Ma Ryan McCann Vj riportjaiból válogatok. Folyt.köv.
A video artist from Vancouver BC Ryan does live visual performances and creates video installations for music and events under the handle VJ Mediavictim. Ryan is also a part time documentary videographer
VJ mediavictim Video log #4 Entheos/Burn In The Forest from Ryan McCann on Vimeo. A documentary video log of my travels , projects and other artist I meet while creating visuals for events. This June 09 I went up to the Squamish Valley to do Visuals and setup for BURN IN THE FOREST and the ENTHEOS Gathering - two parties that ended up 1 mile away from each other in the same location deep in the woods
Kezdés: 2009. december 29., 21:00 Befejezés: 2009. december 30., 5:00 Helyszín: Tűzraktér-Budapest VI. ker. Hegedű u. 3. (Király Utcából nyílik) Utca: Budapest VI. ker. Hegedű u. 3. (Király Utcából nyílik) Leírás Vj Centrum bemutatkozó party A Vj Centrum 2009. december 29-én tart bemutatkozó bulit a Tűzraktérben, ahol a vendégek elképesztő vj-shownak lehetnek szemtanúi, mely egyrészt a szórakozóhely addigra elkészülő tölcsérfedésére történő multiprojektoros panorámavetítésre, másrészt és elsősorban a Vj Centrum által megívott vj-k és dj-k összehangolt előadására épül. A zenei stílust napjaink divatos elektronikus ütemei és velőtrázó basszusai határozzák meg olyan fellépőknek köszönhetően mint: Dj-k: Dork Sanfranciscobeat (Profile25) Rori Breaker (DesignMusic) Sinko ( NVC,TilosRádió) Suhov (BudaBeats) Ster (,Electroghetto) S-Pekt ( Sobek Vj-k Nano Vicsek- The Neon Edge ExLex Krajc Loope Flux TB Kiégőizzók Urbanizer Bordos.Artworks Luma Beamerz Praxinoscope illuvision A buli ingyenes, de alternatív belépő összeg fizethető, melyet teljes egészében a Vj Centrum fejlesztésére fordítunk. VJ CENTRUM A VJ Centrum egy stúdió, mely Magyarország első vj műhelyeként működik. Olyan központi helyként funkcionál, ahol workshopokat, előadásokat, kerekasztal beszélgetéseket, technikai bemutatókat szervezünk. Ezen felül teret szolgáltat kreatív, egyedi látásmóddal rendelkező „médiaművészek”, alkotócsoportok bemutatkozására, egyéni projektek átbeszélésére, elemzésére, kivitelezésére és vj oktatásra. Ideális helyszín a Tűzraktér lett (Budapesten, a Hegedű utca 3. szám alatt), mivel ott rengeteg technikai feltétel adott, valamint számos párhuzamosan működő alkotói csoporttal együttműködve multidiszciplináris kísérleti megoldások kipróbálására, fejlesztésére is lehetőség nyílik. Előzmények Pár évvel ezelőtt - úgy 2000 környékén - egyre több partyban bukkantak fel a vetítésért felelős visual- v. video-jockey-k hazánkban is. Azóta nagy teret hódított magának ez a műfaj, de a elektronikus zenei kultúrával kapcsolatos fórumok nem adnak elegendő információt a témában. Ezért gondoltuk - több csapat, akik ebben a műfajban, vagy különböző határterületein ténykednek - hogy összehozunk dinamikus munkára képes szakmai szövetséget és egyben tudástárat, melyben bárki kedvére tájékozódhat, nézelődhet, hozzászólhat, vitatkozhat és ötletelhet. Összegyűjtöttük, amit találtunk és írtuk, amit gondoltunk. A kezdeményezés mára nemcsak a virtuális térben, hanem a valós underground médiaszíntéren is jelen van.
DESCRIPTION Modul8 is designed for real time video mixing and compositing. It has been designed for VJs and live performers. Created by professional VJs and developped by real time imaging specialists, all coming from the video game industry, Modul8 offers a state of the art user-interface combined with very high performances. Download Now WHAT'S NEW Version 2.6: Wacom tablet support The Painter module responds to pen pressure allowing you to add a natural, lively feel to your video performances. Additional new features: Screenshot of preview and output windows. MIDI device filtering. Customizable aspect ratio of the preview panel. Specify the rendering size of your Quartz Composer patches. Support for Snow Leopard. New modules: All of the following modules are available for download from the GarageCUBE online module library. Midi2Dmx (dmx) - Allows you to control DMX fixtures using your Midi controller. DMX fixture (dmx) - Use Modul8 like a DMX control device. DMX color test (dmx) - Test the RGB of a DMX compatible light fixture. DMX 8 (dmx) - Simple slider control for 8 DMX channels. Perspective Transform - A more precise version of the popular Core Image filter EqTest (example) - Demonstrates how to access Sound Analysis data using the module system. Updated modules: BPM (global) Bpm Router (layer) Bpm Router (master) PrintedDirectEvent v2 (tool) REQUIREMENTS Mac OS X 10.4.8 or later. Quicktime 7.1.3 or later. PPC G4 @ 1 GHz or faster, or Intel processor. AGP or PCI-EXPRESS 3D accelerated video card with at least 64 MB of VRAM.
Soundbird is sound reactive painting being living on the screen. Originally developped for IAC's gigantic multi-screen surface (106ft!) the Soundbird constantly moves across the screen, flying through the huge horizontal space of the pixel wall and creating painterly maps of the environment sounds. Sounds from the external world boost its energy and its colorful trails creating an abstract mapping of the environment sounds. thanx to Dan Shiffman for Most-Pixels-Ever Library!
looop-r is the second generation of a hardware-software hybrid interface for live visual expression. The objective of this project was to create an intuitive and responsive interface for live visual performances using off-the-shelf components and 'mis-used' technology. more info + pics:: looop-r from rux on Vimeo. loop-r from rux on Vimeo.loop-r = realtime video loop controller
" MixVibes has introduced VFX CONTROL, a VJ-DJ solution that lets you mix, scratch, crossfade and synchronize your multimedia files – such as music videos, movies, music – through the interface of a classic DJ booth: 2 channels and a central mixer. The package is an all-in-one turnkey solution including VFX software and an Audio/MIDI controller unit. MixVibes’ VFX software not only allows you to play the most popular music and video file formats, but also to add exclusive content to your performance: insert text, dynamic flash animations, visuals or your logo on the fly. liven your mix with 20 audio/video effects. Each audio effect is translated into a visual effect. Visual effects can be synchronized with the audio BPM. broadcast live from external video sources (webcams, camcorders…) manage multiple playlists and file formats : mp4, mpeg, wmv, avi, mov, divx, wav, mp3… (see below for full list) browse through your files visually using file covers and album jackets The supplied MIDI controller is designed to offer a mouse-free performance. It features a built-in soundcard with 3 stereo channel outputs: 2 for audio playback, 1 for headphone monitoring. For high precision mixing, the touch-sensitive jog-wheels offer latency-free scratching and pitch bending. VFX CONTROL ships December 7th, 2009, priced at MAP 599€ instead of 749€ (offer until January 15th, 2010). Software features: Windows XP, Vista & 7 compatible Compatible video formats: .mp4, .mpg, .mpeg, .mjpeg, .wmv, .avi, .divx, .mov, .vob, .mkv Compatible flash & image formats: .flv, .swf, .jpg, .gif, .png, .bmp Compatible audio formats: .wav .mp3 .wma .ogg .flac Over 20 effects (audio, video or audio+video) Effect synchronization on music beat/tempo 6 simultaneous effects per deck with parameter settings Advanced software sampler for more creativity in your mix Compatible with digital vinyl and CD control for use with turntables or CD players Video titler: insertion of flash animations, pictures, text with animations Webcam live feed compatible VFX Software compatible with every soundcard Artwork cover browsing One color per deck Up to 4 decks Controller features: Video-DJ Audio/MIDI Controller with 3 stereo output sound card 2 Line (stereo RCA) and 1 headphone output (6.3mm jack) Complete hands-on control for keyboard-free use Media library browsing directly from the controller Audio Sampler 4 cue points and 4 loops memories per deck (on controller) Sensitive jog wheels for precise scratch and pitch bend 58 push buttons + 7 rotary push knobs + 5 faders + 9 rotary knobs + shift button for second control functions of all buttons 3-Band EQ ASIO driver Support Power supply: DC6V USB connection for computer Fits standard mobile 19′ DJ racks Removable rack plates Dimensions: 482(W) x 132(H) x 74.8(D)mm; Weight 2.1 Kg " (synthtopia)
Projection on Széchenyi ship from The Neon Edge on Vimeo.We made 10 minutes of animation for this event at 3072x768 resolution. The projectors used were 1x Christie 30k and 2x 20k. We also provided the playback hardware and software for the event. Setup time was 1.5 hours in total. artist ... VJ ... activist ... community coordinator ... educator ... IN THE MIX from siren sativa on Vimeo.A live mix I recorded with ZUMA ( at In The Mix Toronto 2007! ENjoy!
TAKE A DANCE from siren sativa on Vimeo.Me dancing to a techno mix by ZUMBA ( ... It's a short sample of my live VJ mixing style!
A limai (Peru) Feedbackers csoport a Depeche Mode októberi koncertje elött nyomta ezt a 40!!! perces szettet. Feedbackers is multimedia band.An Audiovisual syncro live performance.This is the opening set for Depeche Mode's Tour of the Universe date in Lima Peru, october 2009.
Feedbackers is Assad Sacin / JP Quiroz / Ngr Corvacho
Feedbackers es una banda multimedia.
Una performance audiovisual sincro en vivo.
Este es el set como teloneros de Depeche Mode en su gira Tour of the Universe, en Lima Peru , octubre 2009.
Feedbackers es Assad Sacin / JP Quiroz / Ngr Corvacho Feedbackers is multimedia band. An Audiovisual syncro live performance. This is the opening set for Depeche Mode's Tour of the Universe date in Lima Peru, october 2009. Feedbackers is Assad Sacin / JP Quiroz / Ngr Corvacho Feedbackers es una banda multimedia. Una performance audiovisual sincro en vivo. Este es el set como teloneros de Depeche Mode en su gira Tour of the Universe, en Lima Peru , octubre 2009. Feedbackers es Assad Sacin / JP Quiroz / Ngr Corvacho
" EDITOR NOTES The 'Download Now' link yields the Intel only version, see 'Related Links' for the Universal Binary version. DESCRIPTION Impromptu is an OS X programming environment for composers, sound artists, VJ's and graphic artists with an interest in live or interactive programming. Impromptu is a Scheme language environment, a member of the Lisp family of languages. Time plays a major role in the Impromptu environment allowing accurate real-time scheduling of events and code blocks. Impromptu is a dynamic environment designed specifically for the creation and manipulation of running programs in live performance. Impromptu is a programmable AudioUnit host. A powerful environment for creating AudioUnit graphs of arbitrary complexity with precise programmatic control over individual AU nodes. Musical material can be precisely scheduled for performance by any AudioUnit instrument node and parameters, program changes and presets can be programmatically changed on-the-fly as well as directly via the AU's user interface. Quartz drawing routines can be applied with the same temporal accuracy as audio material allowing composers to tightly integrate audio and visual components. Quicktime movies, bezier paths, images, CoreImage filters and beautiful text rendering are a few of the graphics features available for artists to play with.
Sebastian Duran (Link1, Link2, Link3) új videója. Tema: Basilio Autor: Gaston Disco: Estridencias 2005 Grabado en estudios Lory Pucsin Record DownLoad: VJ Sebastian Duran 2009
Ügyes fílm! "Combining the talents of 2 times UK Beatbox Champion Beardyman [] and master of the edit mr_hopkinson [], this is a one take performance by Beardyman using live looping technology that has been visually explained and augmented by mr_hopkinson’s edit and animation." "They’ll be performing along with Addictive TV at the BIMAS 2009 Awards party on Nov. 19th (Camden)."
Another mad remix. Goldie, who was taken out of his comfort zone of drum 'n' bass to conduct a classical orchestra for television, is here put back into his own world by Addictive TV and this time it's the orchestra playing d 'n' b. For the High Quality version, use this youtube address: 18
" You may have met guys like VJ Culture before. He’s part savant and part scavenger– one of those artists who spots a goldmine in an alleyway, in a trash bin outside Home Depot, or the film canisters and broken Panavision cameras behind a film warehouse– and can mash it all up into something shining and prolific. From halogen to flourescent, from your standard household 60-watters to celluloid-spitting projectors, images and waves of light are bent and ricocheted off pvc tubing and 16 mm lenses to converge in a blaze of glory. Culture, whose real name is Grant Davis, was formerly a communications disorder specialist, working with deaf children. While participating in the burgeoning VJ (video jockey) movement of Black Rock City, NV, he gradually realized that the imagery and light represented by VJ culture was a profound and unique new way to interpret music for the hearing-impaired. With Jon Swark, he co-founded Video Salon, a non-profit institution designed to represent work by aspiring VJers and present his work in an instructional and educational manner. Since embarking on these noble endeavors, he’s parlayed his talent into a groundbreaking new kind of art, growing fast in popularity. The artist even hosts VJ Battles in different countries around the world, has worked with Paul Oakenfold, Pearl Jam, and P-Diddy, just to name a few. Hes also been voted among the top 3 VJs in the world for the past 3 years by the UK’s DJ Mag. Here’s some samples of his work– check out his blog for more. Words by Jeff Nau " (chinashop)
Ha valaki eddig nem értette volna az interjukat...:)
" Hamarosan minden angol nyelvű YouTube-videón lehet felirat: a videomegosztó a Google saját hangfelismerő rendszerével generál írott szöveget a klipeken elhangzottakból, amit élőben fordítani is tud. Az újítás egyelőre csak a YouTube bizonyos csatornáin, így a Google és a videomegosztó saját csatornáján, és az oktatási célú, egyetemek, az MIT vagy a National Geographic által feltett anyagokon érhető el. Az automatikus feliratozás bekapcsolásához a lejátszó vezérlősávjának jobb alsó sarkában lévő CC (closed captions) gombot kell megnyomni, és az itt felugró menüben lehet ráengedni a szövegre a Google fordítóját is. Az angol nyelvű feliratokat a szoftver így élőben le tudja fordítani minden olyan nyelvre, amit a Google Translate ismer, így akár magyarra is. A szolgáltatás bevezetésével a YouTube elsősorban a hallássérülteken kíván segíteni, de ugyanígy hasznát vehetik az angolul nem beszélő nézők is. A fordítás persze közel sem tökéletes, de még így is segíthet érthetővé tenni a videókon elhangzottakat. Feliratokat eddig is lehetett feltölteni a YouTube-klipek mellé, de mindeddig viszonylag kevesen bajlódtak ezzel, mivel a dialógusokat pontos időkóddal kellett ellátni. A videomegosztó másik, most bemutatott új funkciója ezt is feleslegessé teszi: az angol nyelvű szöveget elég begépelni, a YouTube szoftvere automatikusan összepárosítja a leírtakat a hangmintával. Sőt, az így pontosan timecode-olt feliratot le is lehet tölteni, így bármilyen más videolejátszó szoftverrel, vagy asztali készülékkel is használható. " (origo)
Majd ha szemüveg nélkül... There is a dimension beyond that which is known to VJs. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge, between that semester when he was totally doing great at math and the one where he started to fail Calculus. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an dimension we call … the z axis. Yes, three-dimensional visuals are here. And people look super cute and mod in those 3D glasses. We covered the possibilities of the third dimension recently: Next Projection Frontier, Going 3D? Head Tracking, Stereoscopy Fortunately, cameras were there to capture the party at Thunderdome, a visual event in Boston. Check out the video at top. See also: Now, the next challenge: how do you get 3D visuals at live events to work better, to work so well that people can’t resist putting on the glasses, but can move around the space — while drinking — and still see the 3D transformations properly? Discuss, ye great scientists of the eyes.
"When forms collapse, the resulting remains expose layered bits containing infinite possibilities. The inner workings of these fragments make up the foundation of Brian O'Reilly's videos, not unlike microsonic music composition, to which O'Reilly's oeuvre has a great affinity. This type of sound making employs sonic events shorter than musical notes creating a music of vestiges. In these works intervals of visual information are isolated and reworked in order to compose the visualizations for a particular piece. Assemblage art also infiltrates itself a great deal into the videos, albeit in an opposite direction. While assemblage utilizes found scraps to create a new object, these videos degrade original footage in order to unearth the weathered layers in these moving images. Both approaches employ as source material peripheries that would otherwise go unnoticed. By placing a "magnifying glass" onto these materials, a whole visual environment is constructed. This augmented space is precisely what O'Reilly's makes tangible." - Marcella Faustini from "An Aesthetic of Collapse: Brian O'Reilly's Cinema of Fragmentized Failure" "In trying to trace the tangled threads which make up the methods of how I approach constructing a particular work. I am drawn frequently to a continuation on a conceptual line of thought first developed by Paul Klee as "Andacht zum Kleinen" (a devotion to small things). From the study of the miniscule, the slightest detail, the smallest manifestation of form within the every day landscape/soundscape, it is possible to understand (in Klee's words) the "magnitude of natural order". Thus, from a study of minutiae and its interrelationships, one can deduce the unseen outlines of complex forms..." - o'Reilly Brian O'Reilly is the creator of various works for moving images, electronic/noise music, mixed media collage, installation, and is a contrabassist, focusing on the integration of electronic treatments and extended playing techniques. He attended the School of the Art Institute of Chicago on a scholarship for sculpture, following his studies in Chicago he relocated to Paris to study the composition methods & techniques of the composer and architect Iannis Xenakis. During this time he worked extensively with Xenakis' electronic music system utilizing graphic sonic synthesis the UPIC. After a time of research at Les Ateliers UPIC, he received an appointment as the studio's Musical Assistant, during which he worked with Luc Ferrari on his audio and video installation "Cycle Des Souvenirs", and Eliane Radigue on her electroacoustic work "L'Ile Re-sonante". Spectral Strands (Saariaho: Vent nocturne) from Brian O'Reilly on Vimeo. "Spectral Strands (Saariaho: Vent nocturne)" is a part of a collection of works commissioned from the the ZKM's (Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe, Germany) Institut für Musik & Akustik and the Institut für Bildmedien. "Spectral Strands" is a collaboration between Garth Knox performing viola (at times with electronic treatments) and myself manipulating real time visualizations. The moving images use source materials based on extreme close up footage i shot of Garth performing on the viola, then processed using Tom Demeyer's ImX software, with further editing and transformations using FCP to create the fixed form presented here. The music "Vent nocturne" for viola and electronics was composed by Kaija Saariaho for the project and is dedicated to Garth. Presented here is the first half of the work. This work along with works by Scelsi, Sciarrino, Edwards and Grisey are to be released as a DVD titled "Spectral Strands: for Viola and Visuals" by Wergo's ZKM Edition
Point Line Cloud (selections) from Brian O'Reilly on Vimeo. "Beneath the level of the note lies the realm of sound particles. Each particle is a pinpoint of sound. Recent advances let us probe and manipulate this microacoustical world. Sound particles dissolve the rigid bricks of musical composition-the notes and their intervals-into more fluid and supple materials. The sensations of point, pulse (series of points), line (tone), and surface (texture) emerge as the density of particles increases. Sparse emissions produce rhythmic figures. By lining up the particles in rapid succession, one can induce an illusion of tone continuity or pitch. As the particles meander, they flow into liquid-like streams and rivulets. Dense agglomerations of particles form clouds of sound whose shapes evolve over time." -Curtis Roads POINT LINE CLOUD is a collection of audio and video collaborations between Curtis Roads and myself, it has been a ever shifting project over the years which constantly continues to evolve. The first performance of the materials that grew into the project was in 2001 at a concert with Autechre and Russell Haswell in Los Angeles. Since then it has been performed in many diverse venus around the world. The three excerpts presented are: Fluxon This work contains in part visual source materials provided by Matthew Marsden that were further layered and processed using various digital softwares. Volt air pt. 3 The source material was generated using the analog video synthesizer the Sandin Image Processor located at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Thank you to Brett Williams and Edward Rankus who at the time helped me dig deeper into the IP. Half life pt. 1 Sonal atoms Was created using only a few seconds of footage that was then edited, layered, processed and re-processed to create the basis for the work. Curtis' book MICROSOUND had a profound influence on the conception of how to edit and construct this work, at times editing the video to the sound on a frame by frame level.
octal_hatch (excerpts) from Brian O'Reilly on Vimeo. octal_hatch (2003) is a series of works based on materials generated using a live video feedback system. The setup consisted two antiquated video mixers (equipped with various wipes and internal effects), assorted cameras, monitors and a laptop processing and feeding footage through itself and into the system. These source materials were then edited, layered and reprocessed using various softwares and hardware techniques. The idea first presented itself to me when Matmos asked me to play contrabass on the track "Snails and Lasers for Patricia Highsmith" from the album "The Rose Has Teeth in the Mouth of a Beast". From them I got the idea of making an abstract work that had conceptual links to someone who had deeply influenced my life and work. In my case I decided to do an "abstract portrait" of the composer and architect Iannis Xenakis. The sonic materials used in the works have direct links to Xenakis' electronic music in that they mainly use his UPIC System and an implementation of GenDy written by Alberto de Campo in the software programming language supercollider. The UPIC sounds were generated years before, performed live to DAT tape while I was working in France as music assistant at Les Ateliers UPIC. The GenDy code uses a stochastic algorithm that Xenakis invented and called "dynamic stochastic synthesis." Also to note, currently the hardware dependent UPIC is replaced in my studio setup by the UPIX, a software only version created at CEMAMu just before they were sadly shut down. The UPIC (an acronym of Unité Polyagogique Informatique du CEMAMu) is a drawing tablet linked to a computer, which has a vector display. The user draws waveforms and volume envelopes on the tablet, which are rendered by the computer. Once the waveforms have been stored, the user can compose with them by drawing "compositions" on the tablet, with the X-axis representing cumulative duration, and the Y-axis representing pitch. The compositions can be stretched in duration from a few seconds to an hour. They can also be transposed, reversed, inverted, and subjected to a number of algorithmic transformations. The system allows for real time performance by moving the stylus across the tablet. The title comes from the name of one of the UPIC pages "performed" in the work, a sort of cross hatched image which to me at the time resembled an eye. Portions of the work premiered in Bristol England as a part of the Sonic Arts Network "Connectors" event, and the parts of the version posted here was first screened at The Ninth Annual Activating The Medium Festival in San Francisco, CA.
displace from pixel noizz on Vimeo. another issue for the displacement solutions. Very-very beta, just some simple movements. Made with quartz composer. Music: Nobukazu Takemura.
Netaudio Festival Berlin from pixel noizz on Vimeo. Club Maria 8-11 october This is the first several minutes of my vj set. So its basically a huge Quartz Composer patch, controlled by Iphone and wii controller. The original sound quality is a creepy sh.t , so i changed it. I used a custom interface with clip banks.
TONEWHEELS workshop, DA Festival, Sofia Bulgaria from macumbista on Vimeo. TONEWHEELS is an experiment in converting graphical imagery to sound, inspired by some of the pioneering 20th Century electronic music inventions. In this three day workshop from 24-27 October 2009, participants built a simple light-to-sound converter and DC motor controller, and then began to experiment with drawing sounds onto transparent "tonewheels". The workshop ended in a group performance and an invitation to the audience to try out the instruments for themselves. As you can see, both the participants and the audience had a great time with this. I did too! My thanks go to Galina Dimitrova, Rene Beekman, Prof. Svetoslav Kokalov, Venelin Shurelov, DA Festival, National Academy of the Arts Sofia, Elena Kaludova and all the participants for a fantastic workshop in Bulgaria!
VJ Fader's extended VJ set, using faderTouch touchscreen interface controlling visual synthesizer programmed in Processing. Track is "Holding The Moth" by Underworld (Audiojack Remix), taken from 64er's Summer 2008 mix compilation.
Surround mapping @ artCLUBBING studios from Swen Seyerlen on Vimeo. a workshop at the artclubbing studios combining 3 projectors to one surrounding mapping with a graphic line passing all perspectives and some frames used somehow like windows.
Visualma, VJ-reel, Menigma vs. Macushi, Modul8, Codanova from Visualma on Vimeo. visit: !! The visualma visual arts collective by Menigma and Macushi. Vjing and visual live performance, driven by a creative philosophy therefore all our material is self created. Our main objective is to take our viewers into different aspects of reality. We contrast images from urban life with elements of nature life, merging these worlds with the different cultures of men.
not - DARTRIIX - from Masato TSUTSUI on Vimeo. realtime generated with Max/MSP/Jitter. captured with Blackmagic Design "Intensity" in 1080p/60fps. music: DARTRIIX visual: Masato TSUTSUI and more: about DVD: sorry, on sales only in japan...
A 31 éves ausztrál Michael Micology Stern micology néven ismert a VJ világában, ingyenes loopjairól már többször volt szó: Vj Micology 2006 FreeLoops, Vj Micology Free Loops. Most egy kicsit "bővebben" róla, a saját szavaival:
" micology Producer / Animator / Editor Photography , Digital imaging , Design, Compositing ,VisuaLizing , Art , Motion Graphics , Special Fx , Liquid motion >>? Finger skating , Gardening , Animals , number - 8 , aesthetics , minimalism , colors , electrologica FilmClips , Animation , magaZines , PhotoCollage , TypOgRapHy, the web , Music synchRoniZatioN , GadGets , Cameras , Surfing , Skating , looking , Life , my plants , Interior design , Architecture , street signs , aDvertiSing , FasHion , aStrOlogy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Micology FRRRREEEE LOOPS "
SOURCE Visuals: Electrology:002 by VJ Micology (demo) SOURCE ( is a collection of original motion graphic DVDs and visual downloads for VJs, DJs, parties, clubs, special events and advanced vj Promo-2006
"Musik box - Zecklaown [AIE prod]" from BomBaKlaK on Vimeo. ZECKLAOWN, Drum'n and breaks qui s'agrémentent d'une Texture tribale , rythmiques binaires syncopées, aux mélodies acides, sur une écriture electro énergique définitivement orienté dancefloor. live audio ZKC live video BomBaKlaK Contact booking : booking(at)
" Absolwent wydzialu Pedagogiczno-Artystycznego cieszynskiej filii US. Na scenie vj-skiej od 2003 r. W okresie swojej dzialalnosci tworzyl wizualizacje do szeroko rozumianych odmian muzyki elektronicznej. Porusza sie pomiedzy rozmaitymi stylistykami, laczac ze soba elementy graficzne, krotkie formy filmowe i animacje " vj set from joaquim on Vimeo.
" Qeve is a promising-looking, open-source visual performance tool built in visual patching environment Pure Data (Pd). It was built primarily on Ubuntu Linux but should also run with some adjustment on Mac. (Pd itself runs on Windows, but some of the visual dependencies are not available on that platform. I’d still recommend Linux.) Aside from being free and open, and a set of patches you can go in and modify, there are some nice-looking features here: Audiovisual mixing and step sequencing, transitions Video browsing Beat sync and master clock 3 layers, supporting multiple formats (video, 3D, photos, text, paint), 3D/2D graphics Full OpenSoundControl support Audio analysis FreeFrame plug-in support Live video streaming MIDI configuration Control with Wiimote, Nintendo DS, and (open source iPhone OSC app) MrMr The project comes from the development team Estereotips (Italian/English/Spanish site). Project page: vdmo Kstati tells us all about it, in a complete English-language blog post: Qeve: Free tool for Live Performance and VJing The current documentation PDF is in English. " (createdigitalmotion)
baba roga's revenge voirchestra presents HÄXAN from pixelschubser on Vimeo. baba roga's revenge voirchestra is a remixed silent movie ambient art installation with djing and live soundscapes it could also be descriped as a expanded cinema experience. i remixed the movie Häxan (Witchcraft Through the Ages) made 1922 from Benjamin Christensen. The idea of the projection is, that on one screen the movie follows his narration and on two other screens i comment the actual narration with material from the movie and bring in some vj, video art aesthetics. dj witwe bolte is playing a lot of freaky sounds and hagen von detten is playing the guitar and other crazy instruments all through lots of effects so that there are a lot of soundscapes and experimental electronic noises.