Amateur from Alvaro Posadas on Vimeo.
music: Black To Comm 'Amateur' Alphabet 1968 2009
Davide Di Franco (italy)
rospo grooves from Davide Di Franco on Vimeo.
The Rospo system is based on movements analysis. This reel shows some vjing applications
t-fata - telesystem from Davide Di Franco on Vimeo.
Here's an ecological tool to improve human mood in this world of numbers. Telesystem re-uses the digital informations (just bytes) and convert them into audio-visual compositions (lots of feelings).
Telesystem produces sounds compositions from images analysis.
The images read by the system are pictures shot in real-time made by all the not too slow and not too fast movements. The pictures can be shot in 8 different areas of the screen, where the movement is not too slow and not too fast. The bytes of png files just saved(placed in the corresponding screen slice) are translated into notes (256 ascii possibilities>>128 midi possibilities) and read by a 8 audio tracks 16 steps sequencer. A countdown shows the remaining time before changing the sound type and bpm(oscillator features, the only random variables in this project).
madreterra from Davide Di Franco on Vimeo.
audio: "afa" by Tricatiempo
video tools: DV camera, blender
The Doors - Object Video Mapping
The Doors - Object Video Mapping from VJ Quark on Vimeo.
"Video mapping test of my living room
doors... of perception :))
by astraL d:VISION"
"Video mapping test of my living room
doors... of perception :))
by astraL d:VISION"
Panoramic TH2GO
Panoramic TH2GO demo from REBELOVERLAY on Vimeo.
Some of the ultra widescreen content we're rockin' in our triplehead2go VJ + AV sets.
Some of the ultra widescreen content we're rockin' in our triplehead2go VJ + AV sets.
VJ Rats
VJ Rats from toneburst on Vimeo.
One from the archives. Early VDMX experiment- mapping audio levels to clip play-back position, with realtime MIDI control.
Old video, excuse the poor quality.
Track: Master Organism by Anthony Rother
Clips: I'd like to refilm some of these one day. Anyone want to donate a white rat/mouse for a day?
One from the archives. Early VDMX experiment- mapping audio levels to clip play-back position, with realtime MIDI control.
Old video, excuse the poor quality.
Track: Master Organism by Anthony Rother
Clips: I'd like to refilm some of these one day. Anyone want to donate a white rat/mouse for a day?
"morning data letters"
Low-fi.mono featuring: Vj TXT - Live "morning data letters" from john paul fassel on Vimeo.
Low-fi.mono featuring: Vj TXT - Live "morning data letters" Part: II from john paul fassel on Vimeo.
Low-fi.mono featuring: Vj TXT- Live Part: III "morning data letters" from john paul fassel on Vimeo.
"Morning Data Letters" Low-fi.mono Feat: Vj Lili TXT Part:IV from john paul fassel on Vimeo.
"Morning Data Letters" -Live Part: V . Low-fi.mono feat: Vj Lili TXT from john paul fassel on Vimeo.
Low-fi.mono ( John Paul Fassel) featuring: Vj TXT ( Liliana Caicedo
- Live
"morning data letters" ( LOW-FI.MONO LABEL )
Academia Superior de Artes de Bogota- ASAB.
Low-fi.mono featuring: Vj TXT - Live "morning data letters" Part: II from john paul fassel on Vimeo.
Low-fi.mono featuring: Vj TXT- Live Part: III "morning data letters" from john paul fassel on Vimeo.
"Morning Data Letters" Low-fi.mono Feat: Vj Lili TXT Part:IV from john paul fassel on Vimeo.
"Morning Data Letters" -Live Part: V . Low-fi.mono feat: Vj Lili TXT from john paul fassel on Vimeo.
Low-fi.mono ( John Paul Fassel) featuring: Vj TXT ( Liliana Caicedo
- Live
"morning data letters" ( LOW-FI.MONO LABEL )
Academia Superior de Artes de Bogota- ASAB.
NiñoViejo (Valencia)
Nace en principio como un colectivo de Vj,s, encargados de las residencias en varios clubs de Valencia, como The Mill Clubs o Apache.
La colaboración nos pone ante la perspectiva de la elaboración de proyectos artísticos de mayor envergadura, tanto a nivel artístico como de infraestructura, lo que nos lleva a formar el colectivo.
Fomentando la colaboración entre distintas áreas (fotografía, video, live cinema, instalaciones, performances, música, arte sonoro) pretendemos realizar proyectos en los que enriquecer al máximo la experiencia tanto sensorial, como extrasensorial del espectador, así como su participación.
Así pues, Niño viejo está formado por 4 miembros (Jordi Blasco aka Pi, Miguel Angel Garcia aka Ojo de pollo, Begoña Martínez aka. B y Sergi Palau aka Waky), pero trabajamos como plataforma abierta a la colaboración con todo tipo de artistas o disciplinas de la imagen.
Queremos explorar las posibilidades del lenguaje audiovisual fuera de contextos ya establecidos como el cine o la televisión, buscando una relación directa con el receptor y excitando la conciencia colectiva sobre nuestro entorno.
NiñoViejo-Latent Souls from NiñoViejo on Vimeo.
Making off Almas Latentes (english subtitles)
The LATENT SOULS project arose from a series of smaller activities by the “Niño Viejo” (“Old Child”) Collective in Valencia. Our aim was to use the city as an audiovisual format to express various proposals which criticise urban development in the city. Small, playful actions which interfered with the urban space and aimed to alter it, were sarcastic about it and transgressed it, thereby offering a critical and personal vision of “public space”.
Almas latentes_Incubarte09 from NiñoViejo on Vimeo.
Resumen de la actuación de NiñoViejo con "Almas Latentes" en el festival Incubarte 09.
Música: PSM
"Almas Latentes" show summary at Incubarte 09 Festival from NiñoViejo.
Music: PSM
premis octubre from NiñoViejo on Vimeo.
Instalacion para los 38 Premis Octubre realizada por NiñoViejo el 30 de octubre del 2009 en el C.C.C.Octubre / NiñoViejo,s installation for 38th Premis Octubre th 30th October 2009 at C.C.C.Octubre
Music: PSM
Vj set NiñoViejo The Mill Club from NiñoViejo on Vimeo.
Visual Globes Set NiñoViejo at The Mill Club (Valencia) with Dj Murphy and Exercise One.
Music: Utha Saints
Simple Finger Sensor VJ
Simple Finger Sensor VJ from Amanda Tasse on Vimeo.
Here is one of my first arduino/processing prototypes, a simple finger sensor VJ system with procedural animation.
Here is one of my first arduino/processing prototypes, a simple finger sensor VJ system with procedural animation.
Quartz Composer felhívás!
" Ali Demirel, a Contakt event-ek VJ-je és Richie Hawtin, az M-nus label feje új Quartz Composer kompozíciókat keresnek, melyeket Hawtin DJ-Set-ek és Contakt rendezvények alatt használnának. A díjazás egyenlőre ködös, ami biztos hogy a készítők neve fel lenne tüntetve a show folyamán, de a beérkezett munkák minőségének függvényében bármi megtörténhet...
A szabályok a következők:
- Quartz Composer 4.0 (Snow Leopard) alatt qtz-k kellenek
- az élő interakció miatt sok változtatható paraméter kell
- 2:1-es méretarányú LED screenekre, kell tervezni, maximum 800x400-as felbontással
- a stílusra nincs semmi feltétel, de passzolnia kell a megszokott M-nus/Hawtin stílusba
- a file nem lehet nagyobb 1mb-nál, és e-mailben kell elküldeni a címre, a tárgyban pedig a Quartz Composer Submission megjelölni
- videó file-ok nem kellenek, de ha be akarod mutatni a qtz-t zenével, akkor töltsd fel Vimeo-ra és küld el a linket - de a qtz-t is!
- Hawtin és Ali "zsűrízi" a beküldött munkákat, a kiválasztottakat e-mailben értesítik.
- határidő nincs, egész évben várják a munkákat.
Példaként itt egy qtz melyet Toneburst készített pár éve: tb_soundflower
S amelyet így használtak a show alatt: "
CONTAKT @ Amsterdam from Ali M. Demirel on Vimeo.
I've started to use Kineme plugins for Quartz Composer in my live set. Here is a good example based on 'tb soundflower' composition by alx toneburst. I've modified it to my performance and controlled variables live through VDMX. It worked great when Richie was playing with the mixer. Special thanks to alx toneburst and Kineme!
CONTAKT @ Sonar from Ali M. Demirel on Vimeo.
Minus CONTAKT event @ Sonar Festival 2008
visual performance by ALI DEMIREL
used VDMX to perform QCs and Processing to perform Meta-Control (a visual set designed together with Burak Arikan)
A szabályok a következők:
- Quartz Composer 4.0 (Snow Leopard) alatt qtz-k kellenek
- az élő interakció miatt sok változtatható paraméter kell
- 2:1-es méretarányú LED screenekre, kell tervezni, maximum 800x400-as felbontással
- a stílusra nincs semmi feltétel, de passzolnia kell a megszokott M-nus/Hawtin stílusba
- a file nem lehet nagyobb 1mb-nál, és e-mailben kell elküldeni a címre, a tárgyban pedig a Quartz Composer Submission megjelölni
- videó file-ok nem kellenek, de ha be akarod mutatni a qtz-t zenével, akkor töltsd fel Vimeo-ra és küld el a linket - de a qtz-t is!
- Hawtin és Ali "zsűrízi" a beküldött munkákat, a kiválasztottakat e-mailben értesítik.
- határidő nincs, egész évben várják a munkákat.
Példaként itt egy qtz melyet Toneburst készített pár éve: tb_soundflower
S amelyet így használtak a show alatt: "
CONTAKT @ Amsterdam from Ali M. Demirel on Vimeo.
I've started to use Kineme plugins for Quartz Composer in my live set. Here is a good example based on 'tb soundflower' composition by alx toneburst. I've modified it to my performance and controlled variables live through VDMX. It worked great when Richie was playing with the mixer. Special thanks to alx toneburst and Kineme!
CONTAKT @ Sonar from Ali M. Demirel on Vimeo.
Minus CONTAKT event @ Sonar Festival 2008
visual performance by ALI DEMIREL
used VDMX to perform QCs and Processing to perform Meta-Control (a visual set designed together with Burak Arikan)
Hotie from DIABLOS VJ on Vimeo.
2009 loop mix vjing
KK TEST 1B from DIABLOS VJ on Vimeo.
music by my friends of Klubokawiarnia, Warsaw- KK TEST and my vids and vjing of 2004
Mouse VJ controller? - Ilyen lehet a Magic Mouse utódja
A Patently Apple oldalán megnézhetitek a teljes alkalmazást és több képet is találhattok itt.
Persze az Apple levédet sok olyan technológiát is, ami aztán soha nem kerül gyártásba.
A Magic Mouse az első multi-touch egér, ami a tavalyi kiadásával leváltotta a Mighty Mouse-t. Már csak azt kell kivárnunk, hogy ezt a legújabb, még csodásabb egeret egyáltalán gyártani kezdjék. "
" Apple Wants the Magic Mouse to Rock'n Roll!
On February 18, 2010, the US Patent & Trademark Office published a patent application from Apple that reveals one of the next possible chapters for Apple's Magic Mouse. Apple introduced the world's first Multi-Touch Mouse this past October. The Magic Mouse features a seamless touch-sensitive enclosure that allows it to be a single or multi-button mouse with advanced gesture support. Using intuitive gestures, users can easily scroll through long documents, pan across large images or swipe to move forward or backward through a collection of web pages or photos. In January of this year, we were able to see the first installation of technologies related to advancing the Magic Mouse and today, Apple sheds more light on the advances that they're considering. Today's patent focuses on introducing a "rotatable mouse" using new sensors and a triple-axes gyroscope that detects the roll, pitch, and yaw of the mouse. That translates in allowing the user to tilt the mouse one way to cause a horizontal scroll and another way to cause a vertical scroll and yet another to tilt a graphic as shown above. The other change that you'll notice in the graphic above is that the bottom of the mouse is described in terms of it having a convex bottom design so as to make it easier to cause scrolling and other events by simply rocking or rolling the mouse. It's so simple, that it's brilliant.
Patent Overview
Examples of the invention as described herein allow for additional movement of a mouse adapted to operate on a support surface. The examples are described herein primarily in the context of having a rotatable mouse situated on the support surface where a rotation of the mouse relative to a pivot point translates into a particular event.
As an example, such a mouse has a bottom surface with a convex shape. This convex shape allows the mouse to be rotatable on the support surface. This mouse includes a surface tracking sensor that detects translational movement of the mouse along the support surface. Additionally included are one or more orientation sensors that detect the rotational movement of the mouse.
A rotation of the mouse is used for moving content displayed on a processing system, such as a computer. As one example, a rotational movement of the mouse may translate into a scroll event that, when processed by the processing system, scrolls the displayed content. In another example, a rotational movement of the mouse may translate into a yaw event that, when processed by the processing system, rotates the displayed content... "
Videoart from escola.eram on Vimeo.
Treball realitzat per l'alumne Eva Duran dins l'assignatura de Gràfica audiovisual.
Treball realitzat per l'alumne Eva Duran dins l'assignatura de Gràfica audiovisual.
Geppetto:CoLab from mrpaulmahon on Vimeo.
This is a rough showreel of Geppetto:CoLab.
The CoLab is a visuals duo from Kilkenny, Ireland.
Paul Mahon & Mick Minogue work together with live bands and DJs to create an unique visuals set up that includes a live drawing feed from a our custom built art board mixed with footage from all corners of life.
This is a rough showreel of Geppetto:CoLab.
The CoLab is a visuals duo from Kilkenny, Ireland.
Paul Mahon & Mick Minogue work together with live bands and DJs to create an unique visuals set up that includes a live drawing feed from a our custom built art board mixed with footage from all corners of life.
VJ Bandit & Moevalith Live @ Stereobar
VJ Bandit & Moevalith Live @ Stereobar from Nick Benidt (VJ Bandit) on Vimeo.
I was going through some old footage and I found this... Its some HDV footage of a party called Dissonance held on Oct. 24th, 2008 at Stereobar. DJ's Maher Daniel and Moevalith mixed that night.
Music heard in the video mixed by Moevalith
Track:Popof- Alcoolic (Matt Tolfrey & Inxec's Priorities Mix)
Shot by Ben Croll
I was going through some old footage and I found this... Its some HDV footage of a party called Dissonance held on Oct. 24th, 2008 at Stereobar. DJ's Maher Daniel and Moevalith mixed that night.
Music heard in the video mixed by Moevalith
Track:Popof- Alcoolic (Matt Tolfrey & Inxec's Priorities Mix)
Shot by Ben Croll
VideoTutorial Modul8
VideoTutorial Modul8: La ventana de Previos (por Gnomalab) from on Vimeo.
Video tutorial, a cargo de Gnomalab, que nos explica el funcionamiento de la ventana de previos del Modul8.
Licencia Creative Commons
Reconocimiento - NoComercial (by-nc): Se permite la generación de obras derivadas siempre que no se haga un uso comercial. Tampoco se puede utilizar la obra original con finalidades comerciales.
Funcionamiento Básico de Modul8 Parte 1 from on Vimeo.
Funcionamiento Básico de Modul8, segunda parte. from on Vimeo.
Juanjo Fernández - Gnomalab, nos ayuda con este nuevo videotutorial.
Gracias a Gnomalab
Licencia Creative Commons
Reconocimiento - NoComercial (by-nc)
Video tutorial, a cargo de Gnomalab, que nos explica el funcionamiento de la ventana de previos del Modul8.
Licencia Creative Commons
Reconocimiento - NoComercial (by-nc): Se permite la generación de obras derivadas siempre que no se haga un uso comercial. Tampoco se puede utilizar la obra original con finalidades comerciales.
Funcionamiento Básico de Modul8 Parte 1 from on Vimeo.
Funcionamiento Básico de Modul8, segunda parte. from on Vimeo.
Juanjo Fernández - Gnomalab, nos ayuda con este nuevo videotutorial.
Gracias a Gnomalab
Licencia Creative Commons
Reconocimiento - NoComercial (by-nc)
Heartbeat (London, UK)
You can view some of my older work (from 2+ years ago) at Its been a little while since I was last in the VJ game, but these days I feel inspired, so watch this space for more vids in the near future!
For those who are interested, I'm using Resolume Avenue on my iMac alongside a Korg NanoKontrol MIDI mixer.
I also do web design and development, so do check the link to my blog (above) if that interests you, cheers.
Heartbeat "
Heartbeat VJ mix of Flying Lotus - Robertaflack (Mike Slott mix) from Heartbeat on Vimeo.
This one features my favourite remix of Flylo's "Robertaflack". Beautiful tune. This video was recorded in a single take using Resolume Avenue.
Four Tet - Love Cry (Joy Orbison remix) - VJ MIX from Heartbeat on Vimeo.
After choosing the clips and deciding on the sequence and blending types, I had a quick practise, and then recorded 3 separate takes. I then spliced them together quickly in Final Cut. This is what came out.
recodecode_reverserestrukturintheerain from amoeba on Vimeo.
A reverse re-strukturing of the original aav re-code re-remix submission for the V&A decode logo exhibition.
Originally made using karsten schmidts processing patch, screen grabbed and av reactivly remixed in resolume avenue then treated, graded and comp'd in after effects and finalcut pro.
A reverse re-strukturing of the original aav re-code re-remix submission for the V&A decode logo exhibition.
Originally made using karsten schmidts processing patch, screen grabbed and av reactivly remixed in resolume avenue then treated, graded and comp'd in after effects and finalcut pro.
Snowboard Winter Action from VJ ELK on Vimeo.
test Avenue
3D TV-set illusion from VJ ELK on Vimeo.
The idea is to mapp a TV-set and at the same time to show a footage on it
Action VJ =) from VJ ELK on Vimeo.
Live webcam capture.
Without montage.
CoGe 1.0 - CoGePainter - brush painter player :)
CoGe 1.0 - CoGePainter - brush painter player :) from luma beamerz on Vimeo.
Fun with the new, PS brush based painter player for CoGe.
More info and download:
Brushes used in sample video:
Music: Gastón Arévalo - Austral/Dubois
Fun with the new, PS brush based painter player for CoGe.
More info and download:
Brushes used in sample video:
Music: Gastón Arévalo - Austral/Dubois
CoGe 1.0 - Random Control - Random Frame
CoGe 1.0 - Random Control - Random Frame from luma beamerz on Vimeo.
A possible usage of random controls for CoGe : display random frames from movie.
Control comp download:
A possible usage of random controls for CoGe : display random frames from movie.
Control comp download:
Panoramica Bs As
Melmann + Inda @ Panoramica Bs As from Martin Inda on Vimeo.
Panoramica Buenos Aires
Live music: Melmann
Live video: Martin Inda
Panoramica Buenos Aires
Live music: Melmann
Live video: Martin Inda
Disco San Franciso (visuals)
Disco San Franciso (visuals) from Vadim Smakhtin on Vimeo.
Just remake of previously uploaded video. Need it for my Behance portfolio.
Music: The Knife - The Height of Summer
Just remake of previously uploaded video. Need it for my Behance portfolio.
Music: The Knife - The Height of Summer
Atomic Groove 2010: Vitalic, D'Jamency & VJ Julie Meitz
Atomic Groove 2010: Vitalic, D'Jamency & VJ Julie Meitz from Julie Meitz on Vimeo.
This is an event promo of an 'Atomic Groove' party for Eject Management.
At this event I VJ-ed, videotaped, photographed and then made this promo (concept, editing & effects).
Merci to Vitalic (& the label Different) for his piece 'One Above One'. Merci à Marc et Pierre-Yves, mes bon amis :) Merci to Globull staff, and thanx to all of those who I videotaped!
Thanx to Bernard-Pierre Sampo for allowing his neuron video to be downloaded:
*** Notes ***
Consumer Camcorders: Sony D8 & Panasonic MiniDV (Yes, I want to buy an HD camera one of these days! But I must say, the old Sony D8 series still kick ass!)
Live Feed: CCTV Panasonic security camera (great deal on ebay! lucky me!)
Software: Adobe Premiere Pro
VJ Software: Resolume 2.4
Shooting in a night club with low or no lighting is always an issue, so I use the "night-shot" feature (infrared). However, there are issues of "hot spots" and severe graininess.
So, it's always a challenge making these videos...also, not always having the latest technology toys forces me to explore deeper into the tools I already have.
This is an event promo of an 'Atomic Groove' party for Eject Management.
At this event I VJ-ed, videotaped, photographed and then made this promo (concept, editing & effects).
Merci to Vitalic (& the label Different) for his piece 'One Above One'. Merci à Marc et Pierre-Yves, mes bon amis :) Merci to Globull staff, and thanx to all of those who I videotaped!
Thanx to Bernard-Pierre Sampo for allowing his neuron video to be downloaded:
*** Notes ***
Consumer Camcorders: Sony D8 & Panasonic MiniDV (Yes, I want to buy an HD camera one of these days! But I must say, the old Sony D8 series still kick ass!)
Live Feed: CCTV Panasonic security camera (great deal on ebay! lucky me!)
Software: Adobe Premiere Pro
VJ Software: Resolume 2.4
Shooting in a night club with low or no lighting is always an issue, so I use the "night-shot" feature (infrared). However, there are issues of "hot spots" and severe graininess.
So, it's always a challenge making these videos...also, not always having the latest technology toys forces me to explore deeper into the tools I already have.
Free VJ loop from Rodrigo Senna
SubMount 2 from Rodrigo Senna on Vimeo.
Subwoofer mount VJ loop
Feel free to download and use it for projections if you are a VJ. =)
Download this video
Subwoofer mount VJ loop
Feel free to download and use it for projections if you are a VJ. =)
Download this video
CODE = DESIGN processing workshop
CODE = DESIGN processing workshop from envis precisely on Vimeo.
workshop held by envis precisely at fh joanneum, graz in dec. 2009.
stills and more photos at
artworks by:
Christoph Mauerhofer
Franz Ferdinand Kubin
Gianna Tatzel
Julian Kogler
Lisa Weishäupl
Magdalena Kahr
Moritz Rzehak
Roland Mariacher
Thomas Raggam
workshop held by envis precisely at fh joanneum, graz in dec. 2009.
stills and more photos at
artworks by:
Christoph Mauerhofer
Franz Ferdinand Kubin
Gianna Tatzel
Julian Kogler
Lisa Weishäupl
Magdalena Kahr
Moritz Rzehak
Roland Mariacher
Thomas Raggam
download of unchanged original clip
creative commons licenses that allow remixing
completely non-profit and ad-free
download of vj-tool ready converted clip
founded and developed by vjs (videokultur)
portable take-away server at vj-festivals and events
read more about videopong here »
News: 08.02.2010 - Version 0.5.6 (aka “tätsch bäng meringue” release)
its a long time since we did a sum-up of new features and fixes in a new versionnumber. but some features are in production since weeks. but now it is worth for a new version as we added a whole bunch of new cool features this weekend. so lets start with the complete list, right after the break.
read more in our blog » "
(LeCollagiste VJ)
VJ Aurel (Paris, France)
The visual material interweaves with memories in a series of layers, the diffraction of the images gradually releasing the memories. A fusion of photos, movie clips and graphic beats put various dreams into motion.
Archaeologist-purveyor of images embedded in the collective memory, VJ Aurel incorporates old film footage or documentary records in his mix.
These unexpected flashbacks, the beauty of black and white, the confrontation of past and present give his creations a single emotional and poetic significance.
Collages of sounds and images are the fruit of these intertwined narratives.
Fiction from a prior future.
Stories of living souls, and energy transfer.
VJ Aurel - Strippers from VJ Aurel on Vimeo.
VJ mix
© music : Call & Response (James Harcourt)
VJ Aurel - Amazing M. X from VJ Aurel on Vimeo.
VJ mix
© music : Love It (Juergens - James Zabiela + Nic Fanciulli)
VJ Aurel-Fetish Girls from VJ Aurel on Vimeo.
VJ mix
© music : Addiction (Pig and Dan)
VJ Aurel-Jolly Girls from VJ Aurel on Vimeo.
VJ mix
© music : Disco volante (Ida Engberg)
VJ Aurel-The Danny Deluxe Show from VJ Aurel on Vimeo.
VJ mix
Danny Deluxe, german fetish latex model & designer
© music : Rekorder 5.1 (Rekorder)
Traverses, triptyque médiéval from VJ Aurel on Vimeo.
Exposition "le duc violet"
Château de Pierrefonds, 2002
Monuments historiques
Reza (Santa Barbara, CA)
Aphex Swarm from Reza on Vimeo.
Visual Music
Music: Girl/Boy (18£ Snare Rush Remix)
The basic visual pattern was made with a scripted flocking algorithm, which was rendered and manipulated afterwards.
Syed Reza Ali
UCSB Media Art and Technology
VJing in Isla Vista from Reza on Vimeo.
A small clip of my VJ performance in Isla Vista, CA. I used OSC to communicate to a Processing sketch that was running a sound reactive (FFT & amplitude based) abstract visual sketch I wrote. With fog, it created a colorful canopy over the crowd while reacting to the sounds of dub step & drum and bass. I DJed earlier that night. :)
Reza VJing at BIKO from Reza on Vimeo.
I developed my own VJing patch using MaxMSP/Jitter. I had a show at BIKO, where I VJed for experimental electronic music artists.
Nothing else is real from Reza on Vimeo.
This is a mixing of my photography and coding in Processing. More details to come:
Iphone Arduino MaxMsp Laser Show
Iphone Arduino MaxMsp Laser Show from Reza on Vimeo.
Here is a VJ Laser System I made using the the Arduino Microprocessor, MaxMsp, circuits, and and Iphone. It uses the aka.iphone and the max firmata patch for arduino control. It loooks wicked cool with fog and smoke.
Here is a VJ Laser System I made using the the Arduino Microprocessor, MaxMsp, circuits, and and Iphone. It uses the aka.iphone and the max firmata patch for arduino control. It loooks wicked cool with fog and smoke.
Twisting my Melon
Twisting my Melon from Joe Catchpole on Vimeo.
3D scan of my face using the three phase structured light technique, twisted with quartz composer and Kineme 3D.
3D scan of my face using the three phase structured light technique, twisted with quartz composer and Kineme 3D.
Swen Seyerlen (Stuttgart)
Flimmerkiste 29.10.09 from Swen Seyerlen on Vimeo.
This time we mixed our visuals and mapping experiments with a diaprojector system by Meister Lampe, that makes an artfull moving installation from a normal dia picture ...
ivory suite & ebony club - 31/10/09 from Swen Seyerlen on Vimeo.
Our vvvv setup in the ebony club in Heidelberg is almost done. Check it out!!
Surround mapping @ artCLUBBING studios from Swen Seyerlen on Vimeo.
a workshop at the artclubbing studios combining 3 projectors to one surrounding mapping with a graphic line passing all perspectives and some frames used somehow like windows.
visuals for an iphone orchestra from Swen Seyerlen on Vimeo.
ZEE [Zaboura Eichstaedt Experience] @ zeitraumexit, Mannheim 04/07/09. Visual concept and performance by Pixelschubser and VJ R:A:U:L:
VisualSynth Screen Test by VJ Fader
Screen capture of interactive visualizer by VJ Fader, programmed in Processing. Music sampled from Cliqhop (SomaFM).
Oxidizer 0.6.1
Oxidizer allows you to create fractal flame designs. It uses the flam3 libraries to render the flames. This also means Oxidizer can read and write the flam3 file format used by Electric Sheep.
Download Now
Version 0.6.1: Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.
Mac OS X 10.4 or later. "
Skynet Symphonic
Comprising nothing but small sounds recorded from the James Cameron masterpiece 'Terminator 2: Judgement Day', 'Skynet Symphonic' is my tribute to one of the greatest action features of all time!
Each section is composed entirely of sounds from a major scene in the film. For example, the Terminator pounding on the fire escape door is used as a kick drum. Bones breaking play the role of a snare. Electrical disturbance acts as a crash cymbal.
Turn up your cones and enjoy!
Each section is composed entirely of sounds from a major scene in the film. For example, the Terminator pounding on the fire escape door is used as a kick drum. Bones breaking play the role of a snare. Electrical disturbance acts as a crash cymbal.
Turn up your cones and enjoy!
nebNosam (Asheville, NC)
When not in front of the computer, he is probably making noise on his 6-string electric synth violin, cooking, crafting fine chocolates, hiking, running, or pointing his cameras at interesting things.
Fractal Animation Series.1 from nebNosam on Vimeo.
A collection of several fractal animations I've made in the past month or so. These were designed and rendered using Apophysis and Flam 3.
The soundtrack is my own work as well, cut from a recent live studio session with my synth violin.
#TEDxAVL - A VJ'd Retrospective from nebNosam on Vimeo.
A short retrospective from the recent TEDx Asheville conference in Western North Carolina. An encore performance recorded here in the studio. Originally mixed/projected live at the Orange Peel, remixing the action as it unfolded.
This is live-mixed, using the video feed and clips direct from my meandering on stage. Enjoy :).
For more info on the event, visit .
Video, effects, edit - neb.Cinema (Ben Mason)
Soundtrack - ARP 2012 by MindElixer (Bill Schimel)
Big thanks to Christie, Jennifer, Brett, Micah, Mat, Matt, and everyone who hand their hand in this amazing locally produced event.
Neb Cinema: 36 Effects from nebNosam on Vimeo.
Putting my mixer program through it's paces (still in beta), and showcasing a number of effects and animations created for the system. Not quite an "official" performance demo, but some neat moments.
Live performance in-studio, video shot from the screen. All transitions (dissolves, fades, some effects) mixed by hand.
- Neb
Neb Cinema, Ghosts of Spring from nebNosam on Vimeo.
A fluid visuals performance to SinQ's Vertical. Live and unedited, this was shot directly from the screen using a Canon HV20 (apologies for the lack of detail).
A sample from a new set just coming together, I'd love to know what you folks think of it!
Enjoy :)
Fluid HD Mixer - Alpha Screencast
Fluid HD Mixer - Alpha Screencast from nebNosam on Vimeo.
A quick preview of an alpha version of Ben Mason's fluid HD video mixer created for live performance. Programmed in Quartz, it is ideally suited for both streaming media manipulation and 3D graphics.
Features: automatic clip detection, image flow clip browser, 3D rendering, seamless user interaction, 2D reactive animation, beat syncing, animated video alpha masking, live video feed, full-screen mode, and much more through extension with Quartz plugins.
Any questions or comments, please feel free to leave a message here or contact me through E-mail.
Soundtrack: my own "Theme: Third Variation" from "What Dreams for Tomorrow".
A quick preview of an alpha version of Ben Mason's fluid HD video mixer created for live performance. Programmed in Quartz, it is ideally suited for both streaming media manipulation and 3D graphics.
Features: automatic clip detection, image flow clip browser, 3D rendering, seamless user interaction, 2D reactive animation, beat syncing, animated video alpha masking, live video feed, full-screen mode, and much more through extension with Quartz plugins.
Any questions or comments, please feel free to leave a message here or contact me through E-mail.
Soundtrack: my own "Theme: Third Variation" from "What Dreams for Tomorrow".
Stage visual
Tarkan - Istanbul Agliyor from punktstudio on Vimeo.
Stage visual created for Tarkan. Inspired by: Capitu - Abertura
Created by Hande Sekerciler.
Capitu - Abertura from Carlos Bêla on Vimeo.
Abertura para a microssérie "Capitu", de Luiz Fernando Carvalho, baseada na obra "Dom Casmurro" de Machado de Assis, para a Rede Globo.
Criação e produção: Lobo
Direção criativa e animação: Carlos Bêla
Assistência de animação: Kel Moraes
Produção: João Tenório
Capitu - Making Of from Carlos Bêla on Vimeo.
Making Of da abertura de "Capitu"
Stage visual created for Tarkan. Inspired by: Capitu - Abertura
Created by Hande Sekerciler.
Capitu - Abertura from Carlos Bêla on Vimeo.
Abertura para a microssérie "Capitu", de Luiz Fernando Carvalho, baseada na obra "Dom Casmurro" de Machado de Assis, para a Rede Globo.
Criação e produção: Lobo
Direção criativa e animação: Carlos Bêla
Assistência de animação: Kel Moraes
Produção: João Tenório
Capitu - Making Of from Carlos Bêla on Vimeo.
Making Of da abertura de "Capitu"
Being from sam spreckley on Vimeo.
finished single screen/multi monitor project...
Nominated for a BAFTA New Talent Award 2009, Glasgow, Scotland.. experimental category...
finished single screen/multi monitor project...
Nominated for a BAFTA New Talent Award 2009, Glasgow, Scotland.. experimental category...
sam spreckley (UK)
go rip off some youtube videos instead...
Freelance Sound Designer and Video Editor/Director, please feel free to get in touch about interesting projects
go cart from sam spreckley on Vimeo.
Thought Study from sam spreckley on Vimeo.
the basic idea was to create my own non literal soundtrack for certain video sequences... its a mixed media, DV and 8mm..
nominated for a scottish students on screen award 2007, experimental category.. shortlisted, bafta scotland
Untitled#2 from sam spreckley on Vimeo.
Flicker film screening, LA, 2005, R.I.P Kodachrome themed event.
Silent Light film festival, Cork, Ireland, 2005, award winner
SBArt4 4.1 beta 1
SBART is a design support tool to create aninteresting 2D CG image based on artificial selection, which was originally proposed as Artificial Evolution by Mr. Karl Sims.Version 4 is a full revision of the previous version, that takes advantage of graphic processor unit by compiling each genotype into a program ofCore Image Kernel languange. This innovation enabled breeding an abstract movie in realtime.
Version 4.1 beta 1:
Some features were implemented on sound effects, animation parameters in genotype, and multi-touch operations on a field window and a zoom window.REQUIREMENTS
Mac OS X 10.6 or later. Graphics processor of ATI or NVIDIA. Intel GMA is not supported.
Download Now
Sample movies of SBArt4, a breeding system of abstract graphics. This is a derivative from "Artificial Evolution" by Karl Sims.
Independent Theater Los Angeles, CA
DERU on the beats, CPU on the visuals @ Wham Bam Thank You : pt 1 from Echo Sessions on Vimeo.
January 15, 2010
Independent Theater Los Angeles, CA
Friendly Integration, Droid Behavior, and Electronic Creatives came together to showcase a progressive mix of live audio and video performances by some of the best artists around.
DERU on the beats, CPU on the visuals @ Wham Bam Thank You : pt 2 from Echo Sessions on Vimeo.
January 15, 2010
Independent Theater Los Angeles, CA
Friendly Integration, Droid Behavior, and Electronic Creatives came together to showcase a progressive mix of live audio and video performances by some of the best artists around
January 15, 2010
Independent Theater Los Angeles, CA
Friendly Integration, Droid Behavior, and Electronic Creatives came together to showcase a progressive mix of live audio and video performances by some of the best artists around.
DERU on the beats, CPU on the visuals @ Wham Bam Thank You : pt 2 from Echo Sessions on Vimeo.
January 15, 2010
Independent Theater Los Angeles, CA
Friendly Integration, Droid Behavior, and Electronic Creatives came together to showcase a progressive mix of live audio and video performances by some of the best artists around
D'n'B - 101v3
D'n'B - 101v3 (HD) from TomatoMultiMedia Productions2076 on Vimeo.
"i have no idea where i got the audio track for this clip.
if you recognize the soundtrack, please let me know!"
"i have no idea where i got the audio track for this clip.
if you recognize the soundtrack, please let me know!"
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