Moth - Burial&FourTet LIVE VJmix
Moth - Burial&FourTet LIVE VJmix from Mario Epsley on Vimeo.
A video i made using quartz and vdmx, a composition using the Rutt Etra plugin.
A video i made using quartz and vdmx, a composition using the Rutt Etra plugin.
Capture-AV Test Song
Capture-AV Test Song from Marek Bereza on Vimeo.
This is a quick composition I made on my macbook with the internal camera and microphone to demo my new program.
UPDATE: get the mac version here: mrkbrz.com/captureav/
So, originally, I wrote this sampler program which you can sample your sounds very quickly (it's here: wikid.co.uk/capture/ ). Basically, you press the key you want to sample onto and then it starts recording until you let go of the key. Then I built on this program in openFrameworks to create a video version, from where this video came.
The fun bit is how you deal with video polyphony. Do you blend the videos, put them 4 up 3 up 9 up etc. So I made a bunch of options which you can switch between with MIDI.
You can program and sequence it with MIDI, export video as a bmp image sequence, the audio files it saves can be loaded as a sampler instrument in Logic (gigasampler files). If anyone's interested in using it let me know I'll send you a copy. More (better) stuff soon!
This is a quick composition I made on my macbook with the internal camera and microphone to demo my new program.
UPDATE: get the mac version here: mrkbrz.com/captureav/
So, originally, I wrote this sampler program which you can sample your sounds very quickly (it's here: wikid.co.uk/capture/ ). Basically, you press the key you want to sample onto and then it starts recording until you let go of the key. Then I built on this program in openFrameworks to create a video version, from where this video came.
The fun bit is how you deal with video polyphony. Do you blend the videos, put them 4 up 3 up 9 up etc. So I made a bunch of options which you can switch between with MIDI.
You can program and sequence it with MIDI, export video as a bmp image sequence, the audio files it saves can be loaded as a sampler instrument in Logic (gigasampler files). If anyone's interested in using it let me know I'll send you a copy. More (better) stuff soon!
Axisrun - Disco San Francisco
Axisrun - Disco San Francisco from Vadim Smakhtin on Vimeo.
Audiovisual installation. Made in Russia, Samara.
Sound design - Leonid Semakov (ensource.pdj.ru)
Programming - Vadim Smakhtin (blog.vadimsmakhtin.com)
Audiovisual installation. Made in Russia, Samara.
Sound design - Leonid Semakov (ensource.pdj.ru)
Programming - Vadim Smakhtin (blog.vadimsmakhtin.com)
CoGe 1.0 - Tutorial 5 - Using Media Presets and then, create grunge things :)
CoGe 1.0 - Tutorial 5 - Using Media Presets and then, create grunge things :) from luma beamerz on Vimeo.
This video demonstrating how to use CoGe Media Preset. (.cpr) files
A Media Preset file contains only the media files from a Synth's Media Slot - no other data.
For saving, click File Menu and choose Save Media Preset A or B.
To load a CoGe Media Preset file, simply drop it to a Media Slot.
The video also demonstrating how to create grunge stop-motion like thing, with some stills, Image Overlayer player and the Overlay blend mode.
This video demonstrating how to use CoGe Media Preset. (.cpr) files
A Media Preset file contains only the media files from a Synth's Media Slot - no other data.
For saving, click File Menu and choose Save Media Preset A or B.
To load a CoGe Media Preset file, simply drop it to a Media Slot.
The video also demonstrating how to create grunge stop-motion like thing, with some stills, Image Overlayer player and the Overlay blend mode.
Asia Winter Music Festival
Asia Winter Music Festival Macau Vj Donkie live with Marco V Dec 25 2009 from Vj Donkie on Vimeo.
Asia Winter Music Festival Dec 25 2009
Vj Donkie live with Marco V
Cotai Expo Hall D Venetian Macao
Asia Winter Music Festival Dec 25 2009
Vj Donkie live with Marco V
Cotai Expo Hall D Venetian Macao
Paulo R. C. Barros (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
His works were selected and participated on Art and Media events and Festivals at United States of America, Denmark, England, Cyprus, Spain, The Netherlands, France, Austria, Syria, Romania and Brazil.
The aesthetic of the digital media art surprises and defies.
Paulo R. C. Barros explores the computer as a form of aesthetic experimentation when working the resources that better allow him to arise the sensibility of the audience.
Subverting continuously the function of the machine and the programs that he uses, reinventing the way how he appropriates of a technology, the digital artist increases his performance and expands his creative horizon.
The techniques and artifices used in the conception of the works are full of concepts and themes based on the minimalism principles, always aiming an innovative and stunning perspective.
The recycling of the visual and sonorous signs, the fragmentation and the impious dismount of their parts, the intentional repetition, allow the creation of an abstract, pulsing, hypnotic and seducing form of art.
The result is disturbing and can be multiplied to the infinite feeding the artistic intervention in the media universe and creating new interpretation parameters, that demands fast perception to be able to catch the message in a speed that sometimes seems to be dizzying.
Paulo R. C. Barros has a rich production in electronic art and sonorous plastics. Observer of the cinema, music, contemporary art and adjacent medias, he is up to date to the video expanded possibilities that are in constant process of changing and rearrangement.
Optronica from Paulo R. C. Barros on Vimeo.
Optronica, videoart by Paulo R. C. Barros
Sensorial from Paulo R. C. Barros on Vimeo.
Videoart by Paulo R. C. Barros with Jerry King Musser
Drawing from Paulo R. C. Barros on Vimeo.
Videoart by Paulo R. C. Barros with Alan Walker
Directing, editing: Zsuzsanna Koszti
Animation: Amanda Szabó
Camera: Daniel Besnyo, Matyas Mao Kalman
Performers: Reka Engyel, Zsofia Laszlo
Scene: Benedek Eszteri
Winner of Xaft 2009
Music: Aphex twin, Autechre
Flux style
Animation: Amanda Szabó
Camera: Daniel Besnyo, Matyas Mao Kalman
Performers: Reka Engyel, Zsofia Laszlo
Scene: Benedek Eszteri
Winner of Xaft 2009
Music: Aphex twin, Autechre
Flux style
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A csomag tartozéka az USB-DVI konverter, továbbá egy DVI-HDMI és egy DVI-VGA adapter. Ára 96 USD, további infók a NewerTech weboldalán. "'
( adsr )
Night Light
Night Light from Colin Hesterly on Vimeo.
My first venture into Form. Inspired by my Christmas Tree. Enjoy.
Music: "Sogg" - Amiina
My first venture into Form. Inspired by my Christmas Tree. Enjoy.
Music: "Sogg" - Amiina
Carol of the Bells - Computer Controlled Christmas Lights
Carol of the Bells - Computer Controlled Christmas Lights from Richard Holdman on Vimeo.
This is my 2007 Christmas Display with 45,000 lights and 176 channels of computer control. Visit holdman.com/christmas for more info. The original file is in Divx format, download the codec at tinyurl.com/q454f
This is my 2007 Christmas Display with 45,000 lights and 176 channels of computer control. Visit holdman.com/christmas for more info. The original file is in Divx format, download the codec at tinyurl.com/q454f
Mapping OPEN PARK 2009 from P∆NDILL∆ on Vimeo.
Mapping Teatro Solis from P∆NDILL∆ on Vimeo.
Mapping en la "Bienal del Juego" // Teatro Solis // Montevideo - Uruguay
Edicion con imagenes del evento, musica: "Gush" de Trentemoller.
Vj.Chindogu + Pandilla.Vj
Mapping sobre fachada de Lindolfo from P∆NDILL∆ on Vimeo.
Vj Chindogu + Vj Pandilla
Animadores: Guillermo Gross + Marcelo Vidal + Alejandro Falero
Diseño sonoro: Heavi
Fiesta del Circulo de la Publicidad en Lindolfo
10/12/09 - Montevideo - Uruguay
Mapping en sala Zabala Muniz from P∆NDILL∆ on Vimeo.
A/V mapping set
VJ Chindogu + Pandilla
Jerónimo Saer + Tinitus + VJ Chindogu
Martes 20 de octubre / Sala Zavala Muniz del Teatro Solís
Montevideo, Uruguay.
bios (Hungary)
Bios -real name is Tamas Herczeg. He creates fractal graphics and animations. He mostly uses his own animations. His favorite styles are Goa, Psy, IDM, EBM, Ambient, Industrial, Minimal, and so... He also does sound for dance theatre and performance.
First loop from bios on Vimeo.
My first loop
Music by Proem: Place Gun to Head
Don't Panic from bios on Vimeo.
A short experimental mix from bios
WTF festival RadioKraft from bios on Vimeo.
Sound Reactive Tai Chi and Ribbon
Sound Reactive Tai Chi and Ribbon from Joe Catchpole on Vimeo.
Quartz Composer using GOTO10's Ribbons composition and v002 movie player with audio input adjusting speed. Rendered with Quartz Crystal.
Music: Plastician: Japan
Quartz Composer using GOTO10's Ribbons composition and v002 movie player with audio input adjusting speed. Rendered with Quartz Crystal.
Music: Plastician: Japan
CoGePSBrushes IterTrans
CoGePSBrushes IterTrans from Lee Grosbauer on Vimeo.
Quartz Composition. This study utilizes the newly released CoGePSBrushes beta plugin from Tamas Nagy and incorporates dual instances of a variation on Iterator - Transparency.qtz from the Conceptual folder of the Quartz Composer developer compositions.
The CoGePSBrushes beta plugin is available on the coge.lovqc.hu/forum. The Photoshop brush files Brushed Ink and Finger Paints from juiceboxvisual.net were utilized. Recorded with Kineme QuartzCrystal.
Quartz Composition. This study utilizes the newly released CoGePSBrushes beta plugin from Tamas Nagy and incorporates dual instances of a variation on Iterator - Transparency.qtz from the Conceptual folder of the Quartz Composer developer compositions.
The CoGePSBrushes beta plugin is available on the coge.lovqc.hu/forum. The Photoshop brush files Brushed Ink and Finger Paints from juiceboxvisual.net were utilized. Recorded with Kineme QuartzCrystal.
Quase-Cinema v2
Megjelent a Quase-Cinema új verziója mindhárom platformra. (Kicsit elkényeztetnek minket a fejlesztők: előbb a CoGe, most a Quase-Cinema v2...:))
Regisztráció után ingyen tőlthető innen: Quase-Cinema: Downloads
"Nuestro propio cine"
Un artista brasileño creó un programa gratuito que permite a los usuarios crear su propia sala virtual. Informe de CNN, Lucrecia Franco
Soundtrack: Komka, As you say
Oficina de pintura com luz com software Quase-Cinema Semana da Cultura e do Software Livre CEAN - Centro Educacional da Asa Norte - Out 2009
Regisztráció után ingyen tőlthető innen: Quase-Cinema: Downloads
"Nuestro propio cine"
Un artista brasileño creó un programa gratuito que permite a los usuarios crear su propia sala virtual. Informe de CNN, Lucrecia Franco
Soundtrack: Komka, As you say
Oficina de pintura com luz com software Quase-Cinema Semana da Cultura e do Software Livre CEAN - Centro Educacional da Asa Norte - Out 2009
Mondjuk nálam elég bug-os, sűrűn kilép...pedig neves VJ-k használják...
CoGe 1.0 - Tutorial 4 - Developing a new Player module
CoGe 1.0 - Tutorial 4 - Developing a new Player module from luma beamerz on Vimeo.
Okay, now we will create a new Player module runtime - yes, when CoGe running :)
Warning! A bit QC knowledge needed!
We have a text file with some words, and no image and movie players plays it. But the media slot shows an icon - because the media slots are Quicklook based. The idea is display the next word on each beat.
Now, launch Quartz Composer.
- use a Clear and a Billboard patch with Image with string for displaying
- use Kineme's String with file patch (from Filetools 0.5b) - downloadable for free on kineme.net - for loading text to string
- get the separeted words with a String Compontents patch
- create a counter based loop: change to the next word index when counter got an increasing signal, and reset when the current index is the last
- now open the player template from CoGe's template folder
- copy the layerFilePath (this will send the currently selected slots file path from CoGe to QC), and the currentBeat (this will send the current beat number from CoGe to QC) input splitters
- use this splitters for File Input and triggering counter, when value on the input changing
- now, save the comp: create a new folder inside CoGe's player folder, and place the file
- back to CoGe, select the new player, and enjoy :)
It isn't too hard, isn't it? :)
The final Player module with some new option (selectable font for example) downloadable from: coge.lovqc.hu/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=117
Okay, now we will create a new Player module runtime - yes, when CoGe running :)
Warning! A bit QC knowledge needed!
We have a text file with some words, and no image and movie players plays it. But the media slot shows an icon - because the media slots are Quicklook based. The idea is display the next word on each beat.
Now, launch Quartz Composer.
- use a Clear and a Billboard patch with Image with string for displaying
- use Kineme's String with file patch (from Filetools 0.5b) - downloadable for free on kineme.net - for loading text to string
- get the separeted words with a String Compontents patch
- create a counter based loop: change to the next word index when counter got an increasing signal, and reset when the current index is the last
- now open the player template from CoGe's template folder
- copy the layerFilePath (this will send the currently selected slots file path from CoGe to QC), and the currentBeat (this will send the current beat number from CoGe to QC) input splitters
- use this splitters for File Input and triggering counter, when value on the input changing
- now, save the comp: create a new folder inside CoGe's player folder, and place the file
- back to CoGe, select the new player, and enjoy :)
It isn't too hard, isn't it? :)
The final Player module with some new option (selectable font for example) downloadable from: coge.lovqc.hu/forum/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=117
CoGe 1.0 - Tutorials
CoGe 1.0 - Tutorial 2 - Using the preview window to forward key/mouse events from luma beamerz on Vimeo.
This video demonstrating how to send keyboard and mouse events to QC composition from CoGe's preview window.
There aren't any magic. Simply use the Mouse,Keyboard, Trackball, etc. patches in Quartz Composer.
Sample files: coge.lovqc.hu/forum/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=114
CoGe 1.0 - Tutorial 3 - Stop Motion in 2 ways from luma beamerz on Vimeo.
Creating stop motion like things with CoGe in 2 ways:
The first method is, using the built-in sequencer with the Simple Image player module, and see how things changes when we changing the selected media slots for sequenced trigger.
The second method is, using the Folder Runner named player module - this module automatically trigger a media file (movie, image, qtz) from a folder when a "new beat coming"(see 4 little boxes under the bpm field).
This video demonstrating how to send keyboard and mouse events to QC composition from CoGe's preview window.
There aren't any magic. Simply use the Mouse,Keyboard, Trackball, etc. patches in Quartz Composer.
Sample files: coge.lovqc.hu/forum/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=114
CoGe 1.0 - Tutorial 3 - Stop Motion in 2 ways from luma beamerz on Vimeo.
Creating stop motion like things with CoGe in 2 ways:
The first method is, using the built-in sequencer with the Simple Image player module, and see how things changes when we changing the selected media slots for sequenced trigger.
The second method is, using the Folder Runner named player module - this module automatically trigger a media file (movie, image, qtz) from a folder when a "new beat coming"(see 4 little boxes under the bpm field).
CoGe 1.0 Public Beta 1 released!
:) Sokan várták és most elkészűlt az első publikus béta. Töltsétek, próbáljátok és jelezzétek vissza .lov.-nak a tapasztalatokat! :)
" There are tons of changes, new things, improvements, so this is a very-very new CoGe. I'm actually busy with making documentations about the project - so, at the moment, this version is for people how wants to discover unknown territories :)
Project now hosted on Google Code:
http://code.google.com/p/coge "
CoGe 1.0 - Tutorial 1 - A simple worklflow from luma beamerz on Vimeo.
A very basic demo shows a simple worklflow:
- drop media from Finder to a CoGe Media Slot
- select a simple Player module (right click)
- select a simple Mixer module (right click)
- select a simple Control module(right click) and automatize a parameter with it.
" There are tons of changes, new things, improvements, so this is a very-very new CoGe. I'm actually busy with making documentations about the project - so, at the moment, this version is for people how wants to discover unknown territories :)
Project now hosted on Google Code:
http://code.google.com/p/coge "
CoGe 1.0 - Tutorial 1 - A simple worklflow from luma beamerz on Vimeo.
A very basic demo shows a simple worklflow:
- drop media from Finder to a CoGe Media Slot
- select a simple Player module (right click)
- select a simple Mixer module (right click)
- select a simple Control module(right click) and automatize a parameter with it.
amoeba (uk)
and design studio evolving from Scotland in 1995,
producing print and screen based media for creative clients in media, music and publishing.
Client work in motion design and direction, music videos, title and credit design include
MTV, MTVne, MTV Asia, MTV Europe
Maverik media, The picture company
Princess Productions, Channel 4,
Soma records, wall of sound, freshly squeezed records,
macUser magazine, IPC, 247 magazine.
aple aav performance reel from amoeba on Vimeo.
AAV_aple showreel of performances and installations in Europe in 2009.
With thanks to Eps+Tokio in Moscow, Lurant/vision R paris, and Prof. Fried Dahn at stuttgart media lab.
aple ikonstrukt
aple ikonstrukt 00 from amoeba on Vimeo.
aple ikonstrukt 01 from amoeba on Vimeo.
aple ikonstrukt 02 from amoeba on Vimeo.
aple ikonstrukt 03 from amoeba on Vimeo.
aple ikonstrukt 04 from amoeba on Vimeo.
aple ikonstrukt 05 from amoeba on Vimeo.
One of 33 live performance tools + locked groove av sequences taken from the AAV performance and installation
APLE [arrange process loop_edit]
aple ikonstrukt 01 from amoeba on Vimeo.
aple ikonstrukt 02 from amoeba on Vimeo.
aple ikonstrukt 03 from amoeba on Vimeo.
aple ikonstrukt 04 from amoeba on Vimeo.
aple ikonstrukt 05 from amoeba on Vimeo.
One of 33 live performance tools + locked groove av sequences taken from the AAV performance and installation
APLE [arrange process loop_edit]
Vj Centrum bemutatkozó Party

Sanfranciscobeat (Profile25)
Rori breaker (Design Music)
Sinko ( NVC,TilosRádió)
Suhov (BudaBeats)
Ster (breakbeat.hu,Electroghetto)
S-Pekt (breakbeat.hu)
The Neon Edge
Kiégőizzók Urbanizer
Luma Beamerz
A buli ingyenes, de alternatív belépő összeg fizethető, melyet teljes egészében a Vj Centrum fejlesztésére fordítunk. http://www.tuzrakter.hu/ "
vj centrum bemutatkozik from nonamevj on Vimeo.
DecaDance NYE2010 ~ December, 31st :: Chicago
NYE2010 :: Thursday, December 31st
Celebrate the New Year at an incredible space with friends and
amazing talent! Experience a full integration of music, vision
and movement. Providing full-scale environmental design in
multiple rooms, bringing together a wide range of creative
talents to inspire, awe, and activate your mind.
This Event will only happen once.
Featured Music:
*) 1000 Vertical Feet - [Live Jam / DJ / Rock]
*) Environmental Encroachment - [Magic Circus Band]
*) The Chilluminati Stage - [Various Artists]
*) Chris Widman / Abstract Science - [DJ]
*) Searchl1te - [Laptop DJ]
*) Carla Starla - [DJ w/ Live Vocals]
*) M50 - [DJ]
*) Dominic Johnson - [Live Viola w/ DJ set]
*) Weston Rose - [Ukulele]
*) Jason Seed - [Live Guitar]
Synchronistic VJing Visuals:
*) Merkaba visuals
*) Audrey Sica / Stoptime341
*) Nathan Peck / RookTV
Multimedia Visual Installations:
*) Galina Shevchenko
*) Edyta Stepien
*) Gordon Kummel / mindfield
++ More Artists to be announced
Cocktail and Beer Bar
Complimentary New Year Champagne Toast
Happening @ Catalyst Collective in Chicago
Held in a beautiful artist loft in the North & Pulaski neighborhood.
Complete Event Info emailed after ticket purchase, week of event.
All Profits go towards supporting the Arts and Artists.
Very Limited amount of $20 advanced tickets
then $25 / $35 day of event
http://www.Psymbolic.com/events "
CHiKA (Visualicious) - (new york)
She has performed at The Museum of Modern Art, The Hammer Museum, Mutek, The Mapping Festival, Decibel festival, Platform Bohenstrasses, Théâtre Maisonneuve, San Francisco Art Institute, WMC, Eyebeam, Eyewash as well as private parties, festivals, events, galleries and night clubs.
She is currently studying at ITP, New York University. "
chronos lll from Visualicious on Vimeo.
Visual by CHiKA
Audio by Zack Layton
Chronos, a reference to the Greek, is an audio-visual representation of the experience and perception of subjective time. CHiKA’s abstract flickering imagery and Zach’s low frequiency sine (Alpha) waves are used as a means of evoking rhythms that reflects a relaxed, meditative awareness. This collaborative concept was inspired from a technique called EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) which was developed in the 1980s by Dr. Francine Shapiro, a psychologist who discovered that alternating stimulation between the right and left hemispheres of the brain through repetitive horizontal eye movements; tapping of the hands and/or oscillating sound effects somehow pulls memories from the subconscious into consciousness.
The SVA’s Visual Gallery, New York, NY, USA
Plattform Bohnenstrasse, Bremen, GERMANY
SVA’s Digital Salon, New York, NY, USA
Hardcore Art Contemporary Space, Miami, FL, USA
Participant Gallery, New York, NY, USA
Untitled01 from Visualicious on Vimeo.
TFIB=Parametric Pressure from Visualicious on Vimeo.
visual by CHiKA
sound by Rj Valeo
The Future is Beautifl.
For our inaugural 2009 event, this Valentine’s Day we have created a very special and romantic evening. To begin the evening we have decided to forgo music (just this once) and show a cinematic master piece by Fellini (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federico_Fellini), called ‘Cabiria’ (youtube.com/watch?v=KFU22LC3hDw). During the show we will be serving dinner from a limited menu that will be available at the venue. The food is wonderful and from the venue’s restaurant, Coco66.
Following TFIB Cinema we have selected a wide range of music and visual atmospheres to ‘keep you in the mood’. Starting off we have Alexander Basset (recently transplanted from Chicago) beginning the evening out with some slow house and new disco. Following up Alex is NYC’s long time resident and TFIB resident Patrick Gallagher, representing NYC with some deep and minimal house and techno. After Patrick we have fellow TFIB resident, Isomer Transition, performing his first Live PA in NYC in over a year. With an inclusion on an upcoming Fabric mix CD, and DJ support from the likes of Claude VonStroke, Troy Pierce and Ryan Elliott, 2009 is off to a good start for Isomer. Following Isomer’s inaugural 2009 Live PA we have two of New York’s underground DJ scene’s rising stars to finish off the night, Kendra ‘You know you know me so I don’t need a last name, fool!’ (of Wax Doll’s fame), and the in-demand Jon Schmidt. Kendra has promised to bring the dance party with a DJ set of infamous french house, and Jon will anchor the night with some deep and heady minimal.
Every TFIB event needs to look proper, so we have hypnotized NYC visual artist CHiKA and got her to be our resident VJ! Her visual style is both minimal and futuristic, a perfect compliment for the music we offer.
Finally, to make sure that the night *sounds proper* we are bringing in some amazing sound reinforcement from our friend Nick down in Philly. He has been doing sound here in NYC lately at the Bunker, House and Home, with Jason Carter and has an amazing sound system. Part of the Future being Beautiful includes enough bass, so we are being sure to bring it.
040609 SOMMEIL from Visualicious on Vimeo.
Sommeil: A Concert for Sleep is all-night events in which the audience is asked to attend the concert with a sleeping bag and pillow and to fall asleep while a slowly unfolding sonic texture evolves over the course of the night and into the morning. People attending the event are asked to be willing to sleep during the event or at least to remain silent during the course of the nine hour experience.
Not merely a recreation of Rich’s original idea, Sommeil is a conceptual, global remix of a performance type that addresses one of the most basic functionalities of ambient and environmental sound; music by which to sleep.
Audio visual mapping installation - Exeter 28.11.09
Audio visual mapping installation - Exeter 28.11.09 from Elliott on Vimeo.
Video installation at the Exeter Phoenix Center in conjunction with the 2 Short Nights Film Festival. This video is the full 8 minute loop shot from a static camera situated next to the projector. The installation centers around the buildings main entrance.
Video Design by Elliott Stallion videoolympic.co.uk
Sound Design by Ju Murphy djjusme.econtrack.co.uk
Special Thanks to.
Exeter Phoenix Center & Media Department exeterphoenix.org.uk
Stuart Mitchell, Jonas Hawkins, Sound Guy & James Davey.
Massage & Wellbeing Centre Gandy St.
Video & Sound outputted using Modul8.
Wireless Speakers fed via Modul8.
Video installation at the Exeter Phoenix Center in conjunction with the 2 Short Nights Film Festival. This video is the full 8 minute loop shot from a static camera situated next to the projector. The installation centers around the buildings main entrance.
Video Design by Elliott Stallion videoolympic.co.uk
Sound Design by Ju Murphy djjusme.econtrack.co.uk
Special Thanks to.
Exeter Phoenix Center & Media Department exeterphoenix.org.uk
Stuart Mitchell, Jonas Hawkins, Sound Guy & James Davey.
Massage & Wellbeing Centre Gandy St.
Video & Sound outputted using Modul8.
Wireless Speakers fed via Modul8.
Part of my bachelor project in Media Production, University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, Germany, 2008. Features music by Alva Noto & Ryuichi Sakamoto (with friendly permission of the artist).
Part of my bachelor project in Media Production, University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, Germany, 2008. Features music by Alva Noto & Ryuichi Sakamoto (with friendly permission of the artist).
Resolume Avenue & Ableton Live MIDI Sync
Resolume Avenue & Ableton Live MIDI Sync from Resolume on Vimeo.
This video tutorial shows you how to synchronise Avenue from Live using MIDI.
This video tutorial shows you how to synchronise Avenue from Live using MIDI.
light painting
light painting from pixel noizz on Vimeo.
made with quartz composer. music: venetian snares (szamar madar).
more info: pixelnoizz.wordpress.com/2009/12/12/light-painting/
thanks to kineme, vade and bangnoise.
i will share the application soon.
made with quartz composer. music: venetian snares (szamar madar).
more info: pixelnoizz.wordpress.com/2009/12/12/light-painting/
thanks to kineme, vade and bangnoise.
i will share the application soon.
Instalación y Mapping @ TAH2009: Tecno Arte Hoy
Instalación y Mapping @ TAH2009: Tecno Arte Hoy from Rafael Pereira on Vimeo.
Instalacion audiovisual y mappeo por Auxiliar para el encuentro de creadores y artistas electronicos "TAH2009: Tecno Arte Hoy" en la galeria Sala 1042.
Participaron en esta instalacion:
Rafael Pereira
Yerko Zlatar
Nadia Escalante
Esteban Coronel
Instalacion audiovisual y mappeo por Auxiliar para el encuentro de creadores y artistas electronicos "TAH2009: Tecno Arte Hoy" en la galeria Sala 1042.
Participaron en esta instalacion:
Rafael Pereira
Yerko Zlatar
Nadia Escalante
Esteban Coronel
video installation
legoman@palais de tokyo / Paris from lego_man on Vimeo.
Here's a short report of the video installation I did in the "Palais de tokyo" of Paris, on the 30th of November 09.
Here's a short report of the video installation I did in the "Palais de tokyo" of Paris, on the 30th of November 09.
MixEmergency 1.4.1
MixEmergency 1.4 adds the ability to load transition and effect plug-ins. Plug-ins give users the freedom to choose which additional effects and transitions they would like to install.
You can download new plug-ins from the plug-ins page.
What's new in MixEmergency 1.4:
- Plug-ins
- Presets
- Up-fader Mixing
- Output Arrangement
- Video Export Presets
and many more....
Video Mapping on picture
Ez is egy lehetőség...
Video Mapping on picture from oddish on Vimeo.
Video Mapping on picture.
nspired by this video here vimeo.com/2690618
Sketches belong to my friend Christine, assistance in creating a model friend of mine Dionis.
Working with the installation was filmed at the event promotional group CULT.beat held on 09.10.2009 at the club Ark, Odessa, Ukraine.
Author: Oddish tv.
Mapping on picture v2.0 from oddish on Vimeo.
Mapping on picture v2.0
thx 2all
Video Mapping on picture from oddish on Vimeo.
Video Mapping on picture.
nspired by this video here vimeo.com/2690618
Sketches belong to my friend Christine, assistance in creating a model friend of mine Dionis.
Working with the installation was filmed at the event promotional group CULT.beat held on 09.10.2009 at the club Ark, Odessa, Ukraine.
Author: Oddish tv.
Mapping on picture v2.0 from oddish on Vimeo.
Mapping on picture v2.0
thx 2all
VJ Fader & DJ gEaRbOx
VJ Fader élőben, Las Vegas-ból.
VJ Fader & DJ gEaRbOx @ Las Vegas First Fridays Street Fair 12/04/2009
VJ Fader & DJ gEaRbOx @ Las Vegas First Fridays Street Fair 12/04/2009
Analog workshop 081209
See > Audio from KORNTVED on Vimeo.
See > Lines from KORNTVED on Vimeo.
See > DNA Hz from KORNTVED on Vimeo.
See > Arp from KORNTVED on Vimeo.
See > M//f from KORNTVED on Vimeo.
See > RG from KORNTVED on Vimeo.
Analog workshop 081209
See > Lines from KORNTVED on Vimeo.
See > DNA Hz from KORNTVED on Vimeo.
See > Arp from KORNTVED on Vimeo.
See > M//f from KORNTVED on Vimeo.
See > RG from KORNTVED on Vimeo.
Analog workshop 081209
Mapping Festival 2010
" 2010 Call for Entries: apply now !
December 1st, 2009
The 6th edition of the Mapping Festival will take place from May 6th to 16th 2010 in Geneva (CH).
The call for entries is open until JANUARY 4TH 2010.
You can apply for the following categories:
- VJ set
- AV Performance (classical DJ/VJ acts, but also live performing acts)
- Installation
- Outdoor projection
- Lecture/ workshop/ presentation/ demo
To submit your project, click here !!!
If you want to present your products and/or activities (hardware, software, collective, agency, company etc…) in our space dedicated to VJing professionals, don’t hesitate to contact us.
For more information: pro@mappingfestival.com
From May 6th through the 16th 2010, the Mapping Festival will take place in Geneva, Switzerland, in differents venues: Bâtiment d’art contemporain (installations and AV performances), Théâtre du Grütli and Théâtre de la Parfumerie (workshops, AV performances and live performing acts), Zoo & Spoutnik / Usine (AV performances and VJing) and Uptown Geneva (professional space).
We are looking forward to receiving your applications and all the team wishes you the best for 2010! "
December 1st, 2009
The 6th edition of the Mapping Festival will take place from May 6th to 16th 2010 in Geneva (CH).
The call for entries is open until JANUARY 4TH 2010.
You can apply for the following categories:
- VJ set
- AV Performance (classical DJ/VJ acts, but also live performing acts)
- Installation
- Outdoor projection
- Lecture/ workshop/ presentation/ demo
To submit your project, click here !!!
If you want to present your products and/or activities (hardware, software, collective, agency, company etc…) in our space dedicated to VJing professionals, don’t hesitate to contact us.
For more information: pro@mappingfestival.com
From May 6th through the 16th 2010, the Mapping Festival will take place in Geneva, Switzerland, in differents venues: Bâtiment d’art contemporain (installations and AV performances), Théâtre du Grütli and Théâtre de la Parfumerie (workshops, AV performances and live performing acts), Zoo & Spoutnik / Usine (AV performances and VJing) and Uptown Geneva (professional space).
We are looking forward to receiving your applications and all the team wishes you the best for 2010! "
V&A Decode generative identity
V&A Decode generative identity from postspectacular on Vimeo.
An open source, generative identity for the upcoming "Decode: Digital Design Sensations" exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum London.
More info, downloads & user and development guides at:
Project documentation:
An open source, generative identity for the upcoming "Decode: Digital Design Sensations" exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum London.
More info, downloads & user and development guides at:
Project documentation:
audio-video painter & technicolor install
The Golden Age from Yogstar on Vimeo.
audio-video painter & technicolor install by yogstar & hatts.
The Golden Age from Yogstar on Vimeo.
audio-video painter & technicolor install by yogstar & hatts.
Egy kis lazítás Caroline Duris-el, vagy ahogy már ismeritek: c_cil-el.
OTHER DREAM from c_cil on Vimeo.
video / music performance
c_cil / Caroline Duris
OTHER DREAM from c_cil on Vimeo.
video / music performance
c_cil / Caroline Duris
Organix - The Vancouver Psytrance Scene
Még egy VJ Mediavictim riport:
Organix - The Vancouver Psytrance Scene from Ryan McCann on Vimeo.
A video documentary I made in 2006 for ORGANIX productions highlighting the 10 year anniversary of the Organix weekly event and the psytrance scene in Vancouver
Organix - The Vancouver Psytrance Scene from Ryan McCann on Vimeo.
A video documentary I made in 2006 for ORGANIX productions highlighting the 10 year anniversary of the Organix weekly event and the psytrance scene in Vancouver
A foolaloof - Retina Error RMX 1
A foolaloof - Retina Error RMX 1 from retina error on Vimeo.
VideoRemix done for VJ Devon Miles with music from Alec Troniq.
VideoRemix done for VJ Devon Miles with music from Alec Troniq.
Burning Man Festival 2009 / 3
Ma két szettet nézhetünk meg közelebbről a Burning Man Festiválról.
VJ Mediavictims Live Visual Set - Root Society - Burning Man 2009 from Ryan McCann on Vimeo.
This is the visual VJ set performed (and recorded) live at the Root Society Dome at Burning Man 2009. video content and videography Ryan McCann mediavictimlabs.com
music provided by VJ Btoxic
VJ Mediavictims live Visual Set from the Opulent Temple , Burning Man 2009 from Ryan McCann on Vimeo.
A selection of my VJ visual set, mixed and recorded live at Burning Man 2009 - this time VJing at the Opulent Temple - Video content and Event Videography Ryan McCann, mediavictimlabs.com (vj site) documonkey.tv (documentary video service site) Music Provided by DJ Btoxic
VJ Mediavictims Live Visual Set - Root Society - Burning Man 2009 from Ryan McCann on Vimeo.
This is the visual VJ set performed (and recorded) live at the Root Society Dome at Burning Man 2009. video content and videography Ryan McCann mediavictimlabs.com
music provided by VJ Btoxic
VJ Mediavictims live Visual Set from the Opulent Temple , Burning Man 2009 from Ryan McCann on Vimeo.
A selection of my VJ visual set, mixed and recorded live at Burning Man 2009 - this time VJing at the Opulent Temple - Video content and Event Videography Ryan McCann, mediavictimlabs.com (vj site) documonkey.tv (documentary video service site) Music Provided by DJ Btoxic
Masato TSUTSUI (japan)
works on another of the activity as VJ,Making PV,webMoives and The image production,the space production,handled by "aircord" that i'm belong.
The activity concept as VJ is "HDVJ". The high resolution in real time generated can be enhanced even to the size of the film to say nothing of full HD(1920×1080). Goodness is pursued though it is assumed that the image expression is invariable in pioneering approach that uses the favor of the technology to its maximum. "
[Live] "Bridge" 1/4 from Masato TSUTSUI on Vimeo.
[Live] "Bridge" 2/4 from Masato TSUTSUI on Vimeo.
[Live] "Bridge" 3/4 from Masato TSUTSUI on Vimeo.
[Live] "Bridge" 4/4 from Masato TSUTSUI on Vimeo.
Visual:Masato TSUTSUI adsr.jp
Sound:Shuta Hasunuma shutahasunuma.com
TokyoMaxUsersGroup Presents "Bridge" Audio / Visual Live & Talk 2009 bridge.tokyomax.jp
2009/09/13 at SuperDeluxe super-deluxe.com
Realtime generated with Max/MSP/Jitter.
Burning Man Festival 2009 / 2
Ma a 4. naptól követhetjük nyomon a Burning Man Festival 2009 eseményeit Ryan McCann jóvoltából.
VJ Mediavictim Video Log #6 Burning Man09 part 5 from Ryan McCann on Vimeo.
The video log of 2 VJs trip to the Black Rock desert to setup a video installation at Burning Man. This chapter features James Dean and Levlhead VJing for Bassnectar at the Roots dome and VJ Vapor doing visuals for Armin Van Buuren at the Opulent Temple - also features a live Ragge performance by Kevens and some amazing playa fire art.
VJ Mediavictim Log #6 Burning Man09 - part 6 (Friday) from Ryan McCann on Vimeo.
The video log of 2 VJs trip to the Black Rock desert to setup a video installation at Burning Man. This chapter features VJ mediavictim taking a day out to tour the art of the Black rock desert bef...
The video log of 2 VJs trip to the Black Rock desert to setup a video installation at Burning Man. This chapter features VJ mediavictim taking a day out to tour the art of the Black rock desert before his ill-fated visual set at the Root Society on friday night , featuring visual set by VJ Kevlar
Category: Travel & Events
VJ Mediavictim Burning Man 2009 Root Society kevlar
VJ Mediavictim Video Blog - Burning Man 09 - Part 7 - Night of the Burn from Ryan McCann on Vimeo.
The video log of 2 VJs trip to the Black Rock desert to setup a video installation at Burning Man. This chapter features the Night of the Burn from the top of the Castle-Anomalous art-bus. Performances by DJ Juicebox (Science Queen) and pyro art by Dylan of Disaster Area
VJ Mediavictim Video Blog - Burning Man 09- Part 8 of 8 from Ryan McCann on Vimeo.
The video log of 2 VJs trip to the Black Rock desert to setup a video installation at Burning Man. This final chapter features the SUnday night temple burn and the post Burning Man wrap up at the S...
The video log of 2 VJs trip to the Black Rock desert to setup a video installation at Burning Man. This final chapter features the SUnday night temple burn and the post Burning Man wrap up at the Summerlake campground where we run into VJ Electrabelle
VJ Mediavictim Video Log #6 Burning Man09 part 5 from Ryan McCann on Vimeo.
The video log of 2 VJs trip to the Black Rock desert to setup a video installation at Burning Man. This chapter features James Dean and Levlhead VJing for Bassnectar at the Roots dome and VJ Vapor doing visuals for Armin Van Buuren at the Opulent Temple - also features a live Ragge performance by Kevens and some amazing playa fire art.
VJ Mediavictim Log #6 Burning Man09 - part 6 (Friday) from Ryan McCann on Vimeo.
The video log of 2 VJs trip to the Black Rock desert to setup a video installation at Burning Man. This chapter features VJ mediavictim taking a day out to tour the art of the Black rock desert bef...
The video log of 2 VJs trip to the Black Rock desert to setup a video installation at Burning Man. This chapter features VJ mediavictim taking a day out to tour the art of the Black rock desert before his ill-fated visual set at the Root Society on friday night , featuring visual set by VJ Kevlar
Category: Travel & Events
VJ Mediavictim Burning Man 2009 Root Society kevlar
VJ Mediavictim Video Blog - Burning Man 09 - Part 7 - Night of the Burn from Ryan McCann on Vimeo.
The video log of 2 VJs trip to the Black Rock desert to setup a video installation at Burning Man. This chapter features the Night of the Burn from the top of the Castle-Anomalous art-bus. Performances by DJ Juicebox (Science Queen) and pyro art by Dylan of Disaster Area
VJ Mediavictim Video Blog - Burning Man 09- Part 8 of 8 from Ryan McCann on Vimeo.
The video log of 2 VJs trip to the Black Rock desert to setup a video installation at Burning Man. This final chapter features the SUnday night temple burn and the post Burning Man wrap up at the S...
The video log of 2 VJs trip to the Black Rock desert to setup a video installation at Burning Man. This final chapter features the SUnday night temple burn and the post Burning Man wrap up at the Summerlake campground where we run into VJ Electrabelle
Object manipulations and projections
Object manipulations and projections from Kyle McLean on Vimeo.
This is a collaboration with my good friend Jay Latour from France. This is really only the start of our investigations with combining object manipulations and projections, we were pleasantly surprised with the results though!
Object Manipulation: Jay Latour
Programing & Music: Kyle McLean
Software: VVVV, Ableton, Reason
This is a collaboration with my good friend Jay Latour from France. This is really only the start of our investigations with combining object manipulations and projections, we were pleasantly surprised with the results though!
Object Manipulation: Jay Latour
Programing & Music: Kyle McLean
Software: VVVV, Ableton, Reason
Burning Man Festival 2009
Ezzel a fesztiváltudósítással folytatom Ryan McCann (VJ Mediavictim) riportjainak közvetítését.
Az első napok:
VJ Mediavictim video log #6 Burnign Man 2009 - part3 from Ryan McCann on Vimeo.
The video log of two VJs (Mediavictim and James Deane) taking a trip to the Black Rock Desert NV to set up a video installation in a major dance event within the Burning Man Festival 2009. This chapter covers the first 2 days (Monday and Tuesday) of the festival where we visit the Opulent Temple and interview VJ Vapor , Audrey and visit just a few pieces of the fantastic art of Burning Man. Music by DJ Btoxic
VJ Mediavictim Video log #6 -Burning Man 09 ( part 4A) from Ryan McCann on Vimeo.
The video log of two VJs (Mediavictim and James Deane) taking a trip to the Black Rock Desert NV to set up a video installation at Burning Man 2009 in the Root Society. part 4A (this one) covers a gathering of video artsts from all over North America (Adrian Salinas, Holly Danger, K-4, Levlhed, Vostek, Spudmagic, and Concious Pilot)
VJ Mediavictim Video log #6 -Burning Man 09 ( part 4B) from Ryan McCann on Vimeo.
(part 4A is still in the works as I am waiting for content - and due to runtime limits on youtube I had to cut part 4 in 1/2 ) The video log of two VJs (Mediavictim and James Deane) taking a trip to the Black Rock Desert NV to set up a video installation at Burning Man 2009. Part 4 (Wednesday) 4A covers the day meeting of VJs from across the Continent at centre camp - part 4B (this one) cover the Root Society Neo (90') dome launch party and VJ Mediavictims first live Vj set at Burning Man 2009 at the Opulent Temple sacred dance (white) party
Az első napok:
VJ Mediavictim video log #6 Burnign Man 2009 - part3 from Ryan McCann on Vimeo.
The video log of two VJs (Mediavictim and James Deane) taking a trip to the Black Rock Desert NV to set up a video installation in a major dance event within the Burning Man Festival 2009. This chapter covers the first 2 days (Monday and Tuesday) of the festival where we visit the Opulent Temple and interview VJ Vapor , Audrey and visit just a few pieces of the fantastic art of Burning Man. Music by DJ Btoxic
VJ Mediavictim Video log #6 -Burning Man 09 ( part 4A) from Ryan McCann on Vimeo.
The video log of two VJs (Mediavictim and James Deane) taking a trip to the Black Rock Desert NV to set up a video installation at Burning Man 2009 in the Root Society. part 4A (this one) covers a gathering of video artsts from all over North America (Adrian Salinas, Holly Danger, K-4, Levlhed, Vostek, Spudmagic, and Concious Pilot)
VJ Mediavictim Video log #6 -Burning Man 09 ( part 4B) from Ryan McCann on Vimeo.
(part 4A is still in the works as I am waiting for content - and due to runtime limits on youtube I had to cut part 4 in 1/2 ) The video log of two VJs (Mediavictim and James Deane) taking a trip to the Black Rock Desert NV to set up a video installation at Burning Man 2009. Part 4 (Wednesday) 4A covers the day meeting of VJs from across the Continent at centre camp - part 4B (this one) cover the Root Society Neo (90') dome launch party and VJ Mediavictims first live Vj set at Burning Man 2009 at the Opulent Temple sacred dance (white) party
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