk belőle.
Warsaw Electronic Festival Gold Plated Face (electronics) + Toshinori Kondo (El. Trumpet) + Philipp Geist (Visuals) from Philipp Geist | Videogeist on Vimeo.
Warsaw Electronic Festival @POLAND in JUNE 6, 2009
Date: 6th June, 2009
Place: National Gallery of Art "Zacheta"
Gold Plated Face (electronics) + Toshinori Kondo (El. Trumpet) + Philipp Geist (Visuals) (polish site)
*The WEF is an international festival which reveals music
created with and under the influence of technology.
Gold Plated Face (electronics) + Toshinori Kondo (El. Trumpet) + Philipp Geist (Visuals)
Warsaw Electronic Festival Toshinori Kondo (El. Trumpet) + Philipp Geist (Visuals) from Philipp Geist | Videogeist on Vimeo.
Warsaw Electronic Festival @POLAND in JUNE 6, 2009
Date: 6th June, 2009
Place: National Gallery of Art "Zacheta"
Toshinori Kondo (El. Trumpet) + Philipp Geist (Visuals) (polish site)
*The WEF is an international festival which reveals music
created with and under the influence of technology.
Toshinori Kondo (El. Trumpet) + Philipp Geist (Visuals)
Warsaw Electronic Festival Gold Plated Face (electronics) + Toshinori Kondo (El. Trumpet) + Philipp Geist (Visuals) from Philipp Geist | Videogeist on Vimeo.
Warsaw Electronic Festival @POLAND in JUNE 6, 2009
Date: 6th June, 2009
Place: National Gallery of Art "Zacheta"
Gold Plated Face (electronics) + Toshinori Kondo (El. Trumpet) + Philipp Geist (Visuals) (polish site)
*The WEF is an international festival which reveals music
created with and under the influence of technology.
Gold Plated Face (electronics) + Toshinori Kondo (El. Trumpet) + Philipp Geist (Visuals)
Warsaw Electronic Festival Toshinori Kondo (El. Trumpet) + Philipp Geist (Visuals) from Philipp Geist | Videogeist on Vimeo.
Warsaw Electronic Festival @POLAND in JUNE 6, 2009
Date: 6th June, 2009
Place: National Gallery of Art "Zacheta"
Toshinori Kondo (El. Trumpet) + Philipp Geist (Visuals) (polish site)
*The WEF is an international festival which reveals music
created with and under the influence of technology.
Toshinori Kondo (El. Trumpet) + Philipp Geist (Visuals)
Modul8-al készített mapping.
(Tartok tőle, a fílm jobb, mint az esemény...)
Mapping .modul8,sucio frames, choo room ,moda ,bee,gdl,mappin
(Tartok tőle, a fílm jobb, mint az esemény...)
Mapping .modul8,sucio frames, choo room ,moda ,bee,gdl,mappin
Audioreactive artifact
lasal műve
Infraorbitalis -Audioreactive artifact- from lasal on Vimeo.
This is the first of my audioreactive artifacts experiments.
The object is made in Modo 302.
The composition is made in vvvv (
Audio and midi sequence in ableton live, (camera bangs, object rolls, object spreads, fill, etc).
Render with fraps at 25 fps.
A little bit of motion blur is added.
The original runs at 120 fps, and is completly audio reactive.
Music track: Rumor vitreo -extract-, 2008 (unreleased)
Artist: Tupperwear
Infraorbitalis -Audioreactive artifact- from lasal on Vimeo.
This is the first of my audioreactive artifacts experiments.
The object is made in Modo 302.
The composition is made in vvvv (
Audio and midi sequence in ableton live, (camera bangs, object rolls, object spreads, fill, etc).
Render with fraps at 25 fps.
A little bit of motion blur is added.
The original runs at 120 fps, and is completly audio reactive.
Music track: Rumor vitreo -extract-, 2008 (unreleased)
Artist: Tupperwear
UpDate [AIE prod]
"UpDate [AIE prod] - New Video Set Up" from BomBaKlaK on Vimeo.
"UpDate [AIE prod]" New video set up !!
A medley of some tracks with our last video test on the new set up ! enjoy !
Live Video
Live Audio
Azop Corp
An Audiovisual Live Set from the Audiovisual Label "AIE prod"
Creative Commons License
stage beta #1 by COTTA Jérémie est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Paternité-Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale-Pas de Modification 2.0 France.
"UpDate [AIE prod]" New video set up !!
A medley of some tracks with our last video test on the new set up ! enjoy !
Live Video
Live Audio
Azop Corp
An Audiovisual Live Set from the Audiovisual Label "AIE prod"
Creative Commons License
stage beta #1 by COTTA Jérémie est mis à disposition selon les termes de la licence Creative Commons Paternité-Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale-Pas de Modification 2.0 France.
report MYLES DYSON @ TRAVESTI MONSTERS 3 - Bikini,Toulouse from ted brickman on Vimeo.
Live de Miles DYSON enregistré à la "TRAVESTI MONSTERS 3" le 9 mai 2009 au BIKINI (Toulouse-Fr); Vjing par Ted Brickman. Soirée organisée par BigSplash records et les productions du possible.
Camera par Dc Olfta - Montage/Animation par Ted Brickman
Live de Miles DYSON enregistré à la "TRAVESTI MONSTERS 3" le 9 mai 2009 au BIKINI (Toulouse-Fr); Vjing par Ted Brickman. Soirée organisée par BigSplash records et les productions du possible.
Camera par Dc Olfta - Montage/Animation par Ted Brickman
David Mardones munkáiba kapunk egy kis betekintést.
SHOWREEL MULTIPANTALLAS 02 from David Mardones on Vimeo.
SHOWREEL MULTIPANTALLAS 02 from David Mardones on Vimeo.
Videoproyección Arquitectónica (Fiesta de la Primavera, Jaén 2009) from Miga on Vimeo.
" Proyección arquitectónica realizada por los vjs de Miga, Decolora y Nökeö, con motivo de la Fiesta de la Primavera de Jaén en Abril 2009. También participaron artistas como Vive la Fête, Transglobal Underground o The Pinker Tones.
(Projection made by the architectural vjs of Miga, Decolora Nökeö and, during the Spring Festival in April 2009 in Jaen. Also artists such as Vive la Fête, Transglobal Underground and The Pinker Tones.) "
" Proyección arquitectónica realizada por los vjs de Miga, Decolora y Nökeö, con motivo de la Fiesta de la Primavera de Jaén en Abril 2009. También participaron artistas como Vive la Fête, Transglobal Underground o The Pinker Tones.
(Projection made by the architectural vjs of Miga, Decolora Nökeö and, during the Spring Festival in April 2009 in Jaen. Also artists such as Vive la Fête, Transglobal Underground and The Pinker Tones.) "
An Obscura Digital Surround Projection System at Carnegie Hall
This is an Obscura Digital 8 channel Surround Projection System at Carnegie Hall with Michael Tilson Thomas and the YouTube Symphony Orchestra. We installed this system for a one night show for the debut of YouTubes Symphony Orchestra. We worked with Google and MTT to create visuals that represented the tone of each piece as well as the era that the piece was created in. The goal was to match visuals to the music to highlight how technology can layer on top of classical music. This particular piece is performed live by Mason Bates, and it rocked the house.
RADIO FREQ! - FREQ BEAT (VISUALS) from c-10 on Vimeo.
A short montage of vj graphics created for the Los Angeles based electro / ghettotech band Radio FreQ!. These graphics were created for their live performances and features an edit of their song Freq Beat.
Directed by: AB5TRAX
Music by: Radio FreQ!
Track: Freq Beat
Written by: Cliff Magreta / Ben Adams
Produced by: Hunter Woo
A short montage of vj graphics created for the Los Angeles based electro / ghettotech band Radio FreQ!. These graphics were created for their live performances and features an edit of their song Freq Beat.
Directed by: AB5TRAX
Music by: Radio FreQ!
Track: Freq Beat
Written by: Cliff Magreta / Ben Adams
Produced by: Hunter Woo
Jó kis látvány...
MODERAT from CyberPatrolUnit on Vimeo.
Moderate playing live in Montreal during Mutek 10,
the visual content was amazingly clear, very high resolution
Visual Production by:
all visuals were run on a MBP with Modul8 and Tripple-Head DVI out
SSD drive was used via e-SATA
MODERAT from CyberPatrolUnit on Vimeo.
Moderate playing live in Montreal during Mutek 10,
the visual content was amazingly clear, very high resolution
Visual Production by:
all visuals were run on a MBP with Modul8 and Tripple-Head DVI out
SSD drive was used via e-SATA
Lightball System
BC, Lightball System, Teipfestivalen from pekka on Vimeo.
BC playing Lightball System, at Teipfestivalen, Samfundet, Trondheim, Norway, 2009.
Visuals by Pekka Stokke, lights by Joakim Faxwaag, camera work by Gammaglimt.
BC playing Lightball System, at Teipfestivalen, Samfundet, Trondheim, Norway, 2009.
Visuals by Pekka Stokke, lights by Joakim Faxwaag, camera work by Gammaglimt.
The Sims 3 Addictive TV Video Remix
Az Adictive TV most a Sims 3-ból készített remixet.:))
Check out the new video remix from Addictive TV featuring The Sims 3!
Check out the new video remix from Addictive TV featuring The Sims 3!
QuartComposer implemented in VDMX interface....
Manta I Miss U from Stefano Rigano on Vimeo.
An example of visual performance for concerts and shows.
QuartComposer implemented in VDMX interface....
music by Alva Noto
An example of visual performance for concerts and shows.
QuartComposer implemented in VDMX interface....
music by Alva Noto
fragment plate
brainbow Jóvoltából:
fragment plate from brainbow on Vimeo.
Three footages for vj'ing, you can download original samples from
fragment plate from brainbow on Vimeo.
Three footages for vj'ing, you can download original samples from
VJ soft: Download Quase-Cinema 2
" A versão 2 do software de VJ Quase-Cinema já está disponível para download.
As versões para Mac OS X (10.5 Intel) Windows (XP e Vista) estão online e Linux a caminho.
O software agora tem o código aberto (GNU GPL).
Faça seu cadastro/login e acesse a área de downloads."
" Version 2 of the Quase-Cinema VJ software is available for download.
Mac OS X (10.5 Intel) and Windows (XP and Vista) versions are online and Linux is on the way.
The software now has open source (GNU GPL).
Register/login to access the download area. "
Quase-Cinema 2 open source VJ software interface. Audio in English. Versão em português:
VJ live performance - Anna Olmo
Anna Olmo Torinoból küldte ezt a dokumentációt a májusi edeményről.
VJ live performance from Anna Olmo on Vimeo.
Cortile del Maglio
maggio 2009
* proiezione visibile da entrambi i lati
* 25 metri di tessuto
* 450 clips di footage
* 1 cam ad infrarossi
* 5000 persone
* 6 ore consecutive
VJ live performance from Anna Olmo on Vimeo.
Cortile del Maglio
maggio 2009
* proiezione visibile da entrambi i lati
* 25 metri di tessuto
* 450 clips di footage
* 1 cam ad infrarossi
* 5000 persone
* 6 ore consecutive
Live Audio and Visuals with wiiguitar
Egy kis performanci wiiguitarral. Hááááááát...... engem nem győzött meg...
Live Audio and Visuals from vjwunderkind on Vimeo.
This is me improvising on stage with Cottone - I'm the guy with the wiiguitar. I'm using an entrancer to manipulate live video and VDMX triggered with the wiiguitar for the clips.
Live Audio and Visuals from vjwunderkind on Vimeo.
This is me improvising on stage with Cottone - I'm the guy with the wiiguitar. I'm using an entrancer to manipulate live video and VDMX triggered with the wiiguitar for the clips.
Music Video by A Bit Crusher (Holland)
You Must Be A Mistake from A Bit Crusher on Vimeo.
Musicvideo for 'You Must Be A Mistake', free MP3 can be found over here:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License
Do It, Please (Shake Hands) Part 2 from A Bit Crusher on Vimeo.
Musicvideo for 'Do It, Please (Shake Hands) Part 2'
Free MP3 of track can be found here:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License
A Bit Crusher - Zero BPM from A Bit Crusher on Vimeo.
Music Video for 'Zero BPM'
Free MP3 over here:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License
Musicvideo for 'You Must Be A Mistake', free MP3 can be found over here:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License
Do It, Please (Shake Hands) Part 2 from A Bit Crusher on Vimeo.
Musicvideo for 'Do It, Please (Shake Hands) Part 2'
Free MP3 of track can be found here:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License
A Bit Crusher - Zero BPM from A Bit Crusher on Vimeo.
Music Video for 'Zero BPM'
Free MP3 over here:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License
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