mercedes smart
mercedes smart from mostyle on Vimeo.
I made this in dec 2010 for feedmee.com/
This is the directors-cut, mainly the compositing is a bit diffrent to original version coz the onstage screens have higher contrast as normal ones.
It´s HD, so go fullscreen ; )
bsw. looking for a nice international rep
twitter: mostyle_tv
Mapping & live A/V Set @ C.C.España por Colectivo Auxiliar
Mapping & live A/V Set @ C.C.España por Colectivo Auxiliar from Rafael Pereira on Vimeo.
Performance Audiovisual en vivo por Colectivo Auxiliar para el 15 Aniversario del Centro Cultural España en Lima, Peru. /// Live audiovisual performance by Colectivo Auxiliar for the 15th Aniversary of C.C. España in Lima, Peru..
2012 ZD X VIZZ∆
2012 ZD X VIZZ∆ from Joey Angerone on Vimeo.
MIOS DIO DJ - 2012 ZD mix, set to an array of visuals created by Joey Angerone
Arabica from Joe Catchpole on Vimeo.
Music by Ojah
The track is called Arabica, so I have used some TV footage of the revolutionary protests in Egypt.
There is more than just the overthrow of dictators going on! Those dictators represent a defunct capitalist ideology which is dominating the planet. People are rising up and saying enough is enough!
omino69 vj reel 2011
omino69 vj reel 2011 from Giacomo De Luca on Vimeo.
"this is my VJset reel 2011
made with Modul8
music : Nick Harris — Walkways (Massimo Di Lena's Mix From The Basement)"
Mapping Ivan Franko Theater Kiev Ukraine
Mapping Ivan Franko Theater Kiev Ukraine from VJ Yarkus on Vimeo.
Server LIGHTCONVERSE-Studio in action!
5 projectors videomappping panorama using 3D mapping server LIGHTCONVERSE-Studio.
Ivan Franko Theater, "SERENADE POLІSHINELYA, or Fun for FAUST", Kiev 2011. Video installation made specifically for small rooms, with front projection at an large angle to avoid actor's shadows.
You wish your sneaker could do this
You wish your sneaker could do this from VJFader on Vimeo.
Video mapping on sneaker/shoe by Fader and VJ Leo.
Music: Daft Punk - End Of Line
SuperSônica 3D - 2010
SuperSônica 3D - 2010 from vj Lab on Vimeo.
Trying to get out of this medieval thought that guide the brazilian party producers in our state, here is another project created by the Ateliê Digital Lab and KM2 Produções.
A steampunk party with a lot of new stuffs. We hope you like it.
Party without blah blah blah, a party for people who like to dance.
Dj Marley
Jota Jota
Fabrício Capute
Realtime anaglyph, video mapping, live performances etc...
Much more to come this year.
Free VJ loops
Dot Zoom 720 from Digital Media Jockey on Vimeo.
Download this video
Circle Dot Trans 720 from Digital Media Jockey on Vimeo.
Download this video
Purple & Pink Grid Spin 01.720 from Digital Media Jockey on Vimeo.
Download this video
Purple & Pink Grid Spin 02.720 from Digital Media Jockey on Vimeo.
Download this video
ColorFeatherSplit.720 from Digital Media Jockey on Vimeo.
Download this video
Colored Dots 01.720 from Digital Media Jockey on Vimeo.
Download this video
Colored Dots 02.720 from Digital Media Jockey on Vimeo.
Download this video
TETRA.TENNIS v3.0 from 1024 on Vimeo.
Video Mapping on the tennins ground of the French Masters series in Paris Bercy / 2010.
This is our third consecutive mapping on the tennis ground. Running realtime, activated with a PS3 controller.
Mapping powered by MadMapper software.
More info on 1024architecture.net
or our blog on 1024d.wordpress.com
sfFreeFrame Beta is currently available for Mac OSX and Windows. This is a beta version so please submit bug reports if you have any issues with the plugins. Thanks and enjoy.
sfFreeFrame is a collection of open source visual plugins for FreeFrame 1.5 compatible hosts. This means they can be used for live visual performance using programs like Resolume Avenue, Module8, VVVV, MaxMSP/Jitter and more.
sfFreeFrame plugins are developed by Marc Wren / soul-fresh.com. For more information about FreeFrame please visit freeframe.sourceforge.net/.
sfColorRings from marc wren on Vimeo.
This is a demo of the sfFreeFrame plugin sfLoop. The music is Echo Machine by soul-fresh (soundcloud.com/soul-fresh/echo-machine). For more information about sfFreeFrame, visit sffreeframe.sourceforge.net.
sfSpiderPoints from marc wren on Vimeo.
This is a demo of the sfFreeFrame plugin sfSpiderPoints. The music is Player by soul-fresh (soundcloud.com/soul-fresh/player). For more information about sfFreeFrame, visit sffreeframe.sourceforge.net.
sfJuniperStar from marc wren on Vimeo.
This is a demo of the sfFreeFrame plugin sfJuniperStar. The music is Over Under by Moongold (moongoldmusic.bandcamp.com). For more information about sfFreeFrame, visit sffreeframe.sourceforge.net.
sfBranches from marc wren on Vimeo.
This is a demo of the sfFreeFrame plugin sfBranches. The music is Fuck Up by Moongold (moongoldmusic.bandcamp.com/). For more information about sfFreeFrame, visit sffreeframe.sourceforge.net.
sfFreeFrame is a collection of open source visual plugins for FreeFrame 1.5 compatible hosts. This means they can be used for live visual performance using programs like Resolume Avenue, Module8, VVVV, MaxMSP/Jitter and more.
sfFreeFrame plugins are developed by Marc Wren / soul-fresh.com. For more information about FreeFrame please visit freeframe.sourceforge.net/.
sfColorRings from marc wren on Vimeo.
This is a demo of the sfFreeFrame plugin sfLoop. The music is Echo Machine by soul-fresh (soundcloud.com/soul-fresh/echo-machine). For more information about sfFreeFrame, visit sffreeframe.sourceforge.net.
sfSpiderPoints from marc wren on Vimeo.
This is a demo of the sfFreeFrame plugin sfSpiderPoints. The music is Player by soul-fresh (soundcloud.com/soul-fresh/player). For more information about sfFreeFrame, visit sffreeframe.sourceforge.net.
sfJuniperStar from marc wren on Vimeo.
This is a demo of the sfFreeFrame plugin sfJuniperStar. The music is Over Under by Moongold (moongoldmusic.bandcamp.com). For more information about sfFreeFrame, visit sffreeframe.sourceforge.net.
sfBranches from marc wren on Vimeo.
This is a demo of the sfFreeFrame plugin sfBranches. The music is Fuck Up by Moongold (moongoldmusic.bandcamp.com/). For more information about sfFreeFrame, visit sffreeframe.sourceforge.net.
Arkaos vs resolume
Megiddo from L'Enregistreur on Vimeo.
Arkaos vs resolume
Score: Braen's machine(piero Umiliani), E.Morricone.
Electrovision #9
Electrovision #9 from vjdrmo on Vimeo.
The ninth instalment of Electrovision, a regular night of live cinema performances. With Echaskech, Max Hattler + Noriko Okaku , MOTORSAW + Schmid and decollage.tv.
For info on future and past events and to sign up for our mailing list visit:
Music by inputJunkie
Shot on a Canon 5D
Kinect Video Scratch
Kinect Video Scratch from vjdrmo on Vimeo.
Experimental software for scratching video using proximity information from a Microsoft Kinect camera.
This project was developed in XNA using C#.
VJ CHOCOBEETS CANADA/EUROPE 2010 from Chocobetterave on Vimeo.
2010 was a good year for me: I had the opportunity to go back where it all started in Northern Finland, to be part of the VJ contest and the VJ battle at the awesome Mapping Festival in Geneva, to drink some Mintu while seing the sun rise at 3 AM in Stockholm, to eat so much lobster in Moncton, and to meet and perform with so many great artists, abroad and at home in Montreal, to the sound of cumbia, breakbeat, downtempo, electro, dub, indie rock, reggae and even branches. All of that while having the privilege to express myself artistically in public.
I bet 2011 is going to be even nicer.
Editing: Elisabeth Olga Tremblay
Music: F.AN
Footage: Caroline Blais, Edouard Arnaud, Sylvestre Dion, Cédric Chabuel.
Yamaha Tenori-On midi Animation- VJ Beat Blindskunk
Yamaha Tenori-On midi Animation- VJ Beat Blindskunk from Manyfeet Productions on Vimeo.
Blindskunk/Manyfeet Archive ....This was an Experiment created a while ago to see how a Yamaha Tenori-ON could be use to trigger video clips and effect using Arkaos GrandVJ
A alternative video was then created..in 3D
QLUSTER - LIVE PREVIEW 2011 from luma launisch on Vimeo.
music: Hans-Joachim Roedelius & Onnen Bock
live visuals: Luma.Launisch
booking: info@media-loca.com / media-loca.com
live camera: Camillo Roedelius
mihail torich (new york, ny)
mihail torich, MFA in Design, international videographer and visual artist shooting in the USA, Germany and Russia since 1999. lead photographer and head of the photo-department at TimeOut St.Petersburg, Russia (2004-2009). production designer at a number of top russian production studios and tv-channels, working on storyboards and set decorations, incl. russian state tv channel 5 saturday night show (1999-2009). more than 40 music videos produced for russian, european and american musicians, which are broadcasted on top music channels including mtv and viva (2002-2010). live visual sets presented successfully in both europe and america on one scene with top musicians and contemporary dance performers (incl. Dada (UK), the Drill (UK), Vincent Vega (DE), Aerostatic (US), UrbanWashDance company (US) and many more).
music videos shot for: sully erna (godsmack, USA), xavier le pop star (USA), reginald todd (USA), sin with sebastian (Germany), vincent vega, patric la funk (Germany), anton neumark (ex-Chugunniy Skorohod, Russia), venusberg (Germany), gender-id, sasha frolova & aquaaerobica, s'nega (Russia), soul surfer (Sweden), hb monte (US), my electric soul (USA), planet child (USA), kylie minogue (speakerphone contest video), Ja'Shayla (USA), more in production.
short films for: detacher & distantly viewed, s'nega (Russia).
vj sets with: aerostatic (US), jet200 (Russia), vincent vega (Germany), the drill (UK), dada (UK), dj gender, dj sasha kaktus, dj natasha baccardi (Russia), shinaya sigumoto (US), and many others.
Jet200 8bit VJ mix by Mihail Torich from mihail torich on Vimeo.
Jet200 mihail torich "tetris song" 8bit VJ mix
St. Petersburg, Russia 2009
RE:Vision April 21 / 2010 / drink the kool-aid from mihail torich on Vimeo.
"drink the kool-aid" performed by: Rebekah Kennedy (Urban Wash Dance Company), music: Aerostatic, live visuals: Mihail Torich / torich.net / premiered at RE:Vision produced by Forward Motion Theater / forwardmotiontheater.org / camera: Bill Schaffner, lighting: Holly Daggers / forwardmotiontheater.org/tag/revision
mihail torich vj set at ipr brooklyn from mihail torich on Vimeo.
mihail torich vj set at ipr brooklyn new york / share event 14 june 2009
A-5 sarra levinger & mihail torich SKIF 12 show from mihail torich on Vimeo.
A-5 sarra levinger & mihail torich show at sergey kuryokhin's festival SKIF #12 26.04.2008
THIS IS MY LIFE...10 YEARS LATER from mihail torich on Vimeo.
Concept by Rebekah J Kennedy & Mikhail Torich,
Choreography by Rebekah J Kennedy, Gesture & Character invention by the Performers,
video, live VJ & masks by Mihail Torich, Music by DJ Sphinx remixing Dust Brothers.
Performance by Amy Brinkheide, Maiko Matsui, Rebekah J Kennedy, Nadia Tuskler
Premiered January 14-15, at ReVision by Forward Motion Theater @ the Tank, NYC, 2011
mihail torich, MFA in Design, international videographer and visual artist shooting in the USA, Germany and Russia since 1999. lead photographer and head of the photo-department at TimeOut St.Petersburg, Russia (2004-2009). production designer at a number of top russian production studios and tv-channels, working on storyboards and set decorations, incl. russian state tv channel 5 saturday night show (1999-2009). more than 40 music videos produced for russian, european and american musicians, which are broadcasted on top music channels including mtv and viva (2002-2010). live visual sets presented successfully in both europe and america on one scene with top musicians and contemporary dance performers (incl. Dada (UK), the Drill (UK), Vincent Vega (DE), Aerostatic (US), UrbanWashDance company (US) and many more).
music videos shot for: sully erna (godsmack, USA), xavier le pop star (USA), reginald todd (USA), sin with sebastian (Germany), vincent vega, patric la funk (Germany), anton neumark (ex-Chugunniy Skorohod, Russia), venusberg (Germany), gender-id, sasha frolova & aquaaerobica, s'nega (Russia), soul surfer (Sweden), hb monte (US), my electric soul (USA), planet child (USA), kylie minogue (speakerphone contest video), Ja'Shayla (USA), more in production.
short films for: detacher & distantly viewed, s'nega (Russia).
vj sets with: aerostatic (US), jet200 (Russia), vincent vega (Germany), the drill (UK), dada (UK), dj gender, dj sasha kaktus, dj natasha baccardi (Russia), shinaya sigumoto (US), and many others.
Jet200 8bit VJ mix by Mihail Torich from mihail torich on Vimeo.
Jet200 mihail torich "tetris song" 8bit VJ mix
St. Petersburg, Russia 2009
RE:Vision April 21 / 2010 / drink the kool-aid from mihail torich on Vimeo.
"drink the kool-aid" performed by: Rebekah Kennedy (Urban Wash Dance Company), music: Aerostatic, live visuals: Mihail Torich / torich.net / premiered at RE:Vision produced by Forward Motion Theater / forwardmotiontheater.org / camera: Bill Schaffner, lighting: Holly Daggers / forwardmotiontheater.org/tag/revision
mihail torich vj set at ipr brooklyn from mihail torich on Vimeo.
mihail torich vj set at ipr brooklyn new york / share event 14 june 2009
A-5 sarra levinger & mihail torich SKIF 12 show from mihail torich on Vimeo.
A-5 sarra levinger & mihail torich show at sergey kuryokhin's festival SKIF #12 26.04.2008
THIS IS MY LIFE...10 YEARS LATER from mihail torich on Vimeo.
Concept by Rebekah J Kennedy & Mikhail Torich,
Choreography by Rebekah J Kennedy, Gesture & Character invention by the Performers,
video, live VJ & masks by Mihail Torich, Music by DJ Sphinx remixing Dust Brothers.
Performance by Amy Brinkheide, Maiko Matsui, Rebekah J Kennedy, Nadia Tuskler
Premiered January 14-15, at ReVision by Forward Motion Theater @ the Tank, NYC, 2011
2010 Workshop Quartz COmposer VJ Goto10 (complete)
2010 Workshop Quartz COmposer VJ Goto10 (complete) from vjfestist on Vimeo.
2010 VJ FEST Video Report by VJ Kat4er (Ukraine)
2010 VJ FEST Video Report by VJ Kat4er (Ukraine) from vjfestist on Vimeo.
Thanks a lot to Katherina for this great work! Yasasin VJ'lik! Viva VVVVJJJJJ!
2010 VJ EleCTro_mOOn Poland-Hungary
2010 VJ EleCTro_mOOn Poland-Hungary from vjfestist on Vimeo.
VJ FEST ISTANBUL 21 May 2010@Dogzstar
Elwira Wojtunik and Popesz Csaba Láng aka EleKTro mOOn Vision is a Polish-Hungarian duet of visual artists founded in 2004. Elwira graduated from the Media Faculty conducted by specialists from Audiovisual Art Institute from the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland. Popesz is a master of the newest technologies. Initially they started to design visualizations for different music events in Budapest. At present they are based in Krakow (Poland) and work on various video art projects. Theirs activities are based on non-conventional, live experiments with the video surface. They actively take part in several events presenting contemporary new media and interdisciplinary art, improvised a/v performances, theater shows, media installations experimenting with motion picture.
Distant (long distant relationship)
Distant (long distant relationship) from Emer Värk on Vimeo.
TEMPS D'IMAGES - European network of the performing and moving image arts grant in Budapest.
Temps d'images - tempsdimages.eu
Von Krahl Theatre - vonkrahl.ee
SIN Culture Center - sinarts.org
Emer Värk / Grecsó Zoltán / Teele Putnik
IscASCII1 & IscHypnotic1 - FreeFrame Plugins from IntrinsicFX
IscASCII1 & IscHypnotic1 - FreeFrame Plugins from IntrinsicFX from IntrinsicFX on Vimeo.
Just having a play with the new IscASCII plugin and IscHypnotic1 (x2) together, check vjfx.com for more details. Music: deepmix.ru ;)
planeta terra festival 2010 - mapping/visuals from HELMUT BREINEDER on Vimeo.
track: moderat - Porc # 1
projection mapping visuals @ planeta terra festival 2010 in sao paulo
by united vjs: vj spetto, vj zaz, roger s, viktor vicsek, helmut breineder, thomas mena.
crowd: over 20000 people
line up: Smashing Pumpkins, Hot Chip, Phoenix, Pavement, Yeasayer, Girl Talk 3rd band
Passion Pit, Of Montreal, Empire of the Sun
Mika, Pavement, Holger, Hurtmold, Mombojó, Novos Paulistas
audio reactive live visuals from HELMUT BREINEDER on Vimeo.
audio reactive visuals with modul8
music: modeselektor/Silikon feat Sacha Perera
range rover evoque - mapping from HELMUT BREINEDER on Vimeo.
projection mapping for the range rover evoque launch party @ hotel unique / sao paulo
credits: PIX, vagalume, front 360, formentera
and spot (thomas mena, helmut breineder)
reel 2010 > spot from HELMUT BREINEDER on Vimeo.
spot is a motion design / postproduction studio in sao paulo run by helmut breineder and thomas mena.
planeta terra festival 2010 - mapping/visuals from HELMUT BREINEDER on Vimeo.
track: moderat - Porc # 1
projection mapping visuals @ planeta terra festival 2010 in sao paulo
by united vjs: vj spetto, vj zaz, roger s, viktor vicsek, helmut breineder, thomas mena.
crowd: over 20000 people
line up: Smashing Pumpkins, Hot Chip, Phoenix, Pavement, Yeasayer, Girl Talk 3rd band
Passion Pit, Of Montreal, Empire of the Sun
Mika, Pavement, Holger, Hurtmold, Mombojó, Novos Paulistas
audio reactive live visuals from HELMUT BREINEDER on Vimeo.
audio reactive visuals with modul8
music: modeselektor/Silikon feat Sacha Perera
range rover evoque - mapping from HELMUT BREINEDER on Vimeo.
projection mapping for the range rover evoque launch party @ hotel unique / sao paulo
credits: PIX, vagalume, front 360, formentera
and spot (thomas mena, helmut breineder)
reel 2010 > spot from HELMUT BREINEDER on Vimeo.
spot is a motion design / postproduction studio in sao paulo run by helmut breineder and thomas mena.
animation for live performance
animation for live performance from HELMUT BREINEDER on Vimeo.
animation for a live performance with dancers interacting to the visuals, presented at Auditório Ibirapuera / Sao Paulo
produced for MOX
THE TREASURE @ expo shanghai 2010
THE TREASURE @ expo shanghai 2010 from HELMUT BREINEDER on Vimeo.
Saudi Arabia Pavillion @ EXPO SHANGHAI 2010
Format: 9216 × 3072 Pixel
1600 m2 IMAX screen
26 x Full-HD Projectors
Motion design/Compositing
for m-box.de
Agency: GPD Sevilla
and Tamschick Media+Space GmbH
Music: Bluwi – Music and Sounddesign
RED DOT AWARDS - best of the best / Communication Design
EXPO 2010 - Gold Creative Display Award
color bars (loop)
color bars (loop) from beeple on Vimeo.
Free source material released under Creative Commons.
Download this video
The Orgasm in colors. Visual Nights. London
The Orgasm in colors. Visual Nights. London from big RED on Vimeo.
Dark storm clouds thick in the sky
Teasing your world once more today
Something light in the sky catches your eye
A flicker of something like the moon
Walking slower, must have a glance
There it is, I knew I saw something
Lights beaming through the misty shroud
Like an alien spacecraft making it's way
Barely seen, an illusion gone in a moment
Nothing but a hardly visible plane
Yet something so enticing about the vanished view
Shining where no other light dare venture
So quickly seen, rapidly gone
A mystery of the night that will be solved by none
Continuing to walk, your mind dwelling on the sight
It wasn't anything and yet it was
So beautiful in it's moment of clarity
A shining star in a haze of rainy fog
Still the vision stays in your mind's eye
A memory that will disappear with time
But for now you enjoy the view
Until it is no more.
The Orgasm in colors @ VISUAL NIGHTS LONDON.
Time and place, where sound and view seduce your feelings.
Amazing sound engineers and surgeons controlling your heartbeat and motion are teamed up with visual motion specialists to provide you unforgettable pleasure. Big colorful projections, motion on the walls, shining business, the mighty wall of your fame. Be curious!
Ernestas Sadau (soundcloud.com/ernestas_sadau)
Dietrich (soundcloud.com/djdietrich)
Nightjar (soundcloud.com/nightjar)
Mr. T (soundcloud.com/mr-t-1)
FADE IN FADE OUT (fadeinfadeout.co.uk/)
Ds WAY (dsway.co.uk)
Edgaras Laisvai
TBA. Be curious
1001, 91 Brick Lane, London
No charge, doors are widely opened.
Join us: facebook.com/pages/Visual-Nights-at-London/162118267142544
Synse DJ + VJ App For The iPhone
Synse is a new visual music app for the iPhone, designed to let you sequence music and visual simultaneously.
It’s available in the App Store for $1.99.
Video Mode (Device in portrait or landscape with Home button on the left)
In this mode you control each instrument/track and their visuals with one touch. Each instrument has its own touch area. To show these areas, simply tap on the “Show Grid” area on the left or right corners at the bottom of the screen.
Sequencer Mode (Device in landscape with Home button on the right)
Arrange a whole song by tapping inside the sequencer grid and scroll through the arrangement by swiping left or right.
Sequencer buttons:
PLAY/PAUSE: Lets you play and pause the song.
STOP: Stops the song and the locator jumps back to the beginning of the arrangement.
LOOP: When activated, loops the current bar of the arrangement.
SETUP: Shows the setup screen, where you can
?load a different set (music and visuals)
?save and load arrangements
?change the length of the song
?turn off LiveTouch mode (disables touching in video mode)
?activate Shake mode (toggle video and sequencer mode only by shaking the device)
Hint: Hold the STOP button with one finger and tap in the sequencer grid to move the locator.
Note: This Version includes three sets: PARIS, FLUID and LIFETIME. More sets are planned.
It’s available in the App Store for $1.99.
Video Mode (Device in portrait or landscape with Home button on the left)
In this mode you control each instrument/track and their visuals with one touch. Each instrument has its own touch area. To show these areas, simply tap on the “Show Grid” area on the left or right corners at the bottom of the screen.
Sequencer Mode (Device in landscape with Home button on the right)
Arrange a whole song by tapping inside the sequencer grid and scroll through the arrangement by swiping left or right.
Sequencer buttons:
PLAY/PAUSE: Lets you play and pause the song.
STOP: Stops the song and the locator jumps back to the beginning of the arrangement.
LOOP: When activated, loops the current bar of the arrangement.
SETUP: Shows the setup screen, where you can
?load a different set (music and visuals)
?save and load arrangements
?change the length of the song
?turn off LiveTouch mode (disables touching in video mode)
?activate Shake mode (toggle video and sequencer mode only by shaking the device)
Hint: Hold the STOP button with one finger and tap in the sequencer grid to move the locator.
Note: This Version includes three sets: PARIS, FLUID and LIFETIME. More sets are planned.
FREEMOTE festival 2010
FREEMOTE festival 2010 from born digital on Vimeo.
Born Digital presented ‘Freemote’ october '10, a versatile program in the fields of electronic arts and new media, demonstrating video mapping, audiovisual performances, installations, motion graphics & more. In October’s concluding weekend new media enthusiasts were offered a fine blend of music, visuals and other new media derivatives in and around Het Utrechts Archief.
With: Burcu Gündüz (Visuals, TR), Vidbeat (Visuals, TR), Storn0 (Audio live set, DE), Frenkey-Live- (Audio live set, 030303 (Audio set, Bas K (Live AV), Quadra TV (Live AV), airway-x & goto10 (Live AV), Tarik Barri (Live AV) Jacob van de Water (Audio live set), Daniel Berio (Visuals, IT), Incite (Live AV, DE), Enrique Arce (Visuals, MX), Daniel Zuur (Audio live set), Jan Willem Deiman (Installation), Swen Seyerlen & AliK (Videomapping & Motiongraphics, DE), Ramon Schreuder + Priscilla van den Berg (Responsive Environment), Sander Veenhof (Augmented Reality, Light Play (Game, HKU), Universal Everything (Screening, UK), CH3 (Screening, GR), VJ Romvaesn (Screening, NO), Thobias Rosenberger (Installation, DE), Tactile Echo (Installation), Daan Kars (Visuals), VJ Fader (Screening, US), Onur Senturk (Screening, TR), Abstract Birds (Live AV, IT), Trigg (Audio Live set), VJ Romvaesn (Visuals, NO), Black Gold 360 (Audio live set).
Timegate2011 video report from teratone
Timegate2011 video report from teratone from yog sothoth on Vimeo.
Timegate2011 video report from teratone
NuFormer - Media Markt, Shanghai. November 2010
NuFormer - Media Markt, Shanghai. November 2010 from NuFormer Projection on Vimeo.
On November 17th 2010, MediaMarkt opened its first flagship store in Shanghai. NuFormer developed a 3D mapping projection on their building which added to the opening festivities.
malaventura (Spain)
Malaventura is an audiovisual artist from Spain. His production range from the Videoart to the experimental music and audiovisuals live performances. Check the malaventura website for more information: malaventura.net
Malaventura's Audiovisual sampler (in action) from malaventura on Vimeo.
Recorded Live, made with Quartz Composer for the Video & Ableton Live for the audio. This is the Malaventura audiovisual sampler 1.0 Version, 2.0 version with loops & quantization added available here: vimeo.com/13673939
Something new from something old from malaventura on Vimeo.
This is the malaventura audiovisual sampler in it's 2.0 Version. The audiovisual sampler it’s made with excerpts from movies under
public domain licenses, with the
audio & video synchronized & executed in live performance.
Malaventura @ Circulo Cultural Juan XXIII from malaventura on Vimeo.
Performance of the Malaventura's audiovisual sampler at the Circulo Cultural Juan XXIII. The live act was part of the program of the 1st Colective show of the Free Audiovisual held in Cordoba the past 25th of September.
(Filmed by M.C. Gutierrez)
More info at: malaventura.net
Malaventura's Audiovisual sampler (in action) from malaventura on Vimeo.
Recorded Live, made with Quartz Composer for the Video & Ableton Live for the audio. This is the Malaventura audiovisual sampler 1.0 Version, 2.0 version with loops & quantization added available here: vimeo.com/13673939
Something new from something old from malaventura on Vimeo.
This is the malaventura audiovisual sampler in it's 2.0 Version. The audiovisual sampler it’s made with excerpts from movies under
public domain licenses, with the
audio & video synchronized & executed in live performance.
Malaventura @ Circulo Cultural Juan XXIII from malaventura on Vimeo.
Performance of the Malaventura's audiovisual sampler at the Circulo Cultural Juan XXIII. The live act was part of the program of the 1st Colective show of the Free Audiovisual held in Cordoba the past 25th of September.
(Filmed by M.C. Gutierrez)
More info at: malaventura.net
PERSPECTIVE LYRIQUE from 1024 on Vimeo.
An interactive architectural mapping.
Fete des Lumieres / Lyon / France / 2010
A mapping by 1024 Architecture, projected on the facade of former Lyrical theater the "Celestins".
The building deformations and figures were controlled by the audience, using a microphone and an audio analysis algorythm.
More info on 1024architecture.net or our blog
A FREE MIND is VJing for Johannes Heil from A Free Mind : VJing on Vimeo.
Live-VJing Review:
SEMF - Stuttgart Electronic Music Festival
Afterparty at Rocker 33, Stuttgart
On Stage: Johannes Heil, Live
Live-VJing Review:
SEMF - Stuttgart Electronic Music Festival
Afterparty at Rocker 33, Stuttgart
On Stage: Johannes Heil, Live
risus from beeple on Vimeo.
Free source material released under Creative Commons.
video: beeple / audio: überLAB
more: vimeo.com/channels/beeple
info: beeple-crap.com
audio: music.uberlab.com/album/ex-machina
Download this video
numbers from beeple on Vimeo.
Free source material released under Creative Commons.
video: beeple / audio: anitune
more: vimeo.com/channels/beeple
info: beeple-crap.com
audio: antitune.bandcamp.com/
Download this video
sqwarcycle from beeple on Vimeo.
Free source material released under Creative Commons.
Cinema 4D project file: beeple-crap.com/resources.php
video: beeple / audio: bakshish
more: vimeo.com/channels/beeple
info: beeple-crap.com
audio: bakshishmusic.bandcamp.com/
Download this video
MIND with computer heads @ Spin - San diego
MIND with computer heads @ Spin - San diego from Leonardo Schenkel on Vimeo.
DJ/VJ duo making live sound and visuals! This was our final show of our 2010 US Tour. MIND is based in Brazil.Performed by DJ Dennis Rocha and VJ Leo (Leonardo Schenkel).
Monitors are made with 19 inch computer monitors with a 15 inch LCD inside. A wide angle security camera is placed in the hole of the power botton to enable artist to see audience thru a LCD glasses.
Recorded by VJ Fader.
Edited VJ Leo.
Track Rejekt by Dubfire.
Road Kill
Road Kill from lucidhouse on Vimeo.
Lovely tune Inspired me to mix up some visuals...
Sound track: Jennifer Cardini, Shonky - "Come Down To Earth" (Edited-Original) jennifercardini.net
Visuals: lucidhouse
Find some of the video loops used in this piece @ lucidloops.com/vj_loops/silent_singles/10.htm
Korg Revises Portable USB MIDI Controllers; What’s New in nanoSERIES 2?
Cheap, ultra-slim, and easy to pop in a backpack, Korg’s nano Series were a big hit. The only real blemish on this line has to be the original nanoKEY; some people managed to use it, but key caps chronically fell off and it wasn’t a whole lot of fun to play. The nanoPAD and nanoKONTROL fared much better, providing pads and faders in a laptop-ready form factor. And since they don’t require drivers, these will also work with new devices like the iPad.
With the nanoSERIES2, Korg mainly sticks with the original formula, but adds a few adjustments. They have the same housing, says Korg, and driver-free USB operation. So what’s new?
nanoKEY2: A new keybed, “modeled after a MacBook.” So, it is still going to feel like a computer keyboard (a necessary evil given how thin it is), but at least it’ll feel like a better keyboard.
nanoKEY2: Light-up octave shift.
nanoPAD2: Record gestures on the X-Y pad.
nanoPAD2: 16 pads instead of 12.
nanoPAD2: Arpeggiator, chord triggers.
nanoKONTROL2: 8 faders instead of 9, and a more logical control layout.
nanoKONTROL2: Mackie HUI support.
I’m especially excited by the nanoPAD2, as it gets quite a significant improvement. All in all, these look subtly different but improved, particularly in moving the nanoKEY2 into the realm of actual usabilty. Pricing remains the same; stay tuned for these to ship.
And yes, they’ll still be available in white, though now with a more subdued color scheme (none of the retro blue-and-white flair). See below…
(BY PETER KIRN, createdigitalmusic)
With the nanoSERIES2, Korg mainly sticks with the original formula, but adds a few adjustments. They have the same housing, says Korg, and driver-free USB operation. So what’s new?
nanoKEY2: A new keybed, “modeled after a MacBook.” So, it is still going to feel like a computer keyboard (a necessary evil given how thin it is), but at least it’ll feel like a better keyboard.
nanoKEY2: Light-up octave shift.
nanoPAD2: Record gestures on the X-Y pad.
nanoPAD2: 16 pads instead of 12.
nanoPAD2: Arpeggiator, chord triggers.
nanoKONTROL2: 8 faders instead of 9, and a more logical control layout.
nanoKONTROL2: Mackie HUI support.
I’m especially excited by the nanoPAD2, as it gets quite a significant improvement. All in all, these look subtly different but improved, particularly in moving the nanoKEY2 into the realm of actual usabilty. Pricing remains the same; stay tuned for these to ship.
And yes, they’ll still be available in white, though now with a more subdued color scheme (none of the retro blue-and-white flair). See below…
(BY PETER KIRN, createdigitalmusic)
Terminal Beach: Forces (test footage)
Terminal Beach: Forces (test footage) from PatternRecog on Vimeo.
Test footage of visuals from Forces' performance at Terminal Beach 02 in Melbourne, Australia. Visuals by Ben Ferns. bferns.com
"Destrói sua face"
Moedor + Fada em "Destrói sua face" from Guilherme Pedreiro on Vimeo.
Performance do "Moedor de Pensamentos" durante a música "Destrói sua face" da banda "Fadarobocoptubarão", no Tardes Tortas em junho de 2010.RetchyvSmash@Utrachip 2010
RetchyvSmash@Utrachip 2010 from RetchyvSmash on Vimeo.
Here are some choice cuts from our recent gig at Ultrachip mini chip music festival in the Forest Cafe, Edinburgh. Music was from Sycamore Drive, Samwave and Comptroller in that order. We also did stuff for Diamonds & Dynamite but couldn't film it - there be more footage on youtube though - youtube.com/ultrachipfestival
AksvenuR (Netherland, Bulgaria)
aksvenurvisualarts.tk/ myspace.com/lorarounevska behance.net/LoraRounevska
Lora Rounevska - Sofia, Bulgaria - graduated Gerrit Rietveld academy, currently based in Amsterdam.
My occupation is multimedia art - I'm working in various fields, such as drawing, video, installations, photography, graphic design and other printed matters. Since 2006 I'm also performing as VJ artist.
My visual language is inspired from the history of art and design to street art, video art and installations. Breaking the boundaries between the different forms of art and design in a creative way, is what intrigues me very much.
VISU.AU Textures/preview from AksvenuR on Vimeo.
Live Audio-Visual Session - night of experimental music and video art.
Aleksandur Petrov
Lora Rounevska
Kliment Dichev
Mihail Stoianov
performed at culture center "Red House" Sofia, Bulgaria
ER10: from AksvenuR on Vimeo.
video mix
music: Evad "Reflections on Moon Robot"
"Ithought" from AksvenuR on Vimeo.
Three-screen video installation based on relation between body and space. A combination of architecture and typography, where we travel through our thoughts and different personalities inside one identity.
This installation was one of my final exam projects at Gerrit Rietveld academy, Amsterdam
The Storyteller from AksvenuR on Vimeo.
A video mix that I create, mostly with found footage, for one of the favorite tracks by Photek - "Trans 7".
s:q from AksvenuR on Vimeo.
3 preview
vj mix - AksvenuR
live set - Joro Paskalev
Artmospheric 2009
f:g from AksvenuR on Vimeo.
2 preview
vj mix - AksvenuR
live set - Joro Paskalev
Artmospheric 2009
human builder of his own perceptions from AksvenuR on Vimeo.
Video installation - performance about perceptions, surrounding and manipulation the surrounding
performed with wii remote control
performer Svetlin Velchev
music Vataff Project
project by Lora Rounevska aka AksvenuR
Lora Rounevska - Sofia, Bulgaria - graduated Gerrit Rietveld academy, currently based in Amsterdam.
My occupation is multimedia art - I'm working in various fields, such as drawing, video, installations, photography, graphic design and other printed matters. Since 2006 I'm also performing as VJ artist.
My visual language is inspired from the history of art and design to street art, video art and installations. Breaking the boundaries between the different forms of art and design in a creative way, is what intrigues me very much.
VISU.AU Textures/preview from AksvenuR on Vimeo.
Live Audio-Visual Session - night of experimental music and video art.
Aleksandur Petrov
Lora Rounevska
Kliment Dichev
Mihail Stoianov
performed at culture center "Red House" Sofia, Bulgaria
ER10: from AksvenuR on Vimeo.
video mix
music: Evad "Reflections on Moon Robot"
"Ithought" from AksvenuR on Vimeo.
Three-screen video installation based on relation between body and space. A combination of architecture and typography, where we travel through our thoughts and different personalities inside one identity.
This installation was one of my final exam projects at Gerrit Rietveld academy, Amsterdam
The Storyteller from AksvenuR on Vimeo.
A video mix that I create, mostly with found footage, for one of the favorite tracks by Photek - "Trans 7".
s:q from AksvenuR on Vimeo.
3 preview
vj mix - AksvenuR
live set - Joro Paskalev
Artmospheric 2009
f:g from AksvenuR on Vimeo.
2 preview
vj mix - AksvenuR
live set - Joro Paskalev
Artmospheric 2009
human builder of his own perceptions from AksvenuR on Vimeo.
Video installation - performance about perceptions, surrounding and manipulation the surrounding
performed with wii remote control
performer Svetlin Velchev
music Vataff Project
project by Lora Rounevska aka AksvenuR
"War, Diplomacy & Peace"
DJ op de Dom 2010; "War, Diplomacy & Peace" from born digital on Vimeo.
"War, Diplomacy & Peace"
Light, video & audio sync.
Commissioned by the Treaty of Utrecht
Concept & realization: Born Digital foundation
Creative director: Martin Boverhof
Visuals: Bas K. & Roy Gerritsen (Born Digital) and Ruben van Esterik & Mo Assem (mr. Beam)
Light design: Ruben de Snoo & Martin Boverhof
Music: the Batsboy
Production: Koen van Lier
Camera: Mouz
Photography: Anna van Kooij
SYNCHRON from stefanie sixt, sixt sense on Vimeo.
Markus Mehr and Stefanie Sixt create a stand-alone piece by combining music and visual arts. On purpose sound-patches implement a latent visual quality, freed from structures and metrics, from greaceful noise to tasteful kitsch. The music is taken from the album "Lava" by Markus Mehr, published by Hidden Shoal Recordings, Australia in 2010.
The visuals are based on animated, colourized and partially longterm exposed, monochrome nature photographs. The pictures are already abstracted while the photographs are shot. By interweaving the clips form compositions are created – reminding of moving paintings.
This show was recorded at H2 - Museum for Contemporary Art, Augsburg, Germany.
Links: markusmehr.de, sixt-sense.de
10/23/2010 H2 - Museum for Contemporary Art, Augsburg
08/15/2010 Passions Church, Berlin - Kreuzberg
05/15/2010 Bassart Festival Munich, Planetarium, Deutsches Museum
12/12/2009 Temporary Gallery "Muhackl oder Blutwurst", Augsburg
"The dome of legend opens"
projection mapping artwork
로보트 태권브이 전설의 돔 "The dome of legend opens" projection mapping artwork from lumpens on Vimeo.
Lumpens 2011 visual art work.
로보트 태권브이 전설의 돔 "The dome of legend opens" projection mapping artwork from lumpens on Vimeo.
Lumpens 2011 visual art work.
HD Live Test
HD Live Test 01 from Digital Media Jockey on Vimeo.
This 21 minute unrehearsed set was recorded in 720 HD using an Intensity Pro capture card and RAID array. Jason is DJing using a Denon x1600 mixer and Traktor with DVS from a Denon HS5500. Kevin is controlling the visuals using an APC40 and GrandVJ. Traktor and Grand VJ are running on a Mac Pro. A second Mac Pro running Modul8 is fed directly into GrandVJ on the master computer using an Intensity Pro HD capture card. A second HD capture card can feed another computer, but its not used in this recording.
The visuals are mostly original HD content available here on Vimeo mixed with a few movie clips and a few clips from other Vimeo users.
The original uncompressed recording was compressed from 143GB to 38GB using Apple Pro Res 422, which was then compressed to H.264 using Apple compressor and the guidelines for Vimeo setting.
demoreel 2010_reMs_short extract from rems on Vimeo.
demoreel 2010_reMs_short extract
Démo vidéo pour la fin 2010, un exemple de set dans les conditions "live". Réalisé sur Resolume.
Audio tout con, mix electro/techno, réalisé sur logiciel.
audio & video : reMs
8min. Encodage mp4/H.264-audio AAC/44.1kHz.
New Solutions for Wireless MIDI, MIDI+OSC
Going wireless has long been a desire of musicians, but solutions have been slow to catch on. Two new products add wireless capabilities to your existing MIDI gear; I’ve talked to the creators to explain a bit about how their solutions work.
AirPower from Starr Labs uses proprietary 2.4GHz communication for wireless MIDI communication. The Missing Link takes a different approach, receiving OSC communication over a standard WiFi connection and translating to MIDI. Each approach has some potential advantages. The Missing Link you can use out of the box with wireless support from a mobile device, like an iPad or Android OSC controller. AirPower’s approach solves a serious reliability problem, by working with a more robust “no-dropout” connection link.
Don’t knock cables – wireless can pose problems. Wireless MIDI solutions have to contend with dropped connections lasting just a fraction of a second. AirPower appears pricey – a US$425 upgrade or MIDI-only $250 adapter, each sold as a complete kit – but what you get is a more reliable connection. (Starr Labs has designed AirPower to work with their line of guitars and controllers, but with a MIDI connection and the $250 model, you can use whatever you like.)
Starr Labs’ Scott Caligure answers some of CDM’s questions; they’re also interested in collaboration.
On wireless MIDI and resistance to dropouts (partly quoting from their product literature), Scott explains:
Continuance: createdigitalmusic.com
This is the Missing Link.
It is a wireless device that receives OSC and outputs MIDI.
When I open my settings in my phone it shows up as a network that I can connect to.
When I go to my OSC app, and press a button, an OSC message will be sent wirelessly from my phone.
This message will get received by the Missing Link, which converts it to MIDI and sends it to the instrument.
I can now use my phone to play a keyboard or control my mixer or MIDI LED lights.
Don’t knock cables – wireless can pose problems. Wireless MIDI solutions have to contend with dropped connections lasting just a fraction of a second. AirPower appears pricey – a US$425 upgrade or MIDI-only $250 adapter, each sold as a complete kit – but what you get is a more reliable connection. (Starr Labs has designed AirPower to work with their line of guitars and controllers, but with a MIDI connection and the $250 model, you can use whatever you like.)
Starr Labs’ Scott Caligure answers some of CDM’s questions; they’re also interested in collaboration.
On wireless MIDI and resistance to dropouts (partly quoting from their product literature), Scott explains:
Continuance: createdigitalmusic.com
This is the Missing Link.
It is a wireless device that receives OSC and outputs MIDI.
When I open my settings in my phone it shows up as a network that I can connect to.
When I go to my OSC app, and press a button, an OSC message will be sent wirelessly from my phone.
This message will get received by the Missing Link, which converts it to MIDI and sends it to the instrument.
I can now use my phone to play a keyboard or control my mixer or MIDI LED lights.
Concert projection mapping, Playboy concert 031010
Concert projection mapping, Playboy concert 031010 from nobik on Vimeo.
Projection mapping on stage
Playboy concert , 031010
Song, Nothing on you
Artist, Boy peacemaker
Bangkok, Thailand
a/v: Max Hattler + Ocusonic @ Videomedeja 2010
a/v: Max Hattler + Ocusonic @ Videomedeja 2010 from Max Hattler on Vimeo.
Max Hattler (visuals) + Ocusonic (audio)
Live at Videomedeja, Novi Sad, Serbia, 18 Dec 2010
40'00" live a/v performance
4'14" excerpt (Noodle Soup)
Filmed from an interesting angle.
Swen Seyerlen (Stuttgart)
Industrial designer, VJ, video artist and lighting programmer [e:cue] since 2001.
Fassadenzauber am Schloss Tüssling from Swen Seyerlen on Vimeo.
HB-Laser.com made a Laser- and Video-Show for the christmas market @ Schloss Tüssling (Bavaria, Germany).
We supported them for the 3D mapping, the show-patch (vvvv combining video-, audiostream and DMX-Laser-triggers) and some video content.
The sand animation was made by SandTogether.com
We wish everybody in the world a merry christmas!! Enjoy...
Fassade mapping on Midsummer from Swen Seyerlen on Vimeo.
Fassadenmapping zum Summer Opening 2010 des Partner Port in Walldorf
Mannheim bewegen - Audi A1 launch from Swen Seyerlen on Vimeo.
We made a TH2Go facade mapping for the Audi A1 launch in Mannheim
Schützt Eure Kinder from Swen Seyerlen on Vimeo.
B-Seite 2010:
Shado VJ Team, Echolab und visualberlin haben gemeinsam zu "Schütz Eure Kinder" Visuals gejammt.
Overlay-Track: Schützt Eure Kinder - Feuerwasser
Industrial designer, VJ, video artist and lighting programmer [e:cue] since 2001.
Fassadenzauber am Schloss Tüssling from Swen Seyerlen on Vimeo.
HB-Laser.com made a Laser- and Video-Show for the christmas market @ Schloss Tüssling (Bavaria, Germany).
We supported them for the 3D mapping, the show-patch (vvvv combining video-, audiostream and DMX-Laser-triggers) and some video content.
The sand animation was made by SandTogether.com
We wish everybody in the world a merry christmas!! Enjoy...
Fassade mapping on Midsummer from Swen Seyerlen on Vimeo.
Fassadenmapping zum Summer Opening 2010 des Partner Port in Walldorf
Mannheim bewegen - Audi A1 launch from Swen Seyerlen on Vimeo.
We made a TH2Go facade mapping for the Audi A1 launch in Mannheim
Schützt Eure Kinder from Swen Seyerlen on Vimeo.
B-Seite 2010:
Shado VJ Team, Echolab und visualberlin haben gemeinsam zu "Schütz Eure Kinder" Visuals gejammt.
Overlay-Track: Schützt Eure Kinder - Feuerwasser
Kabal NYE : Vibration Red Finger
Kabal NYE : Vibration Red Finger from Joe Catchpole on Vimeo.
A little bit of VJing from the NYE party I performed at in Sheffield this year.
Music by Tommy Vicari Junior:
Using some content I'm sure some VJ's will recognise:
How the Eye Functions
Human Grace by Paul. F. Moss
Photography by:
And graphics by:
Full resolution download available here:
The same CC License applies BY-NC-ND
magnes stres (Wroclaw poland)
magnes stres
live visuals,
video editing,
graphic design,
rekombinacje - emfaza from magnes stres on Vimeo.
music release > webbedhandrecords.com/wh142-rekombinacje-rozszerzona-przestrzen-interpretacji/
Gala Show SZTUKMISTRZE 2010 from magnes stres on Vimeo.
New Circus Entertainment presents:
Gala Show on Carnaval Sztukmistrzów
Lublin 2010
Jean Daniel Fricker
Jann Frish
Paramo Cero
Mr Toons
Klinik Lalek
Szkoła Wachlarzy z Warszawy
.operation open beat /////////2 from magnes stres on Vimeo.
operation open beat part 2
audio >> rekombinacja
video >> magnespies
drum and fejs vizuals from magnes stres on Vimeo.
live mix rekombinacja
live vizualz
magnes stres
live visuals,
video editing,
graphic design,
rekombinacje - emfaza from magnes stres on Vimeo.
music release > webbedhandrecords.com/wh142-rekombinacje-rozszerzona-przestrzen-interpretacji/
Gala Show SZTUKMISTRZE 2010 from magnes stres on Vimeo.
New Circus Entertainment presents:
Gala Show on Carnaval Sztukmistrzów
Lublin 2010
Jean Daniel Fricker
Jann Frish
Paramo Cero
Mr Toons
Klinik Lalek
Szkoła Wachlarzy z Warszawy
.operation open beat /////////2 from magnes stres on Vimeo.
operation open beat part 2
audio >> rekombinacja
video >> magnespies
drum and fejs vizuals from magnes stres on Vimeo.
live mix rekombinacja
live vizualz
"O Mistério das Coisas"
mapping images and sounds on architecture-
Um trabalho comissionado por Guimarães 2012 CEC (Capital Europeia da Cultura)
A work commisioned by Guimarães 2012 CEC (European Capital of Culture)
(Announcement Ceremony)
Conceito, Direcção e Produção: Vitor Joaquim
Musica: Eurico Coelho
Textos: Fernando Pessoa (Alberto Caeiro) - excertos de O Guardador de Rebanhos
Imagens para Projecção: Edgar Alberto, Eurico Coelho, João Aguiar, Hugo Olim, Marlene Santos
Iluminação: Edgar Alberto
Projecção Móvel: António Jorge Gonçalves
Bailarina: Rafaela Salvador
Direcção de Som: João Hora / Lourisom
Direcção de Projecções: Fidelino Ferreira / Alfasom
Fotografia: Rui Minderico
Câmaras: Maria João Pacheco, Rita Martins, Bernardo Fonseca, Paulo Teixeira
Edição Making of: Marlene Santos
DVD: João Aguiar
Secretariado de Produção: Inês Fernandes
Produção: Escola das Artes / Universidade Católica
para Capital Europeia da Cultura Guimarães 2012 / A Oficina
Espectáculo de Apresentação de Guimarães Capital Europeia da Cultura 2012, decorreu na Praça da Oliveira em 14 | 07 | 09. Concepção e produção - Vitor Joaquim, música - L'Ego | Eurico Coelho, imagens para projecção mapeada sobre arquitectura - Hugo Olim, João Aguiar, Marlene Santos, animação 3D - Eurico Coelho, iluminação - Edgar Alberto, direcção de som - João Hora | Lourisom, direcção de projecções - Fidelino Ferreira | Alfasom, secretariado de produção - Inês Fernandes. Trabalho produzido em 6 dias no Centro Cultural Vilaflor em Guimarães.
Um trabalho comissionado por Guimarães 2012 CEC (Capital Europeia da Cultura)
A work commisioned by Guimarães 2012 CEC (European Capital of Culture)
(Announcement Ceremony)
Conceito, Direcção e Produção: Vitor Joaquim
Musica: Eurico Coelho
Textos: Fernando Pessoa (Alberto Caeiro) - excertos de O Guardador de Rebanhos
Imagens para Projecção: Edgar Alberto, Eurico Coelho, João Aguiar, Hugo Olim, Marlene Santos
Iluminação: Edgar Alberto
Projecção Móvel: António Jorge Gonçalves
Bailarina: Rafaela Salvador
Direcção de Som: João Hora / Lourisom
Direcção de Projecções: Fidelino Ferreira / Alfasom
Fotografia: Rui Minderico
Câmaras: Maria João Pacheco, Rita Martins, Bernardo Fonseca, Paulo Teixeira
Edição Making of: Marlene Santos
DVD: João Aguiar
Secretariado de Produção: Inês Fernandes
Produção: Escola das Artes / Universidade Católica
para Capital Europeia da Cultura Guimarães 2012 / A Oficina
Espectáculo de Apresentação de Guimarães Capital Europeia da Cultura 2012, decorreu na Praça da Oliveira em 14 | 07 | 09. Concepção e produção - Vitor Joaquim, música - L'Ego | Eurico Coelho, imagens para projecção mapeada sobre arquitectura - Hugo Olim, João Aguiar, Marlene Santos, animação 3D - Eurico Coelho, iluminação - Edgar Alberto, direcção de som - João Hora | Lourisom, direcção de projecções - Fidelino Ferreira | Alfasom, secretariado de produção - Inês Fernandes. Trabalho produzido em 6 dias no Centro Cultural Vilaflor em Guimarães.
Visual Collision
We were invited by PIA (Projectos Intervenção Artística) to do a multimedia project focusing on Darwin's Evolution of the Species, especially focusing on the Sight. The two-day presentation took place inside the garden of a monastery in Estremoz, Portugal, early September. This is a trailer of the 20m performance that was played live by the Atomic Tour Project.
Commissioned by Centro Ciência Viva Estremoz / PIA
Production: Videomorphose
Video: Videomorphose & Artvib (using all kinds of VJ footage)
Original Music: The Atomic Tour Project (Pedro Gil-keyboards, João Oliveira-laptop, Julio Gil-bass, vocals)
Commissioned by Centro Ciência Viva Estremoz / PIA
Production: Videomorphose
Video: Videomorphose & Artvib (using all kinds of VJ footage)
Original Music: The Atomic Tour Project (Pedro Gil-keyboards, João Oliveira-laptop, Julio Gil-bass, vocals)
Vokak (RU)
NiTE_CDH_29_10_10 from Vokak on Vimeo.
ДХ, Крымский Вал, 10
Byetone - AudioVisual Live
Robert Lippok (To Rococo Rot) - Live
Grischa Lichtenberger - AudioVisual Live
Nite - AudioVisual Live
Masha Era - AudioVisual Live
Chasma (Ol & Guttersnipe) Nervmusic Live
Zabelin (Hi-Freaks)
NITe-iCantry from Vokak on Vimeo.
Nite_MIGZ_04_09 from Vokak on Vimeo.
Roger Waters - Run Like Hell - Chicago 9/20/10
FREE COMPLETE DVD DOWNLOADS of Roger Waters shows. There is no need to pay any money for things that can be legally downloaded for free. Email me for details.
Roger Waters performing Run Like Hell at the United Center, Chicago, IL, September 20, 2010.
Note: "iKill" at 3:50 (out of field of view)
If you can, go see the show!! It is phenomenal... a one-of-a-kind mulitmedia extravaganza. You won''t be disappointed.
Entire show posted to major torrent sites.
The Wall Live Tour Musicians:
Drums: Graham Broad
Guitars: Dave Kilminster, G.E. Smith, Snowy White
Bass: Roger Waters
Keyboards: Jon Carin, Harry Waters
Lead Vocals: Robbie Wyckoff, Roger Waters
Backing Vocals: Jon Joyce, Mark Lennon, Patl Lennon, Kipp Lennon
Roger Waters performing Run Like Hell at the United Center, Chicago, IL, September 20, 2010.
Note: "iKill" at 3:50 (out of field of view)
If you can, go see the show!! It is phenomenal... a one-of-a-kind mulitmedia extravaganza. You won''t be disappointed.
Entire show posted to major torrent sites.
The Wall Live Tour Musicians:
Drums: Graham Broad
Guitars: Dave Kilminster, G.E. Smith, Snowy White
Bass: Roger Waters
Keyboards: Jon Carin, Harry Waters
Lead Vocals: Robbie Wyckoff, Roger Waters
Backing Vocals: Jon Joyce, Mark Lennon, Patl Lennon, Kipp Lennon
sound and light installation
DJ Light (DJ Luz), Lima 2010 from Cinimod Studio on Vimeo.
DJ Light is an immersive public sound and light installation that gives visitors the power to orchestrate an awe-inspiring performance of light and sound across a large public space. It was created for energy company Endesa as the cornerstone of their Christmas celebrations in Lima, Peru.
DJ Light is about the exhilaration of one person taking control over a massive space and manipulating the incredible array of light and sound within it using nothing more than their own body. It is an empowering experience where the public is invited to be the artist.
The installation consists of 85 giant globes of light, each capable of displaying millions of colours. As the "guest DJ" assumes their position on the podium, they can use their arms to point and gesture. These movements are translated in real-time into beautiful movements of light and generative sound across the space.
Cinimod Studio are known for their innovative use of technologies, and it is therefore no surprise that "DJ Light" employs some truly innovative technologies. The main controlling hardware and software utilised for DJ Light was made especially for the project, and combines years of on-going research and development.
Each of the inflatable globes contain custom LED lighting, designed and fabricated for maximum controllability and energy efficiency. Each globe has a unique identity that allows the colour to be controlled from the main DJ podium. Suspended above the podium is a high accuracy thermal tracking camera that has been developed by Cinimod to allow for live tracking of the "guest DJ". By tracking every movement of the person below, this camera communicates control signals to the main software programme that is responsible for the live sound and light generation.
With over 400 channels of lighting control and a multi-directional sound system, DJ Light is comprised of a technically advanced set-up. However it is the intention and desire of Cinimod Studio that the focus of the public should be on the beautiful and ephemeral effect of the artwork, rather than on the technology that underlies it.
Project Credits:
Concept design, realisation and implementation: Cinimod Studio (London, UK)
Software programming: Cinimod Studio with Henrik Ekeus (London, UK)
Local project management: Claudia Paz & Cesar Castro (Lima, Peru)
Local production team: Arquileds and Consetec (Lima, Peru)
RE: ISMAR from RE: on Vimeo.
RE: is an audiovisual installation by Bram Snijders (Sitd) and Carolien Teunisse (check profile for full description) and was part of ‘Borderless Reality,’ an exhibition co-organized by art center nabi, ISMAR 2010 and V2_Institute for the Unstable Media.
It explored a borderless world developed from the point where physical reality and virtual layer become entangled in augmented and mixed reality technologies.
With the help of V2_Lab the artists have been able to take RE: to a higher level.
RE:MIXED Soundscape by Tommie v. Breukelen soundcloud.com/futurejesus
Emotional LAG
Emotional LAG from emotional lag /// visualbasic on Vimeo.
Emotional lag. -Tomo nº1 "B&N".
musica: Dot alison.
VJ en tiempo real.
definición posible - podras encontrar aqui.
Modul8 and iPad Touch OSC system
Marquee Nightclub Las Vegas, Visual Experience and AVDJFX from CPU on Vimeo.
Modul8 and iPad Touch OSC system, AVDJFX (TouchDesigner) system; developed by vSquared Labs
Loop Study
Loop Study - 01.05.2011 - 01 from archo_p on Vimeo.
Using looping and cyclical parameters to refine specific realtime graphical and geometric elements.
60 fps, 4 measures (4:4) @ 60 BPM : 64 second loop
If you'd like to use this clip, feel free to download and use in your mix. I would appreciate just a note to let me know who you are and what you're up to!
Loop Study - 01.04.2011 - 01 from archo_p on Vimeo.
Using looping and cyclical parameters to refine specific realtime graphical and geometric elements.
60 fps, 4 measures @ 120 BPM / 4:4 LOOP
If you'd like to use this clip, feel free to download and use in your mix. I would appreciate just a note to let me know who you are and what you're up to!
Loop Study - 01.03.2011 from archo_p on Vimeo.
Using looping and cyclical parameters to refine specific realtime graphical and geometric elements.
60 fps, 4 measures @ 120 BPM / 4:4 LOOP
If you'd like to use this clip, feel free to download and use in your mix. I would appreciate just a note to let me know who you are and what you're up to!
Nosaj Thing vs. Aalto @ LUNCHMEAT 2010
Nosaj Thing vs. Aalto @ LUNCHMEAT 2010 from ...::LUNCHMEAT::... on Vimeo.
Show of "Nosaj Thing & Aalto" at Lunchmeat Festival 2010 hold in MeetFactory = the best club and art space in Prague / Czech republic.
Romain Tardy alias Aalto spent 14 days before the performance in the first Lunchmeat's art residency. He prepared the stage design and unique visual show for Nosaj Thing. Small team of carpenters helped him to construct the wooden base, which was coveder by more than 500 polystyrene triangles.
Thanks to our partners, without whom the project could not grow up!
main technical partner:
3M (3mmedia.cz)
City of Prague (praha.eu)
Ministery of Culture (mkcr.cz)
MeetFactory (meetfactory.cz)
Red Bull Music Academy (redbull.cz)
Jägermeister (jaegermeister.cz)
Hydroponic (hydroponic.cz)
OP Tiger (optiger.cz)
Aalto (romaintardy.com)
Nosaj Thing (nosajthing.com)
Lunchmeat (lunchmeat.cz)
FOLLOW US FOR FRESH INFO @ FB -> facebook.com/lunchmeatfestival
Thom Buttery PRYMEDIA
Odd From Every Angle from Thom Buttery PRYMEDIA on Vimeo.
Video feedback using a projector and video camera.
Using on board camera editing techniques and external flashes to create animated feedback.
Edited to "Odd From Every Angle" by Tipper
Prymedia Visuals from Thom Buttery PRYMEDIA on Vimeo.
Visual clips and mixes, including live footage from events.
All material is made from Prymedia photography, video and stop motion animation.....
Edited to 'Tipper' 'Multiplexus'
Lovely Bloodflow from Thom Buttery PRYMEDIA on Vimeo.
A mix of Prymedia visuals edited to Lovely Blooflow by Baths on Anticon record label...
All the visuals were made under or in front of camera and edited together in Final Cut Pro.
Some video feedback and long exposures using a record player....
Odd From Every Angle from Thom Buttery PRYMEDIA on Vimeo.
Video feedback using a projector and video camera.
Using on board camera editing techniques and external flashes to create animated feedback.
Edited to "Odd From Every Angle" by Tipper
Prymedia Visuals from Thom Buttery PRYMEDIA on Vimeo.
Visual clips and mixes, including live footage from events.
All material is made from Prymedia photography, video and stop motion animation.....
Edited to 'Tipper' 'Multiplexus'
Lovely Bloodflow from Thom Buttery PRYMEDIA on Vimeo.
A mix of Prymedia visuals edited to Lovely Blooflow by Baths on Anticon record label...
All the visuals were made under or in front of camera and edited together in Final Cut Pro.
Some video feedback and long exposures using a record player....
WORLD LEAGUE - SVEN VÄTH from Genelabo on Vimeo.
Sven Väth @ World League - Kongresshalle Munich Dezember 2010 - Visuals and Lights by Crushed Eyes & Doublevisions
X-RAY10 from COLOR BLIND on Vimeo.
Download loops pack "X-RAY" in 1280x720 pixels @ vjloophd.blogspot.com/
Please,if you download packs,make one or two clicks on the ads by google.
Blog will be update regularly.
undermeta-b from beeple on Vimeo.
Free source material released under Creative Commons.
Cinema 4D project file: beeple-crap.com/resources.php
more: vimeo.com/channels/beeple
info: beeple-crap.com
daily artwork: facebook.com/beeple
Download this video
arrival 2011
arrival 2011 from Vj TiTech on Vimeo.
new year greetings to the world of the 21st centruryJane Urban (Boston, MA)
janerhcp at yahoo.com
jmurban at massart.edu
Dry and Dusty from Jane Urban on Vimeo.
Song: Dry and Dusty by Fever Ray
November 2010
Bluuuuuuhhhhh from Jane Urban on Vimeo.
I have a ton of flashlight test shots and I mixed some of them together with painty-blacklight shots. This wasn't really well planned but I basically see it as a test that makes me really really really want to do some crazy epic shit with drizzly watered down blacklight paint going all over peoplezzz.
Song: FML by Deadmau5
September 2010
circles from Jane Urban on Vimeo.
song - beach party tonight by yo la tengo
december 2010
janerhcp at yahoo.com
jmurban at massart.edu
Dry and Dusty from Jane Urban on Vimeo.
Song: Dry and Dusty by Fever Ray
November 2010
Bluuuuuuhhhhh from Jane Urban on Vimeo.
I have a ton of flashlight test shots and I mixed some of them together with painty-blacklight shots. This wasn't really well planned but I basically see it as a test that makes me really really really want to do some crazy epic shit with drizzly watered down blacklight paint going all over peoplezzz.
Song: FML by Deadmau5
September 2010
circles from Jane Urban on Vimeo.
song - beach party tonight by yo la tengo
december 2010
iMixHD Mixer Controller App (teaser)
iMixHD Mixer Controller App (teaser) from VJFader on Vimeo.
For controlling TV One 1T-C2-750 Dual DVI (HD) mixer, using MIDI or software UI, coded in Processing.
for more info please visit:
Special Thanks:
Sleepy Tom
VJ Leo
VJ Magnet
Forever, Never Tired
Forever, Never Tired from Colin Evoy Sebestyen on Vimeo.
This project was created in 2010 as a live video challenge.
School: Academy of Art University, San Francisco
Department: Computer Arts, VFX
Class: Compositing for Motion Graphics 2
Instructor: Colin Evoy Sebestyen
"Memento Mori"
Creative Brief:
We will be creating a collaborative video project for San Francisco based musician Edison. Edison has been gracious enough to lend us audio stems for our visual experiment. The piece will be broken into sections and handed off to different designers. Each section of the track will be broken into individual pieces for each of the designers.
We will break into 3 teams and share assets and art direction.
Each team will be given an A section and a B section to produce. These design elements need to work together overlaid in add or multiply blend mode, as well as work individually as pieces of design. As such, this will be a design challenge of designing in systems and layers.
Art Direction:
Each team will receive the same design packet containing typefaces, color palettes, and art direction. Each team is required to use the elements in the art kit, and then also incorporate 3 additional design elements of their own concepts into the system. Each team can draw from their customized art kit for their animations.
Art Kit concepts and elements:
• Human skull scanned from a high quality cast using DavidLaserScanner software
• Aller Type family
• Platonic primitives
• Utilize the 30 60 90 diagonal system in the Smile HD Gridsystem as a guide in AE and in C4D for the basis of your animation
• Optional type-
Two stanzas typical of memento mori in mediaeval music are from the virelai ad mortem festinamus of the Catalan Llibre Vermell de Montserrat from 1399:
"Vita brevis breviter in brevi finietur,
Mors venit velociter quae neminem veretur,
Omnia mors perimit et nulli miseretur.
Ad mortem festinamus peccare desistamus."
“Life is short, and shortly it will end;
Death comes quickly and respects no one,
Death destroys everything and takes pity on no one.
To death we are hastening, let us refrain from sinning.”
Audio sync technics:
2D or Keyframe animation-
Set markers or keys and hand animate parameters of your design elements. Examples include: 2D animation in Flash and assigning these elements as materials on your geometry inside C4d.
Sound Effector:
To create movements based on the sound with your audio amplitude, you may import the stems via the sound effector and pipe the output from the sound effector into your mograph objects, or to any parameter inside Cinema4d utilizing expresso, and the mograph sample data node.
Post Production:
To create visual sync with your animations based on the melody, you may create visual changes in post production utilizing After Effects. You can achieve this parametrically using the keyframe assistants > convert audio to keyframes or Trapcode’s soundkeys, or just tap in the rhythm and do it by hand. Examples of these visual changes in post production include: driving masks, effect on layers using adjustment layers, or reintroducing 2D elements from your art kit back into the composition.
Due Next Week:
• Designs and additions to your team’s art kit
• Sketches for motion
• minimum 3 test sound sync renders utilizing the mograph module, cloner objects, and effectors, using simple platonic objects as your clones.
Due in two weeks
• Renders “A Section”
Due in three weeks
• “A” Section revisions
• Renders “B Section”
Digital Files:
• Don’t forget to bring copies of the digital files you used for every assignment. These files may become valuable tools when troubleshooting files with problems. If you do not bring your files, it will not be possible to take the time to solve your problem.
Thank You!
STENZ LE FREAK from sinsynplus on Vimeo.
Visuals by..
sinsynplus (shado, kopffuessler.org | München)
Audio by..
Headman (Relish Recordings)
live at Parktheater Kempten | 16.07.2010
Cycling ’74 Releases Vizzie
Video Modules Free to Owners of Jitter
San Francisco, CA • November 19, 2010 — Cycling ’74 today released Vizzie, a set of modules for quick and unique video creation in Max/MSP/Jitter. Users just grab a few simple Vizzie modules, connect them together and almost instantly have a VJ rig or interactive video work, complete with real-time effects. Since Vizzie uses Jitter under the hood, it integrates seamlessly with all existing Max/MSP/Jitter objects. Even advanced users will benefit from these modules through increased productivity.
Cycling ’74 is also offering a discount on Jitter until January 19, 2011. Retail Jitter prices have been reduced $100 or more. More details can be found on the cycling74.com website and from Cycling ’74 resellers.
About Cycling ’74
Cycling ’74 creates software for the specialized needs of artists, educators, and researchers working with audio, visual media, and physical computing. Our visual programming tools Max, MSP, and Jitter serve as the creative engine behind thousands of innovative projects.
More information about Cycling ’74 and its entire product line available at http://www.cycling74.com.
Graphics available at http://cycling74.com/category/press-releases/.
San Francisco, CA • November 19, 2010 — Cycling ’74 today released Vizzie, a set of modules for quick and unique video creation in Max/MSP/Jitter. Users just grab a few simple Vizzie modules, connect them together and almost instantly have a VJ rig or interactive video work, complete with real-time effects. Since Vizzie uses Jitter under the hood, it integrates seamlessly with all existing Max/MSP/Jitter objects. Even advanced users will benefit from these modules through increased productivity.
Cycling ’74 is also offering a discount on Jitter until January 19, 2011. Retail Jitter prices have been reduced $100 or more. More details can be found on the cycling74.com website and from Cycling ’74 resellers.
About Cycling ’74
Cycling ’74 creates software for the specialized needs of artists, educators, and researchers working with audio, visual media, and physical computing. Our visual programming tools Max, MSP, and Jitter serve as the creative engine behind thousands of innovative projects.
More information about Cycling ’74 and its entire product line available at http://www.cycling74.com.
Graphics available at http://cycling74.com/category/press-releases/.
Test Vizzie
modulating color with home-made midi controller in vizzie
Music: http://soundcloud.com/halpmusic
Just a first try with those magnifik modules in Jitter VIZZIE... This video is auto generated in Abelton Live and play with just about 10 photos...
Music: http://soundcloud.com/halpmusic
Just a first try with those magnifik modules in Jitter VIZZIE... This video is auto generated in Abelton Live and play with just about 10 photos...
C74 Tutorials
Get started using VIZZIE, the quickest and easiest way to build Jitter patches.
Get started controlling videos with Vizzie, the quickest and easiest way to build Jitter patches.
Get started routing videos with Vizzie, the quickest and easiest way to build Jitter patches.
Get started controlling videos with Vizzie, the quickest and easiest way to build Jitter patches.
Get started routing videos with Vizzie, the quickest and easiest way to build Jitter patches.
CHASMA - m13
CHASMA - m13 from Papa Bender on Vimeo.
enjoy new music by Denis Kaznacheev and Oleg Buyanov and video by Papa Bender
Visual Director
ECI Allstars vol.1 "WINTER" from 6mmSIN on Vimeo.
ECI Winter Compilation
ECI Allstars vol.1
by 6mmSIN
Art direction: 6mmSIN, Hospital Photograph, J-Path
Music Edit & Rearrangement: J-Path
Director of Photography: Hospital Photograph
Filmed: VisualFactory_DOT, Hospital Photograph
Edited & Visual Effects: 6mmSIN (VisualFactory_DOT)
ROOM 301_BAGAGEE VIPHEX13 from 6mmSIN on Vimeo.
ROOM 301_Teaser Video
by 6mmSIN
ECI Allstars vol.1 "WINTER" from 6mmSIN on Vimeo.
ECI Winter Compilation
ECI Allstars vol.1
by 6mmSIN
Art direction: 6mmSIN, Hospital Photograph, J-Path
Music Edit & Rearrangement: J-Path
Director of Photography: Hospital Photograph
Filmed: VisualFactory_DOT, Hospital Photograph
Edited & Visual Effects: 6mmSIN (VisualFactory_DOT)
ROOM 301_BAGAGEE VIPHEX13 from 6mmSIN on Vimeo.
ROOM 301_Teaser Video
by 6mmSIN
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